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Everything posted by k_car

  1. at least not towards the guys ------------------ ************************* "Strangers are just friends waiting to happen." - Old Sage Twilo *************************
  2. once again, isn't dress code or being a hot girl getting in earlier in a club a lot different from not getting in at all based on your race??? just MO ------------------ ************************* "Strangers are just friends waiting to happen." - Old Sage Twilo *************************
  3. dude, you are right in the senseless opinion part. sorry about that i guess when it comes to discrimination, it hits a nerve with me. you must agree though, that not letting in someone b/c of their race is a lot different from letting in someone b/c of a dress code, no? ------------------ ************************* "Strangers are just friends waiting to happen." - Old Sage Twilo *************************
  4. STFU you stupid ho. they open clubs up in america for americans you dumb ass! and for the record, there are plenty of asian clubs and parties in the city. your just jealous that they haven't opened up a beastiality lovers club for you, you 2 bit ho ------------------ ************************* "Strangers are just friends waiting to happen." - Old Sage Twilo *************************
  5. i see your point to a certain degree. definitely some merit, but overall, i would have to disagree with you. it has nothing to do with being politically correct and everything to do with what america was built on. In the constitution it states that "each man is created equal." and yes, it may appear as "whining" to some, but would we be the strong country we are today had Lincoln not listened to the "whining" (of that day) of people abhorrent to slavery? or should we have just stuck with the status quo of "established" society when MLK fought discrimination and segregation not only for african americans, but for ALL minorities? maybe you make these comments b/c you are not asian and it doesn't directly effect you... i dunno... regardless, racism effects ALL of us... if you recall american history, ALL cultures were the focus of discrimination at one point in american history. in fact, western europeans first came to north america to escape religious persecution. it's those people who chose to rise above the bigotry and hate that made america the greatest country in the world. you're allowed to express your thoughts. that's fine. but i give props to prelude for going the extra mile of researching the ways in which we can try to do something about it. if you don't want to participate then fine, why add your useless 2 cents??? *steps off soapbox* ------------------ ************************* "Strangers are just friends waiting to happen." - Old Sage Twilo *************************
  6. sorry... double post [This message has been edited by k_car (edited 01-23-2001).]
  7. hey blue, those are some nice pics! your bf has talent! ------------------ ************************* "Strangers are just friends waiting to happen." - Old Sage Twilo *************************
  8. i've taken alls i cans takes and i cants takes no more! bastards at exit ------------------ ************************* "Strangers are just friends waiting to happen." - Old Sage Twilo *************************
  9. blah, blah, blah... ya rat bastard ------------------ ************************* "Strangers are just friends waiting to happen." - Old Sage Twilo *************************
  10. blah, blah, blah... nope, never had a bad experience at tempts. nor any other club for that matter. looks like you can criticize other places, but then when someone throws back at you some criticism back at your fav. club, you can't take it i find you pathetic. typical reaction from one that would go to temptations. yes, i am an adult and i've grown out fighting... seems to me you haven't. i will however, fight in self defense... so if i ever run into you, just know that a round house kick is coming your way... remember, i warned you first b4 you get bitch slappped. it's very interesting to see responses from tempation supporters like yourself... uncontrolled anger and hate. like i said, you're the one who started hating first, not me. read the posts, yours included. all of my original posts did not start with "tempts sucks" or anything like that. you started the twilo bashing... so take your fucking incoherent hypocritical ass out of my face you dumb 2 bit ho. ------------------ ************************* "Strangers are just friends waiting to happen." - Old Sage Twilo *************************
  11. PVD! PVD! PVD!!! i'll be on line by 10:30 ------------------ ************************* "Strangers are just friends waiting to happen." - Old Sage Twilo *************************
  12. me like christopher lawrence , especially temptation, his last cd ------------------ ************************* "Strangers are just friends waiting to happen." - Old Sage Twilo *************************
  13. do it all the time. in fact, this weekend was: friday: dinner and (don't laugh) karaoke. saturday: over a friend's house to play taboo. sunday: (believe it or not) church. also - a don't drop that often anyway. love to dance though ------------------ ************************* "Strangers are just friends waiting to happen." - Old Sage Twilo *************************
  14. damn! more power to ya! i think i need to drink more oj or something ------------------ ************************* "Strangers are just friends waiting to happen." - Old Sage Twilo *************************
  15. PVD is the bomb PVD has taken over as top crowd attracter at twilo, prolly b/c he is only there once every 2 months rather than S&D's monthly residency. also, i think pvds style may have a broader appeal (high energy and uplifting trance). he was awesome last time he was there in nov. don't get me wrong, i love s&d as well (in fact i've seen them 4X more than pvd)... for their mixing, journey, dark trance, etc. either way, they are all awesome, especially when you're at their level (pinnacle of djing). which one you like better depends on preference. a tough choice, but pvd for me you can get his letest live sets on tranceaddict.com. listen for yourself. i strongly recommend is live set from home. just mo ------------------ ************************* "Strangers are just friends waiting to happen." - Old Sage Twilo *************************
  16. Been going out clubbing every Friday and Saturday for the last 2 months... Feeling a little drained physically (nasty cold) and have had some crazy nightmares (E?). But damn, I miss Twilo (haven't been there in 3 weeks)... what the hell am i talking about??? i'll be there all of feb. for pvd, cox & teneglia, etc. ------------------ ************************* "Strangers are just friends waiting to happen." - Old Sage Twilo *************************
  17. i think orchy was just trying to make a point to colonia regarding loving america and americans, but i do agree with you that many americans are taught and know very little outside of america, especially people that are not from metropolitan areas. my friends from spain, holland, france, england, etc. find it amusing and a little disturbing how little we americans know about world history and culture. to be fair though, (IMHO) americans do generally respect other cultures including ones not located directly near europe. what i mean by this is that europeans tend to know a lot about europe, surrounding countries and those countries of european decent (e.g. - usa and south africa) but they tend to know very little about asian cultures and history. i would say americans tend to know a bit more about asian culture because we are exposed to more asians... just as eauropeans would know a lot more than the average american regarding neighboring european coutries. just some food fopr thought ------------------ ************************* "Strangers are just friends waiting to happen." - Old Sage Twilo *************************
  18. you've got to be fuckin' kidding me?! why go there? so i can be surrounded by a bunch of juiceheads looking for fights? or is it to listen to some wannabe dj mixning in backstreet boys with "OOOooooooOOOOOh OOOOOOooooooOOOOOh Oh, Oh, Oh Oh Oh!" let's see... shitty music, shitty crowd, shitty dj... yeah, i wanna be there remember, you threw the first stone... ------------------ ************************* "Strangers are just friends waiting to happen." - Old Sage Twilo *************************
  19. other places... being korean, i like "3rd floor cafe" on 32nd and 5th ave. nice lounge/cafe to get drinks or coffee. great atmosphere from the 3rd floor looking down. believe it or not i love the virgin megastore near times square. i could spend hours there roaming around listening and discovering new music. cafe wha??? off bleacker street in the village. awesome live music and vibe. people dancing and having fun with reckless abandon. having a great time is required ------------------ ************************* "Strangers are just friends waiting to happen." - Old Sage Twilo *************************
  20. i know you have free passes for the 10th and all, but you may want to lose your twilo virginity on Friday instead. Paul Van Dyk will be spinning that night and should be one of the best club nights so far this year. it will be mad packed (more packed than any other night - even v. S&D) but the music and the vibe will be unbelievable. ------------------ ************************* "Strangers are just friends waiting to happen." - Old Sage Twilo *************************
  21. twilo is the answer... best djs in the world. personally, my favorite is paul van dyk. he spins bi-monthly, the next time being feb. 9th. other awesome djs there are: sasha and digweed carl cox steve lawler deep dish danny tenaglia anthony pappa danny howells etc., etc., etc. ------------------ ************************* "Strangers are just friends waiting to happen." - Old Sage Twilo *************************
  22. i have many european friends and they are all so cool and openminded. it's so sad that colonia is such a pitiful representation of europeans. for example, many europeans go to twilo and i find them so friendly. true europeans know that love is the answer, not hate... in that spirit - GO FUCK YOURSELF, BIATCH (colonia that is)!!! ------------------ ************************* "Strangers are just friends waiting to happen." - Old Sage Twilo *************************
  23. i hear ya. and vice versa. it's the bad times that allows you to appreciate the good ------------------ ************************* "Strangers are just friends waiting to happen." - Old Sage Twilo *************************
  24. "americans have bad taste?" and there point is what??? it cracks me up that these were the same "bad taste" americans that made their past albums (e.g. - oasis-oasis) so successful. i guess our taste took a turn for the worse like their music so much crap from the self proclaimed "best band in the world." i agree, beatles wannabes... but not even better than, dare i say... the backstreet boys (and they suck too). ------------------ ************************* "Strangers are just friends waiting to happen." - Old Sage Twilo *************************
  25. drop e every weekend for about 2 months straight. i have some friends that have done this and damn they look boney ------------------ ************************* "Strangers are just friends waiting to happen." - Old Sage Twilo *************************
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