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Everything posted by aljedynak

  1. Hi. I'm glad we have our own board now. Although nothing in the world compares to New York -I do feel safer in Phila. right now. The main thing that sucks is the 2am closing time, but it seems like almost every weekend lately something is open till 6am.
  2. Well Mrs Clinton is a Democrat so she believes in BIG government. One that interferes in everyones lives because it believes people are incapable of making their own good decisions. Don't trust anything the government says- these are the same people who said Agent Orange and the chemical warfare used in the Gulf War did not cause any harm to its' soldiers. They do devoius things all the time to chip away slowly at our rights- just a little bit here and there so you don't notice. What Mrs Clinton is proposing is just one example.
  3. Yes, Transit will be open till noon which is unusual for Philly. Alex Lauterstein will be the DJ.
  4. The late night at Transit is Sept 15th. I can forward the email to anyone who wants it.
  5. I'm from the Philly area. Haven't been to Shampoo for a while but still like Evolution. Is anyone going to Transit's late night in September?
  6. Actually there is a Red Roof I stayed at in March. I think it's on 34th. Nice, clean but small rooms. I paid $110 a night. You can check it out on their site on the web.
  7. Yes, he has looked in the NYT but often it's more who you know that gets you the great job. There are many people on this board who may know someone. (Clubgoers with full time jobs)
  8. My friend is an MD looking for a job in Manhatten. Does ayone know of a group practice in need of an internist? He is also interested in biotechnology and disease management. Any help would be appreciated.
  9. I thought her boobs were saggy, especially considering their small size.
  10. Swallow. Recently I have been using this banana flavored lotion that gets warm when you blow on it. It acts as a nice lube for some hand action and gives the jizz a nice taste.
  11. Yes, totally normal. Symptoms can vary from month to month
  12. I didn't mean an official "happy hour" just how is it in the late afternoon/early evening? I have a party to go to in the morning and was thinking of heading down in the afternoon. I think the weather may suck though.
  13. It is an absolute must if you are in a comitted relationship. Nothing is gross. Just put down a towel and go at it.
  14. I like to lay back and relax. Sitting on his face is more porno though.
  15. Oral contraceptives can also be taken to decrease pain from endometriosis. There are pills that contain progesterone only for those extremely sensitive to estrogen. The failure rate for those pills is a bit higher but still less than condoms,diaphragms,spermacides, etc. Different pills contain variations on the "brand name" of the estrogen and progesterone they contain. A midwife recently told me the only reason the drug manufacturers make new pills every few years is to keep prices high. (as new pills are under patent and no generic can be made)
  16. I have been on the pill for about 12 years and each one is a little different. I have tried them all. Recently, I switched to Levlen from Ortho Cyclen to save money ($35/month vs. 13/month) and I have gained 3-4 lbs.
  17. Her boyfriend sounds like a real hypocrite. See how long he sticks around. Without a woman to sustain the pregnancy there would be no life, so it is ultimately her decision.
  18. I would rather he have a five hour fling. I would feel more foolish if he had time to have a whole second relationship on the side and I had no clue.
  19. What I mean by disposable clothing is - it's cheap and if it gets ruined you can throw it away without feeling too badly.
  20. Yes, I like Bang Bang because they are cheap. Clothes you wear to clubs get ruined a lot anyway. I like disposable clothes. Also Charlotte Russe is a good store.
  21. Yes, I am a republican clubber. I like to keep the money I make. The Democrats are all too happy to give it away.
  22. Yes, I know I'm behind the times. Can you download from these other sites?
  23. Is there a way to trick Napster into showing "banned" songs???
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