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Everything posted by b-side

  1. And I thought I was the only one with this Addiction... if Anyone sees this young lady, let her know I have some pyschosexual therapy that could help
  2. b-side


    3) Filming the all remake of Boogie Nights entitled "Booty Tights" 2) Got "Laid-Off" So he went to get "Laid-On" 1) Still in the hospital removing a small furry animal from his anus..... Don't get pissy people... in all serious-ness. I hope all is well.....
  3. Just checking in on you BAD Azz Kiddies doin' BAD Azz Thangs..... and somebody I need a full report on Electro-Ho So, Mr. Bling i expect a full report by Sunday afternoon FYI: Don't worry about that Hurricane heading UR way... it will be weak But one of the two after that I can't do anything about moving that one... I've already burned up my hurricane powers... Peace and I'll C U @ NOCTURNAL !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?! BTW KOKY & HappyF: I can't believe what I'm seeing down here.. Mujeres Def giving Colombia a run for the money... but neither can fuck with BraSil ! Brasil es Muito Bom!
  4. b-side

    Fuck You Jeanne

    Mark my words..... Actually it WILL hit Miami / Hollywood but won't be nearly as strong as the last two... SO CONTINUE AS PLANNED.. AND FUCK THAT BITCH
  5. b-side

    Eye Sex !?!?!

    Why do I even entertain you... I should def know beter
  6. b-side


    I only try to bring a dif perspective... But 2 each his own But, I've seen far worse in some of your sigs... man.... what about this
  7. b-side


    That's why I posted the link to the gallery..... I knew U would Flip (no pun intended) I'll try to bring back one from Arg. for ya
  8. b-side

    Eye Sex !?!?!

    That would never hapen .... it's sad I can't even cum from a B.J. However after this one woman did it to me in Brasil so bad, I had to take a picture because I was leaving and did have time to do the real thing.... but I'll see her again in a few days... Funny thing is; after my friend took the picture and we left... I found out this chick (in the pictue) was a popular actress in Brasil...
  9. www.CamelToe.org The Toe I Know....
  10. b-side

    Eye Sex !?!?!

    Damn I'd expect my miami boys to at least know a lil somethin' about this ?!? esp you KoKy... U can't tell me you have not seen a woman walking down the street (who looks as hot as Aria G) just stare into your eyes so damn hard you can feel her wanting to Fuck the shit out of you ?!?! American girls don't do it as well or as often but the women in south america (esp brasil, argentina, colombia, etc..)
  11. but do it in style... I've been through three computers in one year and sorry flip I even Killed a MAC... This is the only thing that saved me... affordable and a pretty damn cool.
  12. b-side

    Eye Sex !?!?!

    I just love it when a person of the opposite sex (who's HOT as HELL) just penetrates your soul by staring so hard into your eyes, it makes you feel like your'e having sex with them..... It has not happend in a while... but everytime I'm down in the land of Latina's (South America) I get fucked by the most beautiful women just walking down the street or in the airport... To all my latina's who know what eye sex is I
  13. Rumors: 1) He finally got laid 2) His hands fell offfrom execessive masturbation 2) He found a female who loves to film for his private collection.. so he's too busy fucking like rabbits to post. U decide
  14. Drink Until the Patron is Gone !!!!! U bastards always do this to me... I think you check my schedule to se when I'm out of town and plan an elaborate party without me Congrats... and I'll see if I can bring a lil sumtin' sumtin' back for you V... There's a Cashasha trade show next door to where I will be
  15. Flip can I buy some genes from Toni and clone her ???
  16. b-side


    I can't wait for Brasil & Argentina.. If there's an invasion of little Red "X"s then click here http://argentinas.modelostop.com/Agustina_Cordoba/index3.php
  17. I will come close but mostly the Keys, Florida City & Homestead will get tons of rain... I will do my best to make it stay in the gulf and go south of FL, but it has to go north somewhere sorry Panhandle & Talla-H. I just hope my flights arent fucked up again
  18. Since Fran.. Fucked up my travel plans to Ecuador.... I hit the Keys...& Stayed on Key West (but opposite side of Duval) Normally not a logical move, but I knew this one was heading north... and not touch the Keys at all.... Sorry for those who got "boringly boarded up" but you should have gone South... it was three days of beautiful with the ocassional 3/6 pm 15 min shower. Visibility beneath the warter was less than normal but i still chilled at the beach every day and did the nightly duval run... Only one complaint.... The nead a REAL CLUB on Key West... BUT DO NOT GO THERE FOR IVAN.... this one will skip across the lower gulf, slow down and catapult north (probably to my home town of New Orleans).
  19. You Fockers crack me up w/ your responces! Come on Digital... U know theres not many people who can be as impartial. U ain't goin nowhere, because once the word is out it's an all out shit throwing contest until you are re-throned
  20. b-side


    I have never cum from a B.J. however, It did make me horny as hell and fuck for 45min hard when my x would give D.T. I'll prob marry the woman who make me cum from a B.J. If she exists
  21. Couldn't think of a better more versatile DJ who deserves the exposure !!! Good Luck Stryke !!!
  22. Which reminds me to never wash my car bfe I let ANYONE borrow it !!! (but then again I let NO ONE borrow my car )
  23. b-side


    :lmfao: Damn I'll admit I used to have pants like that tooo..
  24. Long story.. I'll PM or e-mail the details.... But i was stuck in Peru longer than expected
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