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Everything posted by beautious1

  1. I've only been to D.C. once, and that was last year for Memorial Day...or was it two years ago??? Anyway, I loved it, and had a wonderful time, even though my boyfriend and I didn't hit any clubs... we went to 18th street lounge, and a "gentelmen's club" called Camelot! Any suggestions on what's hot? Much appreciated
  2. I pay way too much money for my shit! I am not sticking it up anyone's ass! I think it would be a waste of time and money... Just snort the shit like the rest of us!
  3. Just go to Kaza... type in Dirty Vegas...
  4. This should just serve as a lesson to us all, NEVER LET YOUR GUARD DOWN!!! ALWAYS BE ON THE DEFENSIVE! We've become to lazy with our personal safety... Look around you, be aware to see if anyone is lurking in dark corners, or following you, or staring... Not to sound paranoid, but you can NEVER be too careful! Be Safe Girls;)
  5. On first sight, It's def. a total package thing... I look at their height, weight, proportions, clothing, face, attitude, demeanor... Sounds like a lot to take in, but it's a split second snapshot thing... It all sounds so superficial, and it has to be at first. It's whatever "catches your eye"... But, it's important to look deeper once the initial contact is established... Intelligence, Personality is a big one!
  6. I have some bikini pics too... But I won't post those just yet, it's a little too "Narcissistic"... lol! jk
  7. My man and I have experimented with the tickling of that area during sex... I've even gone as far as sticking a digit or two up there on him... but a whole fucking FIST??!! OMG...you guys scare me
  8. Gimme suggesstions on what to wear! I have an idea, but I really don't know where to shop... I
  9. Darling! They now sell OTC Medication for that! Just go to the pharmacist and ask for UTI medication, I forget the names but one is Uristat, and the one I took was Cyto-something... Feel better.... I know how much that sux!
  10. Is this friggin legal???
  11. All I have to say is WOW! Reading this thread has peaked my interest in Oxy. I will definetly research the drug for more information. This is exactly the reason I joined CP in the first place... Thanks guys!
  12. I went through the whole "E" phase... I agree with blaznny, the fact that it's age related... I totally grew out of it.. I can't stand e anymore... Just thinking about it makes me sick to my stomach, and I was the biggest advocate for the drug! Drug of choice now? --> COKE hands down. I'm no hoover vaccum, but I am a hyper chick, so anything that will keep me going and going and going I can appreciate... I love the feeling of boundless energy, the tingly body parts.... hmmm....
  13. How do you feel the next day? Aren't you afraid of what you're doing to your heart? I would totally try it, because the comedown is horrible, but I am just a little frightened of the thought of speeding up my heart while doing coke, then trying to slow it down by taking downers, like Nyquil or Tylenol PM...
  14. We should make a mini meet up at Gonzalez Y Gonzales... Good Food, even better Bar... Awesome Margaritas! Let me know who's interested!!! -Yvonne
  15. Most likely.... How are things going? When and where is the next CP Meetup??!! I'll bring some goodies! jk
  16. I just hate the feeling of being high, when no one else is! I feel weirded out, and like everyone is staring at me. Not to sound like a crack head, but I'd like to go somewhere where coke is part of the scene... Any feedback?
  17. I have to give props to those of you who don't think an 8 ball is enough for 4 ppl!!! The most I ever did by myself was an 8, but it took me a couple of days to finish it....But then I went out and just bought another one....so everyone is right, too much is never enough!
  18. I've heard of this club named Babaloo... Fridays and Saturday nights are supposed to be good... If anyone has any feedback I'd appreciate it. -gracias!
  19. I signed my first Declaration of Independence back in June of 1999! (apartment lease) However, I did move out at 17 for college dorm life, which is a kind of SEMI Independence....no parental guidance, however my meals were cooked and the bathrooms were cleaned!
  20. You men are addicted to adrenaline.... You "say" you love one person to death....then go fuck the other girls brains out! Don't you see something wrong with that picture:confused: I'm not saying you guys (nitro & sonicinfusion) don't have legitimate feelings for two girls...All I am saying is to be realistic... Nitro: Could you see yourself married to each girl... Living a life, raising children, having fun, throwing parties, buying a home etc... with each girl? Sonicinfusion: Would the London girl want you to relocate? Could you leave NY and live the rest of your life in London? Does this pittsburgh girl mean enough to you to fly all the way to london and make a decision? It comes down to who you see yourself sharing lifelong dreams and passions and secrets, and desires.... sharing pain, heartache, happiness, and life.... You guys seem to be overdramatizing something that seems simple enough to me! oh and ps... nitro... ever hear of the saying "shit or get off the pot"?
  21. Very funny phuturephunk boy! No but seriously.... you have to realize that if you feel better after only one week, it is not love. Love is something that does not dissapate with time... Love is something that you always feel at all times, even when you are not with the person, or are fighting with the person. It's OBVIOUSLY just infatuation, and you let your mind get carried away. Love does not fade...it only grows stronger and deeper
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