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Everything posted by b-side

  1. certified 100% Mutt here.... and I'm a Scorpio too
  2. Have you been hidin' those booobies all this time ? WHY ?
  3. b-side

    colombian lingerie

    www.caliescali.com Def. hot swimsuits, and hot chicas
  4. these are pretty interesting too..
  5. Although it sounds easy it's actually quite expensive to secure and maintain... I suggest partner with someone who had already done the backbone and have a sub site in your domain that give you credit for the sales... Check out http://www.digitaljaymusic.com/ Let me know if you like to work with us. If you still want to do it on your own do ****** that can link to secure link for the particular audio download
  6. Try a Aural Processor / Sonic Maximizer.... And def. get a serious Power Protector (Monstercable, Rackrider, etc..) > Maybe you need a compressor-limiter if you are not the only one using this setup... Hope this helps, B~
  7. But if you do YOU WON'T BE DISSAPOINTED
  8. I'd still trade Ya Flip...... My life including DJ Career & industry contacts... for your Wife But I already Know your answer.....................I'd have to be Hugh Hef. for you to even think about trading.... LOL
  9. House Muzil ALL NIGHT LONG !!!!
  10. b-side

    Stacey Dash

    I wonder, How is she related to Dame Dash (of RockaFella Records) ?
  11. A nice one for such a young euro girl
  12. BULLSHIT.... I don't rememeber a hot pic.... it wasn't a nude / semi-nude one.... and you prob posted it in one of the Tri-state boards moderate some naked pics pwwwwweeeeeaaaazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzeee
  13. I'll have to make sure MENG is Down.... and I'd expect that Jackie would be interested as well The Jeff FLyer is pretty dope
  14. Welll I'll even post mine ( a cock shot) if you FINALLY POST YOURS !!!! N.B.
  15. Ohhhhh D7 !!! didn't know U liked her... you missed it man..... She Played @ my Monday night D&B Party FYI: I am the offical president of the Reid Speed Fan Club.... She's sooooo hot and such an AWESOME ... I had a great time kicking it with her @ Maydaze
  16. Actually I'm better friends with the blonde in the black-ground... she's actually the reason I stopped for a pic in the first place.... This is NOT a good picture of her.... she's actually way hotter
  17. I almost forgot to include in my list of weekly freakly friends http://photos.freeones.com/k_babes/Kira_Kener_002/images/potd_0409.jpg http://www.bnbabes.com/Protected_Sub/images/MB2KiraKener02.jpg She's actually quite a goofball, and pretty fun person to party with!!!
  18. b-side


    A Private Island.... My own Club.... & at least 5 women for me alone Rain, clothing, and exact location of sex are optional
  19. Disclaimer: I didn't make this up; my friend from Peru sent this to me; but I do love the gringos course CURSO DE INGLES DE EMERGENCIA (Gringos, down there is some for you) Si tiene que viajar de emergencia a los Estados Unidos y no tiene tiempo para aprender inglés, léase esto; lo puede salvar en un momento de necesidad: Si quiere una COCA-COLA diga GUIMI A COUC. Si quiere un café y una dona diga COFI AN DONOT. Si quiere unos huevos con jamón diga JAM AN EGS. Si se agarra un dedo con la puerta del Taxi diga FAC. Si algo le parece muy costoso diga FAC. Si se cae en el metro diga FAC. Si lo asaltan en el Bronx diga FAC. Si se encuentra con una mujer de esas de película diga UARA FAC! Si alguien le grita algo que contenga FAC responda FAQUIU TU. Si pierde el pasaporte, detenga un policía y diga AI LOST MAI FAQUIN PEIPERS. Si se pierde en la ciudad, grite AI AM FAQUIN LOST. Cuando se refiera a un tercero diga DE FAQUIN GAI OVERDER. Si quiere acostarse con una morenota dígale AI UANA FAC WIT YU. Si quiere acostarse con una rubia dígale JELOU, CAN AI FAQUIU? Si no sabe dónde tomar un Taxi diga JAO YU GUET A FAQUIN CAB? Si esta muy enojado no diga REFAC, sólo diga FAC varias veces. Si le quieren tomar el pelo pregunte ARYU FAQUIN WIZ MI? Y si estas instrucciones no le sirven de mucho...."Uat da FAC YU uant?" SPANISH FOR GRINGOS (Para que los Gringos aprendan castellano) There's always something to learn or to try, sometimes you need to say a phrase in Spanish, but you don't know how to say it, don't worry, It's not a problem any more, if your are a gringo and you don't know how to speak Spanish, the Smart Gringo Class might be helpful in your learning process. For instance, we took from it some common phrases, just try it and you'll see the difference and how easy it is to speak Spanish. Boy a c n r = Voy a cenar = I'm gonna have dinner N L C John = en el sillon = on the armchair Be a hope and son = viejo panzon = fat old man Who and see to seek ago = Juancito se cago = Little John shit all over himself. S toy tree stone = estoy triston = I'm kind a sad. Lost trap eat toss = los trapitos = the little rags Desk can saw = descanso = rest. As say toon as = aceitunas = olives. The head the star mall less stan dough = deje de estar molestando = stop bugging around. See eye = si hay = yes we have T n s free o ? = tienes frio = are you cold? T N S L P P B N T S O = Tienes el pipi bien tieso = you have an erection. Tell o boy ah in cruise tar = Te lo voy a incrustar = I'm going to plug it into you
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