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Everything posted by firegirl

  1. it was open Wednesday. and last I heard, Thursday, they're back in business for the whole weekend. call the club to verify (number's on timeout I think). there's a recording that'll tell you everything. FG ------------------ "I have only one burning desire...let me stand next to your Fire..."
  2. I'm a friggin halloween freak. I have a rolodex of halloween stores at home. if you PM me so I have your name/link, I'll send them to you early next week. FG ------------------ "I have only one burning desire...let me stand next to your Fire..."
  3. hey boi. welcome. people are meeting up tonight at Twirl and at Twilo...check the board postings from the past few days...could be a nice way for you to jump in. best clubs as far as sweating and grooving and all about the music: Vinyl: wed. = Dance Ritual with Little Louie Vega --latin/soul house fri. = Be Yourself with Danny Tenaglia -- house with occasional old cuts mixed in sat. = Shelter sun. = Body & Soul (cult following) -- similar to Dance Ritual, often with a live performance Twilo: Wed, Fri, Sat larger than Vinyl and more mixed. top djs, often from Europe Wed. nights are special features Fri. is usually the hot dj night Sat. tends to be more gay then there's a bunch of chi-chi clubs, where you have to dress to impress. check out timeoutny.com. happy grooving FireGirl ------------------ "I have only one burning desire...let me stand next to your Fire..."
  4. halloween is a great time to bring out alter egos...think of what/who you'd be on your best day x10. then run with it. I'm prone to a combo of superhero and sexy. FG ------------------ "I have only one burning desire...let me stand next to your Fire..."
  5. thanks Jam. I go to clubs & restaurants by myself all the time, but lounges & bars are awkward...there's no activity to occupy yourself so you're just standing around looking conspicuously alone. so now I know if I see someone else standing around like he's looking for someone, it'll be you. *gg catch you there. FG ------------------ "I have only one burning desire...let me stand next to your Fire..."
  6. uh, that would be FireGIRL, don't know where the hell that "ps" came from. what the hell is a Girlps? FG ------------------ "I have only one burning desire...let me stand next to your Fire..."
  7. morning! it's finally friday! just wanted to say I'm psyched to meet some of you tonight at Twirl (and possibly Twilo). thanks so much for being so friendly & tolerant during my first week here. and apologies if my posts were cranky yesterday...I think my job is getting to me. I'll be heading by myself tonight and I don't know what you all look like. so if you see me standing around, take pity and say "hi"-- I'll probably be wearing silver spaceman pants with lots of pockets, or black vinyl pants that zip back to front (depending upon my mood, rave or hard core). I can't imaginge there will be many people who fit my description *and* are wearing one of those. sunshine and grooves to start you day FireGirlps ------------------ "I have only one burning desire...let me stand next to your Fire..."
  8. LOL and I think as far as people goes, we're all just a bunch of messed up crackheads that don't understand ourselves let alone someone else. the degrees vary. I think the key is to find someone (friend or lover) who's as much of a wacked out freak as yourself, then you'll understand each other. or at least you'll cancel each other out. or worst case scenario, you'll both take comfort in the fact that you have so much stupidity/weirdness in common. *wg of course, if you can't find that, I say just aim for someone who's cute and smells nice and doesn't kick puppies. ...I think my job is making me cynical. FG ------------------ "I have only one burning desire...let me stand next to your Fire..."
  9. yep, you're horrifically gay, an outcast, and must now change your entire life to conform to this new realization. you must only wear designer clothes, spend 10 hours a day at the gym, and make catty remarks. there's no turning back now. um, don't we have a sex board for this? and personally, I wouldn't care if I woke up one day and decided I could only sleep with orthodox jewish lesbian midgets while eating pickles and singing the theme song to happy days. just flow with it man. FG ------------------ "I have only one burning desire...let me stand next to your Fire..."
  10. yep, you're horrifically gay, an outcast, and must now change your entire life to conform to this new realization. you must only wear designer clothes, spend 10 hours a day at the gym, and make catty remarks. there's no turning back now. um, don't we have a sex board for this? and personally, I wouldn't care if I woke up one day and decided I could only sleep with orthodox jewish lesbian midgets while eating pickles and singing the theme song to happy days. just flow with it man. FG ------------------ "I have only one burning desire...let me stand next to your Fire..."
  11. re: ru486/abortion... the point of this issue and this conversation is not an individual "right" or "wrong" decision. or to badger anyone who is against abortion. the reason this ruling is considered a victory is because it allows women to MAKE AN INDIVIDUAL CHOICE...it gives them OPTIONS, rather than mandating a crucial, personal, and delicate life decision. god, that would be like mandating what kind of career a person had to be in or who they had to marry. it doesn't matter if you don't favor abortion, then you don't have to have one. what matters is that if you wish do have an abortion or wish to simply be able to CONSIDER having an abortion, you can. what matters is that personal choice is not violated. re: the death penalty... I'm not going near that one with a 10ft pole. re: both... I just think anyone who is quick to raise a fist against either issue ought to take a moment and put themselves in the position of the woman who suddenly finds herself pregnant by rape at 18 or the father who's young child was brutally murdered by a serial killer. the situations are not black and white and it's easy to claim the moral high ground when you're not the one dealing with the life hardships. blah blah blah FG ------------------ "I have only one burning desire...let me stand next to your Fire..."
  12. btw, regarding responsibility: most users of abortion are 30+ it's not the younger women or the poorer women because these groups are often the ones who feel unable to due to religious pressures. or feel it is more culturally acceptable to have an unwed child than in the snooty wealthier cultures. found that interesting. FG ------------------ "I have only one burning desire...let me stand next to your Fire..."
  13. how cool to see the responses...i just posted on a selfish need to shout out. i could go on forever on this thing, meaning ru486, but i won't. i'll just say "amen" to keeping this thing legal. if the republicans/conservatives had their way, all women who get abortions and the doctors who perform them would be litterally branded. btw, how come no one spits on, yells at, or harrasses the men who impregnated these women? we don't hear the right wing screaming for sterilization of them. or publishing the names of the sperm donors in the paper. not that i'd condone that, but their treatment of women seems that extreme. why is it women who seek abortions seem to have been victims of a twisted imaculate conception in the eyes of the media. i agree that right now it's a "womens" issue, but i sure wish it didn't have to be that way. a little sperm responsibility men, please. but horray for the small victory! FG ------------------ "I have only one burning desire...let me stand next to your Fire..."
  14. I've read it's best to take it right after you're down (before you go to bed). taking it before doesn't really help because your body has burnt it before you need it. I don't e much but I've found the 5htp + sleep and I'm fine...no aches or anything. but the best recover seems to be spending the next day in bed alternating between sleep & sex, if you have that luxury. and blue is fine, green is bad. my 2 cents FG ------------------ "I have only one burning desire...let me stand next to your Fire..."
  15. make sure you post my driver's liscence picture....that's my best one. be gettin all the boys with that lure. FG ------------------ "I have only one burning desire...let me stand next to your Fire..."
  16. imagine that...approved for the US...I never would've expected it. yes, I know it's dreadfully off-topic, but I just found out and was excited. FG ------------------ "I have only one burning desire...let me stand next to your Fire..."
  17. I have yet to read something that seemed politically correct. kinda confused where that's coming from. there's a difference between common respect and courtesy and false PC. but if it makes you feel any better... i kick puppies, i hate small children, kill all old people, nazis are good FG ------------------ "I have only one burning desire...let me stand next to your Fire..."
  18. I won't be able to get a pic up in time for Friday, and I don't have a pic of me since I buzzed anyway. but I'm 5'8", kinda small build, short buzzed brown hair, prone to wearing things shiny or fuzzy. I'll probably hit Twirl dressed for clubbing in case I have the energy to continue on to Twilo. and I just have to say this...blueangel is just the cutest thing, you just wanna eat her up. FireGirl ------------------ "I have only one burning desire...let me stand next to your Fire..."
  19. didn't realize you were going for the male collegiate crowd...in that case, I think you nailed it...*g hope it goes well FG ------------------ "I have only one burning desire...let me stand next to your Fire..."
  20. I'm guessing crystal gets cranky if he hasn't had his coffee *s back left corner it is FG ------------------ "I have only one burning desire...let me stand next to your Fire..."
  21. I keep hearing about people searching the pics to put a face to the "names". in the event that I feel like wasting a lot of time, where are these? is there some kind of archive or link? thanks FG ------------------ "I have only one burning desire...let me stand next to your Fire..."
  22. my plans may be changing for Friday night, leaving me with open time, don't think I'll have the energy for Twilo, but thinking about the pre-meet at Twirl. exactly *where* in Twirl are you meeting? I mean, I won't know what anyone looks like to go "oh, there's the clubplanet crew" FG ------------------ "I have only one burning desire...let me stand next to your Fire..."
  23. I keep my browser window very small when I'm reading/posting coz I'm in an open studio on a big ass monitor. I just scrolled down to the bottom and WOW there's a whole world out there. you know, I've been posting for days now and I *just* discovered that there are *other* subjects besides nightlife...music, sex, fashion. and just found my outbox...right there below my inbox. all this time I thought clubplanet only saved inbox messages. gees, so that's what the scroll bar is for. i be educated. FG ------------------ "I have only one burning desire...let me stand next to your Fire..."
  24. cow prints beg for heffer comments. even on Kate Moss. I mean, c'mon it's a COW print. I'm terified to wear anything like it, unless maybe boots...hard to have really fat feet. FG ------------------ "I have only one burning desire...let me stand next to your Fire..."
  25. don't know how I missed this, self-proclaimed halloween queen. I think the absolute best way to start off the night is to BE IN the parade. it's the best way to see it, getting there is part of the fun, and you meet lots of crazy folks. then after you've walked your tootsie's off you head to the clubs. of course, there's the party at Webster Hall. but that's been my last resort. Usually Limelight, Tunnel, and Twilo have a party. I kinda play that part by ear. and along the parade route you'll hear about goings on. as far as the weekend before, Long Black Veil party should be killer (pun intended), being as those folks are into the goth/vamp scene year round. you can also check out the halloween websites and any fetish/goth/vamp sites. I can't remember the links offhand. it's never to early to plan for Halloween. Fg ------------------ "I have only one burning desire...let me stand next to your Fire..."
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