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Everything posted by weyes

  1. their website doesn't have their djs for that saturday listed and i don't know who they are, but check out who spundae's got; i dunno who they have up against tiesto, but i love spundae and can't stand avalon. www.spundae.com really, spundae is the epitome of all things good in l.a. nightlife ; the vibe is unbeliveable and unmatched .
  2. no fear factor for you !!!
  3. i'm giving, as options, the news anchors we are most likely to remember. the ones i'm leaving out (i only have room for 9) all happen to be ones that never get played in reruns, poor souls. i'm still leaving an option for "other," though, in case anyone wants to write one of them in. biggest snl geek <---- that would be me!
  4. i don't think you'll get many answers to this thread !
  5. taking another person's parking spot means taking on some bad karma . tune in tomorrow.
  6. thanks for the review, supadupazone!
  7. thank you! can i get an amen, everybody !??
  8. shorty - he asked what you would do for a million clams. what can you think of for that ?
  9. they're all too overboard for me .
  10. while some fears may be irrational, they are not invalid. tune in tomorrow.
  11. simply put, i want to be able to make a living as a photographer. i've wanted to be able to do it taking pictures of the club scene, but i'm not entirely picky... i just want to have a steady income so that i wouldn't ever have to worry, i.e. not have to work freelance. it'd be nice to be funded so i could do some documentary stuff someday, too. and i need health insurance with whatever job i have, too!!! as for the million dollars, i dunno... i guess i'd work for it, and do any number of things. if you're asking how low i would go, you'd have to give me choices.
  12. though difficult, it is possible to listen to people drone on and on endlessly about sports without falling asleep . tune in tomorrow.
  13. a person should have two car keys and either keep the extra one at home or give it to someone who could help him/her out in a jam. this includes being locked out of the car, having one's key break, or losing the key altogether. tune in tomorrow.
  14. while i do love this statement and truly agree with it (mad ups to you for that ), there is, however, a limit to a couple's compatibility. if there's no chemistry, practice won't help at all.
  15. hating people and holding grudges takes so much work; it's so much easier to be happy-go-lucky. tune in tomorrow.
  16. yes, many babies are just plain ugly. relatives of said babies are blind to this, but one does not have to feel bad for simply being aware of this truth . tune in tomorrow.
  17. gmc, hold up - i think you made a mistake in your choices: you wrote that some was 3-4 people, then that a lot was 10 times. i'm hoping that you didn't mean that the person who slept with 3 or 4 people only had sex with each 2 or 3 times! you meant that the person who had a lot of experience had more than ten partners, right? not times? *o, and to answer the question, experience is important to me. i haven't had that much, so i'd rather be with someone who's had a decent amount, so the sex wouldn't totally suck ass (at least for the first part of our sexual relationship) . but it's not the number of partners that matters - it's the amount of experience in general. i'd just like to have someone who knows what he's doing more than i do.
  18. it's all about animal style .o, and xlr8ted - i make excellent smoothies; forget jerry's deli! (really, they're so easy to make.)
  19. well, this thread has been reported to me and requested that it be bumped to drama, and i see neither a reason why i should ignore that request nor why i should keep this thread here, so it is done. bye-bye !
  20. somewhere inbetween smother and neglect is the healthy amount of attention/love one should give another person. tune in tomorrow.
  21. one should hang onto that last pair of crappy sneakers one just replaced in case one needs to go somewhere or do something messy, like paint the house or visit the desert (memorial day, 2004 !!!.) tune in tomorrow.
  22. i've never had vaginal by itself and have never come during [penile] penetration, but i have had vaginal and clitoral together through other means. usually, though, i just have clitoral.
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