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Everything posted by b-side

  1. She moved away a the next year I was only 10 and she was 13 (thus my bias for older women) But I still wonder what she's up too..
  3. Can we get a seperate stiky/post just for who's bringin what ? I'm totally..
  4. Thanks Man... Keep In Touch... esp when you go to South America It was great to finally meet more of the CP Posse face to face.
  5. :drool: The only woman with Fake Ones that I'd want! When is that Dance Fever show supposed to be on? She a judge on it... I'm watching that shit just for her... And to think Prince hit that shit when she was still prob still "tight" CARMEN FYI: Her and Navarro are over as far as I know
  6. Often when a major change is made, you may spot pending on your system... If you have changed pills/birth control, or a sexual partner/activity.. who knows what physical / mental changes that may have brought this about.. but often it can be a simple as stress or it may be something wrong (i hope not) If this has NEVER happend before then def. see a doctor.. Also, when eggs get trapped in the tube you may see spotting continously. DOC~B "Serving all of your psycho~sexual needs since 1971"
  7. Damn, I can't seem to find my catalog of XXX Stars...
  8. Live From Brasil !
  9. :bump: Yeah!!! I don't have to work... So put me down for the night! " I'll be yo.... I'll be your.... I'll be your friend!!! "
  10. R U Serious / just F-ing with me Either Way:tongue: Yes I still have it but I only bring it out for special ocassions @ Shroomy's house.
  11. b-side

    Attn: D 7

    Hey man I have that Tribal CD for you... Plus I need to get your feedback for a New Night @ a Cozy Lounge just off Washington. I will be DJ-ing & Promoting it starts next month... I would like you to come and spin if you feel comfortable with the format. I want it to be an ALL LATIN & TRIBAL House music night. I don't think I have your # anymore (new phone old # lost) so e-mail it to me djbside@hotmail.com or call my # if you still have it.
  12. b-side

    andrew blake

  13. Different chick but did anyone know Blu Cantrell ... of that overplayed womens anthem... "Hey Ladies, Hit 'em Up Style"... you know the hip-hop R&B song with the ragtime sounding hook... Anyway I've seen some pretty candid pix of Cantrell
  14. Unless you have seriouss health issues or your tits hang to your knees or you have some small enough to cover with a band-aid..... DON"T DO IT. There are a few men out there (such as myself) that appreciate a natural woman as she is (large/small).
  15. I knew YOU LIKED ............... ............. ..................... ............................... MANDINGO ! ! and since SPRAGGA ain't checkin in I got ya back Malcom!!!!
  16. Damn... Somehow I almost missed this... How Can I Be DOWN ??? I'll bring my Mixer ( & not what U R thinking)... I'll make Fresh Fruit Margaritas & Daiquiri's I also have some DJ equipment I can bring if needed.
  17. These bathing suits are mainly seen in south american countries, and recently some beaches have been giving tickets for nude sunbathing, but if you wear one of these you don't have to put on any other clothes... I see them on the beach down here (SOBE) quite often.... I love 'em!
  18. b-side

    Older Puzzy !?!?!

    I know most guys like "young" girls (sometimes tooo young) But how many guys here are into Older Women???... and I don't mean a year or two, I'm talkin 10 years or more, older than you???..... I've tried to go out / date / fuck (whatever you want to call it) younger females but most are tooo stupid... and try to take advantage of a nice guy... I have also found older women appreciate a nice guy and don't complain about sex taking too long either..... Comments anyone?
  19. But it's always good to pick up a few new things from here and there! Honestly I'm always afraid to teach too much... because that past few girls got a little scared DOC~B "Serving all your psychosexual needs since 1971"
  20. I love to see a woman in spiked heels or large clear platforms....? Besides it gives the "ankle bite" crew just the right height for some "from behind" action! Hey CK & TasteyT : Ya'll know I mean that in a GOOD way!
  21. I guess that's why no one has ever said I had a BIG ego 8 & 1/2" "That's my story and I'm stickin' 2 it"
  22. U Took The WORDZ From My Mouth ! Plus... how many complain and Still AAAAAAALLLLLLLWAAYS make the same mistake!
  23. My Kina Girl " Yeah twhat Werks fwa me... excepdt My Twunge getz all Suuur the next mernin' "
  24. I have one simple theory @ Relationships.. They ALL are like Roller Coasters... You and your mate ride together until someone gets sick, or just jumps off! I actually have quite a list of expectations when it comes to a relatiionship.... But I still make accomodations / changes to fit each person individually. Not everyone is the same therefore you cannot have the same game plan. However the older I get the more flexible I am with my minimum age requirement One thing I DO NOT TOLERATE is Lying , Cheating, and in General Materialistic Bitches..... No disprespect.. ladies, but if you're more concerned with the size of my wallet & what I drive.... then you deserve the title! Expect the Best and Prepare for the worst!
  25. Anyone been to JA lately ? Comments , Suggestions for clubbing ? I already know about the Russian Strip Clubs:D ..... I'm talking about normal dance clubs. Paz, B~
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