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Everything posted by firegirl

  1. when I shaved it down I lost all my color. and I've had to wait to dye it again so my head can get healthy. so, alas, I'm brown for the first time in, like, 14 years. FG ------------------ "I have only one burning desire...let me stand next to your Fire..."
  2. I don't think I can make it Friday, I may be out of town. but if any of you are going tonight.... and you see a buzzcut chic with an "I do bad things" bunny t-shirt in the zone on the floor, say "hi" crystalmethodny... actually, my official title is "supreme savior on high" THANK GOD FOR VINYL FG ------------------ "I have only one burning desire...let me stand next to your Fire..."
  3. I REPEAT, VINYL IS OPEN TONIGHT. just called the dance ritual hotline and it says "if you're calling to see if vinyl is open tonight, yes, it is. doors open at 10pm" woo-hoo! thanks for all the other info, but I'm heading "home" tonight FG ------------------ "I have only one burning desire...let me stand next to your Fire..."
  4. you asked, so I'm giving it... I applaud the effort and energy but basically, all I see is a curvey chick in undies. I'm thinking either soft porn or victoria's secret. doesn't inspire me to boogie down. don't know if it would bring people, or at least the right people. I guess if you're going for the uptown crowd it might work. then again, I could just be biased in that I don't think half naked chicks automatically equals results. sex only sells so far and in the right way. if you need printing, there's a place that does postcards cheap, I have the name and address at home. also, depending on how many you need you can try a service bureau like kinkos, or an offset printing place (try Gramercy Offset down near 23 and park). hope that helps, FG ------------------ "I have only one burning desire...let me stand next to your Fire..."
  5. do joeydollaz is buying for all da laddies tonite! I say we all milk him for $15 drinks. and so far its... nix chaos vinly's still closed possibly shine JA (whatever that is) is supposed to be good freedom has sump'in going on don't know about twilo dat 'bout right? hey folks, help out some damsels in distress here. what's the scoop? FG ------------------ "I have only one burning desire...let me stand next to your Fire..."
  6. I'm reposting some info upon request, with a little info added: re: anal explorations.... ----------- I read all the responses and felt everyone was either circulating ignorant misinformation or entirely negative. and I thought that would suck if you were actually hoping for info. so... 1) look online try http://www.joanelloyd.com/ scroll down to the "feedback forum" and you'll find a link for it). that's a pretty good beginning resource for just about everything. check out the links section too. you can also try persiankitty.com (I think that's correct). go to links and scroll way, way down. there's a lot of useful resources there for info. 2) stop by GMHC they just produced a great little pamphlet on it. 3) don't pay too much attention to the general responses on the board, it's going to vary person to person, lover to lover, situation to situation. 4) it seems trust, *lots* of lube, taking it s-l-o-w, and a sense of humor will do the trick...in that order. ---------------- : ) just doing my part to help people be happy ...and I'll deny any knowledge of this if asked in person : P FireGirl *PS--I'm quite proud of my spontaneous ability to insert song lyrics ------------------ "I have only one burning desire...let me stand next to your Fire..."
  7. I posted the same question (see "no, ,really, what's going on tonight?" or something like that), you may want to check that out too. never been to Shine, why's it so good tonight? never been to Chaos either. what're the scene, vibe, tunes? FG ------------------ "I have only one burning desire...let me stand next to your Fire..."
  8. figured manhattan would be the best choice, there isn't much in brooklyn. so tonight's choices are liquid JA (what's this?) freedom ...I've never been to any of these what about twilo on a wed? and is anyone interested also? FG ------------------ "I have only one burning desire...let me stand next to your Fire..."
  9. raver_mania... no, no, you'll never turn me to the dark side... *g vampienyc10... I ain't going anywhere, I'm just not coming as often...wait, that didn't sound right back2basics... yep, and I've been there before. got totally addicted to a board before. was out of control. ...I don't have an addiction, I'm totally in control, I can stop whenever I want to boy, I feel the love. *w FG ------------------ "I have only one burning desire...let me stand next to your Fire..."
  10. ok. I've had a few slow days at work this week and have been all over the board as a result. well, now, I've got stuff to do and I have to pretend to be a productive employee. which means less posting, less ready. bummer, now I'll miss all the cool stuff. ; ( anyway, these first days of mine on the board have been fun. I've really enjoyed chatting wit yous guys. I'll just be moving slower now. big sunshine and grooves FireGirl ------------------ "I have only one burning desire...let me stand next to your Fire..."
  11. sorry, I just couldn't hold this in any longer... um, hello, but his is not the 1950s...suprise!...yes, women are starting to take control over their personal and sexual relationships---much in the same way that men have for decades. this implication that women by nature are supposed to be nurturing commitment-seeking angels is silly. and this is directed at the overall tone of the comments here, not at anyone specifically. so it's now year 2000 and women want the option of "playing the field" or just plain sleeping around. or maybe--and here's the most crazy part--they just want to enjoy their life, their independence, just "be." a relationship, at least a substantial relationship, requires a lot of work and compromise. there are definite benefits one receives from the sacrifice, but that is a decision for each individual to make. and the decision often changes as her goals and life structure change. For some reason, most of this country believes that marriage is an accomplishment in life, not a progressive stage in a relationship. People are so conditioned to believe they have to be in a relationship that they jump too quickly into them...you go out with someone 3 times and suddenly you're in an exclusive boyfriend/girlfriend relationship. Personally, I'm happy to see people taking their time to enjoy themselves and enjoy life on their own terms before they begin to involve someone else in it. I'm not saying relationships are bad. I'm not saying everyone should be alone. But I believe it's much healthier for people to keep encounters on a more casual level until they feel emotionally responsible enough to make things more serious. I'd much rather see a woman dating/flinging around and happy, than see her getting into a relationship with someone out of fear of being lonely or pressure to conform. and I also feel that it's silly to make generalizations that women don't want relationships. there are too many variables. You can't expect to meet a partner in a club (though I have). A club is an environment that encourages the exact opposite. People are there to get down and let loose. It's more about physical interaction, mostly because it's too loud to talk. and many people are chemically altered in one form or another so you aren't interacting with their geniune selves. Age also has a lot to do with it. Younger people are usually in a stage in their life where they're just experiencing things for the first time. which would make them more likely to want more casual relationship, see "what's out there." On the flip side, a lot of women feel their biological clock ticking nearing 30 and start seeking relationships--marriage to allow them to have children. Of course it's frustrating when we feel alone because we keep meeting people who don't share our needs. But people are too complex to distill it all down to a simple formula. whew, that's all. : ) FireGirl ------------------ "I have only one burning desire...let me stand next to your Fire..."
  12. I need a little groove time tonight, don't know where to go. looking for a casual club to sweat in, not a scene, I probably won't last past 2am thanks FG ------------------ "I have only one burning desire...let me stand next to your Fire..."
  13. "playa"...is that a burning man reference? FG ------------------ "I have only one burning desire...let me stand next to your Fire..."
  14. you guys rock! thanks for the suggestions. FG ------------------ "I have only one burning desire...let me stand next to your Fire..."
  15. I think I need a little groove time tonight, any suggestions? I can't tell if Dance Ritual is still on at Vinyl...the hot line lists it, but it may not be updated from the weekend's raid. what else is happening? looking for a casual club to sweat in, not a scene, I probably won't last past 2am thanks FG ------------------ "I have only one burning desire...let me stand next to your Fire..."
  16. Daniella: thumbs up on the straight-edge status, babe! actually, I made it all the way to 29 1/2 without doing any drugs of any kind (except alcohol). I think I'm just one of those fortunate people who have a gift of being able to get a natural chemical high from dancing. I just feel so damn good when I do it, that I never had the inclination to try drugs with it. very recently I tried e a few times because I was with a wonderful friend who made me feel exceptionally comfortable. but I have to say that it doesn't help the dancing experience for me at all. actually, I've found that I can't take e when I go clubbing---the music feels too aggressive then and I'm too stupid to dance with any style. plus, the hot sweaty claustrophobic environment of a club just doesn't feel good while on e. instead, I've saved a rare occasional "goodie" for happy huggy situations like a close party, preferably outdoor. but I still have to say that I don't think the high of dancing and the high of e compare. I truly prefer the first. I've just used the second if I'm seriously down. not that I'm preaching against those who chemically indulge, everyone's got their own thing. actually, I'm thankful so many people do roll while clubbing---it means I can act as buck ass crazy as I want and people will just assume I'm high like everyone else. *wg* so anyway, rock on with your sober self, sistah! FG PS--yep, when I would go out dancing once or twice a week, it sure made the body look sweeter. ------------------ "I have only one burning desire...let me stand next to your Fire..."
  17. true, true. I guess they've been the closest thing I've found since that 6th element thing out on randalls island. my standards have lowered to meet the lack of opportunities. *s man, what I wouldn't give for a rooftop, good vibe-ing, ps1 feeling, killer cuts rave. FG ------------------ "I have only one burning desire...let me stand next to your Fire..."
  18. "mr. sick"-- of course! snow cones! why didn't I think of that? guys dig snow cones. and clogs! guys really like clogs! getting wiggy wit it--- hmmm...thanks for the scoop. I actually have quite a collection of wigs. but aren't they awfully hot to dance in? and I jump & shake all around when I dance, what are the odds of it flying off? boy, that would suck: hey you there, can you move back? you're standing on my sweaty wig? I'm looking for a cross between stylin sweet and utilitarian comfort. gracias FG ------------------ "I have only one burning desire...let me stand next to your Fire..."
  19. I think you're right. it totally has a Lords sound to it. FG ------------------ "I have only one burning desire...let me stand next to your Fire..."
  20. >>"I am thin and gorgeous" ** that's another good one! but I was thinking of that kitschy song where the woman keeps saying "I want to touch myself"...[i have it on a mixed tape somewhere] ...."I love my body, I have a great body, I want to touch myself"...in between there's a lull where she just starts slowly repeating "I'm sexy, I'm beautiful, I'm gorrrrgeous"...I always thought everyone should wake up to that song. re: motivational speaking.... hmmm, given the neurotic state of the city, you could make quite a bit of money doing that. *gg FG ------------------ "I have only one burning desire...let me stand next to your Fire..."
  21. f***ing funny as hell. LMAO. I believe divalicious and I will be holding "don't hate me because I'm beautiful" meetings weekly. what's that 90s song?..."I'm fabulous, I'm sexy, I'm gorrrgeous..." FG ------------------ "I have only one burning desire...let me stand next to your Fire..."
  22. cool idea, thanks. I think I'm just going through "glowing head" withdraw (or is it withdrawal? I always mess that up) FG ------------------ "I have only one burning desire...let me stand next to your Fire..."
  23. the politically correct term for "bitch": "domestic smack-down partner for purely physical pleasure but only if they want to" FG ------------------ "I have only one burning desire...let me stand next to your Fire..."
  24. "Mr. Wiest was the second young person in recent years whose death has been linked to the club" --they've got to be kidding. only 2 deaths in 2+ years and this is considered a problem?! people will always exhibit poor judgement, no matter what the environment. if he died in a McDonalds, the city wouldn't be trying to shut all fast food chains down. for the love of god! this is just too stupid for me to tolerate! the first thing to come to mind: "it ain't eazy bein greazy in a world full of cleanliness and good" oh, toss it all. FG ------------------ "I have only one burning desire...let me stand next to your Fire..."
  25. remember all the gatien clubs closing in the mid 90s? if those drug dens can reopen, I'm sure vinyl will be up and running again. FG btw, I haven't seen a rave since that sardine fest at Exit many months back. are they extinct? ------------------ "I have only one burning desire...let me stand next to your Fire..."
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