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Everything posted by b-side

  1. Thought some of the Clubbers would dig this video... http://uk.download.yahoo.com/ne/fu/oa/eurcncs185030.mpg or http://www.citroenc4.co.uk/
  2. Of course with an ass that round and tight... Got to be Brasilian.... Do tell where are the links.... I need to see more of her
  3. b-side

    ATTN: Nympho69

    Where are you dear..... I miss U I'm in need of some good CyberSex And U are the only one that can do it for me Signed, Ur favorite
  4. Hope U don't get 2 and oversleep and miss Ur flight Have a safe trip Bro
  5. Well, it all depends on the price you are paying for it... If is sounds better than the price go for it (it's a back up piece anyway) and their's not many affordabe quality rotoraries... People believe that Pioneer is soo much better the the rest and honestly they all come from the same sweat shops in Asia (pioneer DJ division & Stanton have the same internal components.. Numark & Gemini come literally from the same factory for mixer & CD products)... Now A&H and RANE do most of their own assembly and spec a higer quality part (pending on the model #) Not all RANE's & A&H's are great. Most are overpriced because they say everything is made in USA or U.K. but a lot of their parts are made in ASIA. I know this for fact because I e-mail these same factories and manufacturers daily... and visit their trade shows annually. FYI: I have a mixer design coming out in around March/April. which addresses many of the concerns that I and many other DJ's have had with other products. And once you hear it and the FX there's an obvious difference that the audio quality and features are better the competition (and it's cheaper).
  6. ROLL CALL ??? I't been a long time since I've been out dancing and not working.... SO I wanna know who's REALLY gonna be there
  7. Where's the ORGY.... Ooopss I meant Happy B-Day Sweetie Still want that Sex Toy for your B-Day ???
  8. b-side

    Daniella Cicarelli

    Hot Bad , Eh ? If you can't see then http://cicarelli.iespana.es/cicarelli/
  9. b-side


    Panama City, PA
  10. If I don't wear it out I'll be playing remixes of this for years to come...
  11. :???: Not sure why no one has stated this yet..... But many know that most SuperStar DJ Carrers are built on bussiness agreements and deals between labels, promoters, & media... As a business man I would be pissed and bash him too... DJ Mag did pretty much make his carrer (along with Blackhole) By not showing up he "bit the hand that fed him"! And don't think I'm bashing Tiesto etiher, he's actually a pretty chill guy to say he blew up overnight and stayed there for a long time... IMO He's much better than PVD or Oakey anyday (even though I don't care for that style)
  12. LOL koky u r nutz BTW Tell I still have his River Jersey... and once again I'm back in town for a while So he better catch me before start sportin' his shirt.. or put it on e-bay (LOL)
  13. ODB, Big Baby Jesus, Dirt McGirt.. etc... Will definately be missed... One of the most charismatic memebers of WU... I did have the opportunity to meet him and definately will do my part to pass on his legacy.... of truth and realness.... !!!! We Will Miss U Russel !!!!!! R.I.P. http://www.billboard.com/bb/daily/article_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=1000719212
  14. ODB, Big Baby Jesus, Dirt McGirt.. etc... Will definately be missed... One of the most charismatic memebers of WU... I did have the opportunity to meet him and definately will do my part to pass on his legacy.... of truth and realness.... !!!! We Will Miss U Russel !!!!!! R.I.P. http://www.billboard.com/bb/daily/article_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=1000719212
  15. b-side

    Hot Bitches.

    Car ? :???: WhAT cAr ???
  16. This WONDERFUL news is just being posted???? You ladies should all be very verrry proud... You are all Beautiful, and the picture is of high quality an pretty tasteful (no pun intended) But, I'm being DeaD Serious... it's really nice... I have not seen an all female pic that made me this excited since the Womens Brasilian Futbol Issue!!!
  17. Scorpio: Scorpio: This is a time for dreaming, for healing and for helping those less fortunate than you. Your instincts can carry you up to your highest ideals, filling you with inspiration and showing those around you how magical life can be. You may not have your usual sense of humor. You take things seriously and are not easily convinced by others. On the other hand, you do have the power of persuasion and can get people to change their beliefs or ideas. You can easily waste your energy and time if you are not careful here. It is appropriate to pursue your dreams, but you can do it in realistic, practical ways. You may be super-sensitive physically now so give yourself time to recuperate. You could be feeling a bit tired now from taking on so much responsibility. It is wonderful to help others, but this is no time to sacrifice your health. Take the time to recuperate so that you can continue to help others in the future. We are the TOP of the Sexual Pyramid Ruling the House of Sex can either be a blessing or a curse, and a lot depends on how the wily Scorpion deals with this erotic burden. Those mystical and magical creatures born under the sign of Scorpio are quick to channel their raw energy, power and strength into an exploration of their lover's emotions and sexuality. The Scorpion is intuitive and wants to get to the bottom of things, so there's no keeping secrets from this sexy Sign (although they'll surely keep a few of their own). An alluring resourcefulness and self-confidence is also evident in Scorpios, these folks being keenly attuned to what's best for them and how to get it. Anyone willing to take on the Scorpion will be engaging a cosmic power with plentiful sexual urges. The good news? A caring and devoted lover awaits. On the flip side, don't cross them, because those stingers can leave a heck of a welt.
  18. Thanks For all the LUV Folks... I'm Travelin' as Usuall ... In 3-rd world countries without good connections... But who needs the internet with Food & Women this GOOD Now in Costa Rica @ a 5star Resort with Wi-Fi (YEAH!) So I'm finally Saying Whats Up 2 You Slackers Damn SomeB. I didn't know we had the same exact date..... WOW.... We should ... I'm sure we'd be quite a match LOL ThanX again, and I hope 2 see sum of U @ Nocturnal when I return.. Peace, Paix, Paz, B~
  19. Time for me to visit Eurasia
  20. Now I'm gonna leave the country even Sooner !!!
  21. It'z On Post Work Countdown until 2-Night!
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