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Everything posted by b-side

  1. Many women get their hands done... (so don't be easily fooled) It's ones that keep thier toes done that usually fall into the "pretty pussy posse"..
  2. Yo AJ... I have to DJ that same night but I could stop by for at least and Hour... What time will James start ??
  3. U mean when GA2 was the only "Board Clown"
  4. b-side


  5. b-side

    Corporate Lessons

    Corporate Lesson #1 A man is getting into the shower just as his wife is finishing up her shower when the doorbell rings. After a few seconds of arguing over which one should go and answer the doorbell, the wife gives up, quickly wraps herself up in a towel and runs downstairs. When she opens the door, there stands Bob, the next door neighbor. Before she could say a word, Bob says, "I'll give you $800 to drop that towel that you have on." After thinking for a moment, the woman drops her towel and stands naked in front of Bob. After a few seconds, Bob hands her 800 dollars and leaves. Confused, but excited about her good fortune, the woman wraps back up in the towel and goes back upstairs. When she gets back to the bathroom, her husband asks from the shower, "Who was that?" "It was Bob the next door neighbor," she replies. "Great!" the husband says, "Did he say anything about the $800 he owes me?" Moral of the story: If you share critical information pertaining to credit and risk with your shareholders in time, you may be in a position to prevent avoidable exposure. ********************************************************************************************** Corporate Lesson #2 A priest was driving along and saw a nun on the side of the road. He stopped and offered her a lift which she accepted. She got in and crossed her legs, forcing her habit to open and reveal a lovely leg. The priest had a look and nearly had an accident. After controlling the car, he stealthily slid his hand up her leg. The nun looked at him and immediately said, "Father, remember Psalm 129?" The priest was flustered and apologized profusely. He forced himself to remove his hand. Changing gear, he let his hand slide up her leg again. The nun once again said, "Father, remember Psalm 129?" Once again the priest apologized, "Sorry, Sister, but the flesh is weak." Arriving at the convent, the nun got out gave him a meaningful glance and went on her way. Upon his arrival at the church, the priest rushed to retrieve a bible and looked up Psalm 129. It Said, "Go forth and seek, further up, you will find glory." Moral of the story: If you are not well informed in your job, you might miss a great opportunity. **************************************************************************************************************************************************** Corporate Lesson #3 A sales representative, an administration clerk, and the manager are walking to lunch when they find an antique oil lamp. They rub it and a Genie comes out in a puff of smoke. The Genie says, "I usually only grant three wishes, so I'll give each of you just one." "Me first! Me first!" says the admin clerk. "I want to be in the Bahamas, driving a speedboat, without a care in the world." Poof! She's gone. In astonishment, "Me next! Me next!" says the sales rep. "I want to be in Hawaii, relaxing on the beach with my personal masseuse, an endless supply of pina coladas, and the love of my life." Poof! He's gone. "OK, you're up," the Genie says to the manager. The manager says, "I want those two back in the office after lunch." Moral of the story: Always let your boss have the first say.
  6. Just wondering if any girls here own, or like them... Sort of a recent fetish of mine and was wondering how amy ladies appreciate them as a gift from the sig. other Gotta love the wistle :LMFAO:
  7. thanks 4 the info Phrank.... I didn't even know he was touring... If he makes it to the southern east coast (near DC/Atlanta).... I'm sure we can get him down here...
  8. b-side

    Aquabooty 4.0

    It's Time !!!
  9. Did i miss the ??? Feliz.... bella!
  10. I hear you are playin’ Peru pretty soon... Eric Kittel n OscarSchwarz @ 2do AiwaSessions 21 de Oct Can you confirm... this ??? > Oscar is a really cool guy and a good DJ.. I have his MSN & e-mail if you need it he opened for me @ the Peru Independence Day party during the South Am Cup... Peru has an awesome scene... Enjoy (iIm sure you will.. once you get some fresh ceviche and a hot Peruvian girl)
  11. Now you have to go to Berlin's Parade and do a review Airline Tip: Always Request the second Emergency Row on flights over 6hrs.. usually seat 13/19 on 747/737... just ask when you book the ticket... it will definately save your arse
  12. Very Good work my man!!! I was pleased to watch it during both Evacuation times whil I was running away from the storm staying in Key West.! Very cool and diverse music... much props... I'll e-mail you about some promotions directly, I have a "special-product" release coming early next year just in time for Conference.
  13. Just got back from three weeks on the road :phew: ... Just wondering did I miss anything Really good ... A few of the Pix are here... http://bbs.clubplanet.com/photopost/showgallery.php/cat/9080 And Koky I have your ~River~ Jersey & sorry, Customs found the bitches I tried to bring back so beter luck next time
  14. b-side

    ATTN: HottAss

    Miss U 2... Now, Can U PM / e-mail me some BooBie Pix... I miss my Twins...
  15. hey you gals got it easy.... there's TONS of shit you can use Cucumbers, Bananna's, Bottles, and thounsands of other phallic symbols... you have No Idea how hard it is to find a nice warm & wet hole to place a penis
  16. b-side

    Sig. of the MONTH...

    Muito bom!!! Exactly why I'm movin Down here..... The only place in the world with sooo many beautiful women WITHOUT any attitude!!!! One more year to go, before I build my 3-story house in Brasil for what I pay in rent in Ft. Lauderdale.... Man I can't wait... I'm gonna work my AZZ of this and next year just to do it.
  17. I'd recomend either Deep Ellum (a section of old downtown Dallas) or Lower Greenville (a semi-trendy aera just north of downtown) Pict up a City Link - guid to find out who's in town... and check the EDGE radio station for other events Dallas is mostly a live band kind of town but there is a cool underground scene, you just have to dig it up Hope this helps
  18. b-side

    ATTN: HottAss

    Hey Lola when we gonna go Sex Toy Shopping ??? I found something U might like.... and it's affordable... Now you can go raving.. with your vibrator.... LOL when's Ur B-Day again? I'll buy it if I can watch (or maybe film
  19. I would too if I had TheMrs. ? Flip does she have any cousins / sisters ? What about her mother (if she's single and within 45 years of age) ?
  20. Yess you can but it depends on the procedure..... and how good your implants and doctor are. I do know someone who has done it.... and I also knew someone who made thier baby and themselves sick trying to brestfead, depends on the person and the quality of the procedre hope this helps DOC~B "Serving ALL your Psycho-sexual needs since 1971"
  21. AWARD GOES TO sexyallthetime 4 dAMNNNNnnnnnnnnnnn beautiful ASS and Face to match... gotta be a latina right Koky !?!?!
  22. b-side

    Eye Sex !?!?!

    Not an excuse... but the truth that MOST (NOT ALL) american girls are pretentious cunts... and just don't intrest me enough for me to get excited.... Don'tworry I get more tham my fair share of girls after me, but they don't intrest me (most - not ALL)
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