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Everything posted by dr0ne

  1. dude silva is like "smith" over here.....half the country's named silva.
  2. damn straight son! arc's got no bitches, and you can't find G for shit in that motherfucker! no fucking point go arc its a fucking shithole, no drugs, no bitches, no booze, just a bunch of fucking dorks dancing around.....fuck i'm staying the hell away from that shit. piece yo.
  3. good riddance. you deserved it. at the very least he'll fail you for the test if its a first offense....at least that's what i've done to students who i've caught cheating. hopefully you admitted it with a straight face cuz if you denied it, then it goes to the dean who should fail you for the course, if not put you on dean's vacation or worse (permanent vacation )....at least that's how my dept. used to work.
  4. shipping a single crate or records through fedex or dhl will cost you ridiculous amounts of money like probably $200....definitely no less than $150 per crate of say 70 or so records....mainly due to weight. also check with the country your going for its customs laws.....many countries (although i dont think europe should be a major problem) you can't just ship something like that with no documentation...it'll be stuck in customs and they're gonna want to charge you import tax on it....you'll need to prove that it previously belonged to you and that you plan on bringing it back with you when you leave the country.
  5. so basically, if you fucked up when you were young and stupid, you have even less of a chance to make something of yourself. interesting policy, although i'm not surprised....anyway you look at it in this world, if you're down, there's no way but down....if you're up, no way but up....whether money-wise, education wise, whatever.
  6. right, but some pdf files have the security set such that you can't select it with the text/image tool. you need a program that cracks that security flag. and i have no clue where to find such things
  7. hmmm its either that or DEMF.....my wallet can't handle both. decisions, decisions....
  8. that would be the famous lizard man.... and here's what heretic's little procedure would look like after healing: supposedly he was considering getting a tail extension surgically attached to his lower back. now THAT would be some cool shit.
  9. whats wrong w/ tronic?
  10. i heard it got delayed 'till march. i also heard it may not get released at all - supposedly the label was having financial dificulties due to poor sales. i have a feeling it'll be out though.
  11. interesting....a quick search at arcspace reveals the following by the administrator: --------------------------------------------------------------- nick Administrator Registered: Sep 2002 Location: Posts: 55 Thanks for the question.. The reality is, as I'm sure most of you know, the license was taken away years ago and ever since the venue has been a liquor free zone. For us there's a lot of advantages of not having alcohol, many have already been stated. Right now the club is about people who love their music and who love to party. It's great to have that kind of crowd in your club, there is a different kind of energy. I do however sympathise with those that feel they just want to have a beer and are NOT alchololic maniacs ready to throw up everywhere and start fights and ruin parties... after all who doesn't appreciate a nice cold beer! For now our suggestion is to hit one of the local bars right around the corner from us... the prices are very reasonable in our neighbourhood! We do allow re-entery till 4am, so if your dying for a drink then just make sure to get a stamp upon exit and be back before 4! ------------------------------------------------- the stamp thing was news to me. if its for real, good to know. but anywhere in the world, a club without alcohol is simply unheard of, and i'm sure if the U.S. didn't have these bullshit liquor laws than we'd obviously have liquor in there. go to any club anywhere in the world, and see if liquor's "prohibited". maybe it's just that americans can't be responsible whenever there's liquor involved? maybe it's a stigma that goes all the way back to the prohibition era? who the fuck knows....but i digress. and just because one wants liquor doesn't mean one is an alky jerk who's out to throw up everywhere and pick fights. maybe that's the way it is in the U.S. then.....what a shame. fact of the matter is, arc would be bringing in a lot more people if they had a liquor license. whether it'd be the type of people they'd want in there is a different question, but honestly, i don't think the stereotypical female-groping-puking-guts-off-frat-boy would be wanting to go to arc....for the same cover charge they can go to some cheesy club pick up some oxygenated fake boob fake tan blonde bimbo instead.......whether there's liquor at arc or not won't change the fact the people go there for the music. because if you're not there for the music and just wanna get drunk and pick someone up, there's PLENTY of other places in the city more suitable for such a purpose.....whether arc has liquor or not.
  12. from what i remember, once the space lost its license, there was pretty much no way in hell they would ever get it back, supposedly the local community is against it. no club owner in their right mind would simply not want to go for a liquor license....that's where most of the revenues come from anyway......from people that spend $50, $100 just on liquor. they could still make it 18+ like other places like exit/roxy, you just need to show id at the bar if you want to get served. obviously something is precluding them from getting a license....it makes no sense why any club would simply choose not to serve liquor.
  13. doesnt' columbia have a radio station? i remember in my school, to have a show you basically had to pass an fcc test, tape a live show of yourself (to show you know how to work the equip, keep accurate logs, etc) and that was it....then you filled out a form to get a weekly scheduled spot. the more seniority you had (most time w/ the station) and the more you contributed to the station doing other things besides a show, then the better spots you got.
  14. i highly doubt this would ever happen (feds busting in for sharing files) BUT....if the feds were to come a-knockin' they'd take EVERYTHING you got....every computer, CDs, tape backups, zip disks, any type of media they find, anything that can store data. Then *maybe* they'll give you some of it back, once the investigation's over....2 years from now.
  15. not quite volunteered....verizon just lost a big suit which REQUIRES them to hand over the IP.......ISP's are not happy to be doing this, they personally couldn't give a shit, and now the RIAA is essentially requiring them to police their users. there'll be an appeal although i wouldn't hold my breath.....if they lose the appeal this could be a requirement for every single ISP so switching wouldn't make a difference.
  16. had a fun time, although i was soooooooooooooooo fucking wasted i had zero clue what was going on....nice meeting few peeps i hadn't met before....cody, andy (thanks for helping me out at the coat check thing), etc. -d
  17. cuz dubya said so that's enough proof for me! how dare you question the mighty U.S. government! everything they do is for the good of their pocke...eh i mean the nation!
  18. this is great. comments such as these are the perfect examples of why the rest of the world has so much high regard and respect for the U.S. (the government AND the people).
  19. so they keep saying that it's not about oil right? well, wouldn't it be so simple for the white house to just make some sort of agreement w/ the U.N. that in the case saddam does get blown to bits, the U.S. (or any other nation) would not be allowed to make special agreements or exploit iraqi resources in any way? .......yeah right
  20. right on dude! here's some links for you: www.goarmy.com www.navyjobs.com www.marines.com www.airforce.com with all that tough talk i wanna see you on front lines, so apply today and defend this wonderful country (with your life) against the evil clutches of terrorism. warm regards. -d
  21. i sell discount club passes for cheap.....specially those i can print from websites. i accept cash, money order, or paypal.
  22. you need a place where you get good talent and people come to dance. sort of like arc w/ a liquor license. oh wait....that place's called shelter seriously, it'd be nice to have a space w/ the old limelight sorta vibe where its just a bunch of freaks getting down to whatever....house, techno, industrial....i'll take drag queens running around anyday over obnoxious k'ed out lame ass guidos or the stuck up bottle service crowd.
  23. stick·y ( P ) Pronunciation Key (stk) adj. stick·i·er, stick·i·est 1. Having the property of adhering or sticking to a surface; adhesive. 2. Covered with an adhesive agent. 3. Warm and humid; muggy: a sticky day. 4. Informal. Painful or difficult: a sticky situation. 5. Economics. Tending to remain the same despite changes in the economy. Used of prices or wages
  24. wouldn't that make sense? i mean, if you're an ugly fuck then you should be fully qualified to comment on it -- you look in the mirror every day, that's enough to make you an expert specialist on ugly fuckdom and hence gives you the expertise to comment on others ugly fuckdomness. conversely, if you're some hot supermodel, then you have no idea what being an ugly fuck is all about and lack the skills needed to analyze said fuglyness.
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