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Everything posted by b-side

  1. Let me be the Judge of that
  2. Do I need to get Saleen on this post to unite you latinas once again ?? Thanks for the info... I already have Uruguay on Lock... the radio interviews pretty much cover all the promotion I would need there. But B.A. is soooo big even with the Radio & Video guest spots I still don't reach the underground (which I love so dearly
  3. Anybody else from Argentina besides Koky & Happyface ? I'm looking for websites like Buenosaliens. to help promote my tour next month, any suggestions would be helpful... Uruguay would be helpful too, but I'm not pushing my luck (I know Uru is tiny) Paz, Lado~B
  4. A verry good and detailed article (for men & women) All the Way In by Maris Lemieux Gather round suckers and aspiring suckers, here's the lo-down on deep throat, the art of getting a man's penis so far in that you can lap his balls with your tongue. For me, deep throat has always just sort of happened amid the excitement: he's moaning and writhing so hard I can taste him aching to come off; saliva is pouring out of my mouth down his cock; my face, his root, my hand, his balls are one big viscous puddle; I've got every bit of him in there and I want more; between us it's all drooling and thrashing, and the infamous gag response feels like just one more nipple twinging shudder. Yeah, my nipples twinge when that gag thing happens -- that's in the heat of the moment, as I said. So then, how to do deep throat? I guess, I'd have to say, the easiest way to go is to love cock and have a serious hunger on -- or if you're in a steady relationship, to love him, love his cock, love to make him cum stars and stripes. Are you with me so far? Of course, there's a more methodical approach. But before we get to that you should know there are actually guys who say receiving deep throat is not the best feeling in the world. And some people will have to work harder than others to get deep throat down. This means there's a small risk that you'll put in all kinds of time working on the skills: open throat exercises, suppressing the gag response, etc. Only to find it was all for naught. So first of all, take things lightly and at your own pace. Now for the nuts and bolts. Step one: guys who want to receive deep throat get your lover so horny it hurts. Step two: lube, lube and more lube. Now it doesn't have to mean store bought lube -- although you'll find plenty of recommendations out there -- some that taste like mint, some that are actually make-up removers, some that numb the throat. Feel free to explore these options. But to someone who likes the natural body lube of saliva these all sound rather unpleasant (especially the throat numbing one). Also feel free to experiment with tasty creative lubrications from your kitchen, edible substances that may be soft, gooey and taste pretty good. But saliva works just fine in large quantities -- the trick is getting the large quantities. The good news is that as you get into your deep throat frenzy, your own system will cough up plenty of lube, so to speak, because the gag response has the added benefit of helping you make tons of gooey, ooey saliva. Speaking of which, the gag response is the first thing anyone ever tells you about Deep Throat and they approach it as something to "suppress" and "get over." No wonder initiates into the art of deep throating dread it or imagine it to be an onerous chore. The gag response is simply that handy little diet tool used by bulimics (yes, I'm being facetious!), the thing that happens when you stick your finger down your throat far enough to touch the fleshy little spur hanging off the back of your mouth roof (called the uvula). It's a natural response and it surely does kick in when you shove a full length penis down there. So before I go into "how to get around the gag response," let me just say that the scenario described above -- one hot, horny, orally fixated sucker -- can work WITH the gag response, not against it. In a way, you kind of swallow just ahead of it, as if you're in a race with the response, though admittedly sometimes it wins. Step three: If you're lucky enough to be receiving deep throat, ham it up. Don't rock and grind, cause that's going to make everything more difficult for the new sucker, but feel free to moan, shudder, suck in air with a hiss, and otherwise let the sucker know how damned good it feels. Also, once your partner gets revved up, play with whatever of their hot spots you can reach: his or her nipples, butt hole, clit, balls. The more excited your sucker is, the easier it will be for them to incorporate the gag response into their sense of overpowering pleasure. Almost gagging can truly feel like an ecstatic shudder, if you're wildly in the throes of gulping cock. But, OK. Many partners are loving and willing, but not voraciously oral. These people may have to work a little harder with the gag response. So whatever category of oralist you're in, here's all the right things to do: Find the best position. Some say come at the penis straight down from the top. Many say come from the sid. Personally, I find coming in from the side the only way. It's all about teeth (see below). But every couple is going to be different depending on mouth and dick sizes, shapes, flexibility and all sorts of other things. The trick is to have the mouth and throat lined up, and so many say that lying in bed on your back with your head hanging over the edge is the best -- especially for starters, until you get used to the sensations and your own gag response. Even if this position doesn't work for you, it gives you an idea of what it takes to make the straight pipeline that makes deep throat smooth drilling. Step four: Basic Fellatio 101 prime directive (in case you're going straight to deep throat from never sucking dick in your life): Beware of teeth! Whatever else you do, lock your lips over those teeth and don't let go until his penis is out and clear of your mouth. If you never get his cock all the way inside down your throat, it will be a far, far better thing than if you even once let your teeth scrape his dick. If he feels teeth, he'll let you know it. Get yourself into one of these scrapes with a new lover and it could just end your oral career with that guy forever. Step five: Relax. Now an accomplished deep throater may tell you they prefer to be "excited" or "hot." But "relax" is good advice for practitioners who may be a little leery of the art form. Relax in the sense of don't be all tense and nervous. Be chilled, be loose. Some will tell you to have a drink -- that's the kind of relaxed they're talking about. As to relaxing your throat, the word out there can be confusing. Some experts will say relax the throat. Then someone else will say don't relax the throat. Here's what's happening. Certainly, "relax" doesn't mean go all slack-jawed like you're unconscious. It means relax your mouth so that it's not tight and stiff because you are all jumpy, like, just waiting for some foreign feeling against your throat to set you through the roof. Deep throat will definitely give you foreign feelings (unless you're the local hot dog swallowing champion) but try to convince yourself beforehand that they're going to be good feelings and work to make that happen. Step six: Tongue out, back of throat down. This is a method in the "don't relax" category that has some merit. You can actually practice and exercise the muscles. Sticking your tongue way out while pressing the back of your tongue down gives his voluptuous penis a little more room, meaning less pressure to your gag triggers. You can actually practice this, getting the tongue to press down, without penis. Or you can practice it with a dildo (see below). Scavenged from the web by DOC~B
  5. Bootyfull House Music....
  6. http://funny.ansme.com/politics/bush/build.html?334
  7. b-side

    Sunday School P3

    Classic Hip-Hop Night Downtown Ft. Lauderdale, FL
  8. 4 He really needs out support so PLEASE VOTE HERE Thanks and T TIMMAH! Tim-tim Timaw, rawr uh ahh Timmah! Thanks you Tooo...
  9. b-side

    I Love Claudia

    Super Chica !
  10. This shit is too funny http://www.vrinnovations.com/DemoVideo.htm I wonder how they are selling.. ??? DOC~B
  11. b-side

    Retiring my name

    I'll be more than happy to help restore your sex status... and even give you some international credibility Whenever U Are Ready.... I'm still waiting for some SEX ON THE BEACH ! Miami / Mexico / Brasil....
  12. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, WEAR YOUR B-DAY SUIT TONIGHT.... OR YOU CAN SHOW ME LATER I'll Have my paddle ready got give you some b-day licks
  13. Hey Clem, In case they both are out.. I do Live Nearby
  14. Is Marc V Still doing every Fri. there ? I have not been in a While ?
  15. There's been this big ordeal about a a Porn Store / Sex Shop in South FL http://www.citylinkmagazine.com/sex/sexhustler.html It's actually a stylish store... I'm glad to live around the corner... But, How many people would want to live next door... it ??? It's goot pretty cool toys... looks like i need to find a new girlfriend so I can TREAT her... http://www.hustlerhollywood.com/display_category.jhtml?id=cat14&navAction=jump&navFrom=nav_l
  16. They were treating, him and abusing him like a mule.... Esp. since he's such a nice guy... (we went to H.S. together in N.O.) He deserves to do whatever he wants to his body as long as it's no danger to others. Hell after 5 years of that and doing 2-in a row... I'd change my name to Ricky "Puffy" Williams. So what he quit ahead of his time ....
  17. b-side

    Good 2 B Home

    There's a LOT goin' on down there 1st Chile was extremely Chile... but I found out about the Mountain party scene... which was new to me... 2nd Lima is always a good turnout for me no less than 800-1200 people each time.. About the chiquititas... (i'm sure I spelled that wrong ) Chile has a little more variety (bcz of all the Argents') and Lima has the heart vibe of some real down to earth chicas.. who jsut happen to be models pumping gas. I thought about bringin' one back... no one would ever believe that I meet my wife because she pumped my gas in Lima
  18. b-side

    Good 2 B Home

    I can't begin to tell you how GLAD i am to be back HOME !!! I really enjoy S.A. but until we get a New Pres. the shit one has to put up with while traveling is JUST RIDICULOUS!!! FYI: if you do travel outside of the country be sure to Keep your driver's lisc. and passport completely seperate from each other (you may also want to have some expired credit cards too.) > My FL liscence and e-ticket are the only things that saved my ass... .if not for that I'd still be stuck in Peru! trying to prove I'm not peruvian. Oh and KoKy... Great GAME HUH
  19. b-side

    CrzyC Bday Party

    Hey C-C I'll be there ... if I don't get deported..... Long story but I finally was allowed BACK to the U.S. even though I HAD ID TO PROVE I LIVE HERE !!!
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