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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by weyes

  1. i didn't see it, but it seems like madonna will do anything to try to seem like she even deserves attention. throw in the towel, already, woman; you haven't done anything worth listening to in a very long time . edit: madonna can't sing; why didn't anyone get on her back for that? people are always down on britney, saying that she can't sing, and blahblahblah, but madonna's much worse. madonna was only good for amusement and shock value at her peak. now she's hardly amusing, and trying to be controversial by kissing young girls on cable is just sad. she should grow up, act her age, and disappear, where she belongs.
  2. hold companies accountable for the goods and services they promise to provide; if the services promised are not delivered, it is your right to demand and take whatever action necessary to get what should've been coming to you all along.* tune in tomorrow. *
  3. my dsl was out again last night and i was furious . i raced home from work as quickly as i could to set up my brand new multi-function printer/fax/scanner/copier so that i could print out my free admission coupon to red (only good before 10:30) that was in my e-mail inbox. that fucker took a long time to set up, but i finished by 10 and rummaged through my drawers to find something to wear while i waited for my pc to reboot. but, just like earlier this week, my dsl was down. [repeat all of the angry smileys above] i was so pissed - i can't even begin to go into it. i really wanted to go out with my orange county friends (who i never see often enough), and i really needed to dance. you guys know what i mean by that, right? sometimes you gotta dance. but i was not about to pay $25 to see taylor. my friends called to say they saw bluecenterstar there . hi, blue! ooo - sbc is gonna hear it from me on monday morning .
  4. i liked perrier better in the 80s . jk .
  5. i hear that !!! i'm right there with ya, buddy!
  6. i've never partied in sd either. but i have to say that l.a.'s promoters, in general, do seem to have the clubgoers' interests at heart more than promoters seem to in my hometown - the name of which *cough cough* will remain nameless .
  7. drinking lots of water has many great benefits. it's good for the complexion, keeps your digestive system clean, and can help to clear up all sorts of dehydration-related afflictions/annoyances, such as headaches and even bloating. drink up! tune in tomorrow.
  8. good to see you, joey ! i'll keep my post as short as this .
  9. yessir. i remember being cracked out and taking a walk with my friends past the 76 station at sunrise. on our way past gas was $1, and on our way back it was 99 cents. we thought it was a sign of a good year to come .
  10. gabo, seriously - you've gotta stop with the demands; you haven't posted a thing. no demands without submissions . o, and p.s.: i'm a shoulders/arms/chest girl; upper body shots are jest fine for me, guys . <--- not a demand, just clarifying that i'm not limited to below the belt.
  11. a clever way of putting it .
  12. you guys rock ; you keep making me use this smiley!
  13. don't forget deep ! http://deep-la.com/ i've never been, but it's a great favorite among many, including cp's own sebastianxy.
  14. cheapest gas near me (in l.a., where i have to drive everywhere ) is $2.07. on january 1, 2002, the cheapest in orange county (which tends to be a little more expensive than l.a.) was 99 cents.
  15. my broadband connection's back, and so am i .
  16. i hate it . i need to get however loud as i get (which is really loud...) in order to come as intensely as possible. if i have to stifle myself, it's not nearly as good .
  17. the cp girls are looking good, as always , but i have to give some serious props to the guys , as they generally tend to not post on pic threads at all, much less post such revealing pics. and i especially like the lighting in glowball's pics; nicely done.
  18. :lol3: :lol3: i have never used that smiley before, but it's an accurate representation of me right now. i don't know where all the sass is coming from these past few days, but the sex forum is in rare form !!!
  19. :rofl: there are too many hilarious posts in here to quote. thanks, guys .
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