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Everything posted by weyes

  1. weyes


    how could that be, themrs? weren't they in proportion to your pre-implant breasts (which would mean that they're rather small)? or were they altered somehow when you had the surgery?
  2. weyes

    A simpson...P hilton

    yep. it takes some serious courage to be who you are (no matter what that is) when you know that millions of people make fun of you; at least she's not a phony .
  3. thanks, and hey, joeygk ! how's life in nyc, as an ex-miami-ite?
  4. only making a small dent in cleaning up a mess can make a big difference in the way one feels; just getting a start on things can be very uplifting. tune in tomorrow.
  5. [my first was too close to one that was said above, so this is what came up second] drunk
  6. weyes

    A simpson...P hilton

    ditto . paris rocks 'cause she's not afraid to be herself; she's not all plastic like the rest of 'em. she's flat and has an unusual nose and she's kept it all. lindsay lohan either tans herself dark orange or wears too much fake shit; it doesn't matter, though, 'cause it still looks ridiculous and unhealthy either way. i dunno if her boobs are fake or if she just wears stupid-ass push-up bras ALL THE TIME, but she's taken good raw material (a good body and natural red hair) and wasted it.yay, paris !!!
  7. despite what the box/commercials say, many sleeping pills do give one a hangover . tune in tomorrow.
  8. crazy eyes a. flava sweet ...
  9. there's a great deal of difference between feeling sorry for someone and actually understanding how someone else feels. sympathy's easy; empathy brings us together . tune in tomorrow.
  10. wowsers! 2 weeks? that's a lot of upkeep! where do you find the time? i had really let mine go ... i don't think i had it cut since this past winter. it got frizzy and disorderly when i just had it out; i had to put it up or braid it. now it behaves and my curls are throughout my hair, not just at the ends . i can't braid it now, though... enough of the hair talk! all that to say i'm happy about it .
  11. i couldn't find a great picture of her, even on her site, but she's so stunning in person - she has a beautiful russian look... anyway, it's space girl. i heard a while back she was changing her name to "electra," but it seems she's still space girl, for now.
  12. gmc, you're a nice guy and a real sweetheart, so don't take this personally, but it doesn't. AT ALL. and as peeps said above, i don't know who you've been who excrete dairy-like substances, but you should stay away from these individuals .
  13. sometimes just a good haircut can provide a much needed boost of self-esteem . tune in tomorrow.
  14. "south park" may suck, but it's not a reality tv show !
  15. weyes

    anna nicole

    i gained 90, then lost 80 pounds in a year and a half or so (i was on medication that made me balloon up, then went off it and one that helped me lose that weight while on slim-fast... long story...). it happens! i don't have extra skin flopping all over the place or anything like that. it's just like a pregnant woman, losing all of that weight suddenly. i just have more stretch marks than other people i know (though just about everyone i know has them somewhere, from growth spurts as teenagers, for any reason.).
  16. man, i forgot about "the swan"; that was one sick show . they took these women with no self-esteem, gave them multiple plastic surgeries, then judged them much further than i'm sure they ever were before that. for all but that one winner: how do you feel when you've had a breast enlargement, a tummy tuck, lipo on your thighs, a nose job, an eye lift, and butt implants (way too many surgeries!), and then people tell you you're not good enough?the "before" videos/pictures were (as they usually are in these situations) taken of the women looking like they just woke up. their hair is rumpled and frizzy and all over the place, no makeup (which translates as bad on tv), bad lighting, and they're frowning. of course, they're gonna look a lot worse than they really do in everyday life. i think these women just needed a makeover and some self-love, that's all. and i think it is really sad both that someone saw fit to indulge these women and to promote the idea that that was the best answer. it's a good thing you didn't go on, lbell; i hope you were kidding!
  17. after moving to a new town, one should get a street map as soon as possible. trying to get places by one's internal sense of direction can waste a lot of gas ... tune in tomorrow.
  18. rock on, funk ! how tall is matt damon, anyway?
  19. weyes

    anna nicole

    she's also incredibly tall; she came into the store where i used to work and she towered over me (i'm almost 5' 10"). i was bowled over. but she really is very thin - she was really skinny on jay leno and she's having a poll on her website about whether she should gain some pounds to get back to the weight she was at in her voluptuous guess days or not. here are some newer pics:
  20. my roommate is engrossed in "big brother 5," which is on 3 nights a week. it's crazy to me that he's devoting 3 hours on 3 different nights to these drama kings and queens... but it also makes me wonder why he likes this one so much more than the rest. and reality tv is pretty popular, even though i find it painful to watch. but what do you guys think was/is the worst reality tv show ever? [and the shows i nominate include any year of the show]
  21. taking care of a sick friend can make both parties feel good. tune in tomorrow.
  22. i took off the other ones; no problem . just click it once - sometimes it takes a long time, but it registers. it sucks, but there's no way to avoid that right now. sorry! i hear ya ! no naming necessary!and i wish i could come, alex; my mom and aunt are visiting from back east and i have to host them for the four days they're here. we will meet one of these days! if not sooner, i know i'll see you at digweed in september, right?
  23. i have that same problem and wrote that in the column a while ago . i don't even try disconaps anymore.
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