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Everything posted by shannah

  1. Shadow, EZ and anyone else not working right now...you all suck!! As long as the market is open, I'll be at work. No fair!! **Throwing tantrum**
  2. Pete - I will definitely try to make it!! And probably end up bringing a bunch of friends... Feel like I haven't seen you in ages. How ya been??
  3. Hey Petey- Sorry to intrude but had to say hi one more time. Hopefully you'll get this...did you see my other note in your Twirl thread?? Sarah PS - Hey there MissIncognito. Met you at twilo for Digweed...just in case you were wondering.
  4. K. Here's my $.02... I've registerd for DSL back in December through a company called WinFire. Definitely don't go through them. Anyway, I'm still waiting. They have to go through Verizon in order to set it up and are supposedly waiting for Verizon to confirm that the line is ready. I had Cable at my last place. Make sure to check how big the line is and how many users (approximately) they have on that particular line. Either way, you're probably better off w/Cable. It worked great for me. Depending on your provider it may cost a little more in the beginning but my guess is that it's worth it. Two more stories...the short versions. 1) A friend of mine had to switch DSL proivders a few months after he finally got service because they went out of business. 2) Another friend of mine waited over 4 months. Once they finally went to install his line (which was supposedly ready) he then had to wait even longer because the line was NOT fully functional. I originally went w/DSL because it was a little bit cheaper. Definitely spend the money and go w/Cable. You'll probably be left headache free...
  5. ACtually there are several articles on the Twilo board right now about the subject. Cast your official vote at: http://www.twilo.com/cgi-bin/dboard/topic.cgi?forum=1&topic=1312&start=0 [This message has been edited by shannah (edited 03-01-2001).]
  6. Oo - Glad to hear you are up and around and made it back home safe and sound. Rest up cause March is going to be one crazy month...lol Can't wait to see you out and back to your old partying self....
  7. Ichi - Let her know we're all thinking about her and hope she feels better. We'll see her dancing her arse of at Twilo soon enough... Sarah
  8. You know what's funny tempy??? No....Well, Shadowchaser is out & about constantly, yet no one's ever met you. At least not that I've heard - and I actually know a lot of these people. Keep talkin trash tempunk...it'll get you everywhere. PS - On the subject...I'd have to disagree. I know that I don't dis others for the clubs they choose to go to, whether or not I like them. Actually, I consider myself to be more of a twilohead than anything else but I'm with Rob. Haven't been out too much lately, so usually just head to Twilo (depending on who's spinning). Whatever floats your boat... [This message has been edited by shannah (edited 02-27-2001).]
  9. You boyz causin' trouble for the poor little club owners??? lol...Keep it up!!!! Everyone needs a good kick in the ass every now and then...
  10. Hey you! Long time, no see. You best be gettin' yourself out and about soon...
  11. Here's the flyer I got from GC last week regarding the arena show...Actually, I thought it looked kind of strange.
  12. All I know is that I completely enjoyed hangin at Digweeds house. Hopefully he'll invite me over again...
  13. Actually, DD just agreed to bump it up to 11 episodes for this season. At least that's what it said in the Daily News last week. Of course he's not dead. He's only been in what...3 episodes so far. Also, they pulled this once before as a season finale - he'll live and take the aliens down at the same time...
  14. I'll definitely try to be there blu. I'll let you know for sure next week. Email me. -S
  15. Wow......what a great thing to do. Now I'm really feelin' the pain of missing their killer performances. Ugh. All I can do is hope for a next time.
  16. Hey sweetie! I thought you weren't leaving until after Digweed this weekend. What happened there? Wanted to say 'see ya later' not goodbye cause we will see you again!! Sorry I missed the party and didn't get to go to twilo this weekend but we'll see you soon...right?? Sorry to hear about that wacky trip home but glad you made it one piece. Take care and continue the party...
  17. Thanks EZ. I wasn't there either, I was breaking my neck learning how to snowboard and loving it...I think. Glad everyone had a blast, but please give us a break. We're tired of drooling and may end up turning around and biting you if you're not careful...
  18. You all suck. I wanna goooo... Have fun kids. I'll see you next week for Digweed...
  19. Alright you...I'm rooting for ya. NOW TELL ME WHAT'S GOING ON!!
  20. Showing my support w/a bump but won't be able to see y'all this weekend. One of these days I'll make it to SF...but only to see the boys of KOP!!
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