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Everything posted by aljedynak

  1. The weather is nasty so I'm staying close to home. Anyone going out in Philly? Transit is open till 6.
  2. Metabolife. It's not good for you but it will work. Also, I've heard that the Atkins diet works pretty quickly.
  3. PROCHOICE all the way. The worst thing is when someone gets pregnant then says she cannot have an abortion for religious reasons. News flash- if you are so religious you shouldn't have been having sex in the first place. Such hipocracy!!
  4. I'm 27, just married, still like to go out. I look and feel much younger.
  5. Yes, you have to be truly comfortable with the person. Try on top with manual clitoral stimulation or on the bottom with a lot of grinding action.
  6. I do it once in a while just to mix things up. We masturbate together then he cums all over me. Also like to watch porn/masturbate together.
  7. No, you're not a prude. Reality sucks. Life is work, eat, sleep. Sex is something you have to work in. The best time of your life is when you are in school (college age) with no job and no worries. You can screw 4-5 times a day. I can't wait to hit my peak when I'm older.
  8. Shaving -I'm not sure about but a guy must be at least neatly trimmed. Who wants a hairy mess?
  9. I'm glad to see there are some other people who voted for Bush on the board. I hope he prevails.
  10. I've been there. It seemed very quiet- but I was there with my parents several years ago.
  12. I think too many people feel the NEED to have someone all the time so they pursue or stay in bad/unhealthy relationships. You have to learn to be alone and accept yourself before you can ever be truly happy with someone else. However, I did marry the most perfect man in the world. When you meet the right person you will know. You will blossom as a person. He or she will enhance your best qualities and maybe bring out a side of you that you never knew existed.
  13. Many good responses here and apparently a lot of women here do not want children. Do you think it has something to do with where we live? What if I asked the same question in Arkansas? I think on the east coast we have more freedom as women. Look at all the women on this board- many single, successful, and happy.
  14. Well, I've had my ass licked. I keep it shaved back there and I wouldn't let him do it if I wasn't recently showered. hey- if he's already down there...
  15. When you love someone nothing is gross. Sure, I would lick his ass, suck his toes, swallow, etc. When he's 80 years old I'll change his diapers if need be. Nothing is off limits.
  16. I am pro-choice. I won't put any restrictions on abortions because once you make a few modifications to the laws (like parental consent) you are setting up for more and more restrictions. So, I'm pro-choice all the way- no questions asked.
  17. I am married for one month now. The first question everyone asks is "When are you having kids?" My answer is maybe never. Maybe I will change my mind but it won't be for years. Also, the actual pregnancy gives me the creeps. I like my body the way it is. Yes, I'M VAIN. I know I will get bashed for it.
  18. How many of you are not sure if you want to have children? I personally do not have that urge. Most of all I resent the way society presents motherhood as a womans ultimate goal in life. I know I am in the minority but I just don't have that maternal instinct. Anyone else feel this way?
  19. aljedynak

    anal sex

    DO NOT do it after a night of drinking!! You never know when the BEER SHITS will strike.
  20. aljedynak


    Ideally it would be someone you love or at least someone you know and trust. Have safe sex so there are no pregnancy or disease scares. Try to relax but don't drink too much. Put a towel down in case you bleed. ENJOY!!! Don't worry if you don't have an orgasm the first time though, some girls do and some don't. It's all about finding out what works for you.
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