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Everything posted by weyes

  1. you could've at least taken the red-eye out .
  2. yeah - i feel so violated.
  3. welcome back to travel week!!! make sure to line up a ride to the airport well in advance. friends hate to be asked last-minute (it's a pain, no matter where you live), and you really need to be sure you'll get there on time. vans like prime time and super shuttle that go door-to-door are generally quite affordable, depending on where you live, and are worth looking into . tune in tomorrow.
  4. yay for vic's new avatar !!!
  5. how many times are people gonna argue about the shoes? and wasn't it settled with the pic of j-lo, anyway?
  6. your answer can be found in the first post of our sticky thread on l.a.:http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=136874 but, to throw in a little opinion, spundae is my favorite place. i'll leave it at that, since everything else pertinent to your question is addressed in that sticky, except to add that spundae is only held on saturday nights .
  7. welcome back to travel week!!! these days, actual paper plane tickets are a rarity. "e-tickets" have almost replaced them entirely. however, this doesn't mean that one should just walk on up to the check-in at the airport and show an id; the airline would like to see a printout of your flight schedule's confirmation, or at least have the number of the confirmation. the more info - even numbers that seem insignificant - one can bring, the faster one can get through all those annoying lines and checkpoints. tune in tomorrow.
  8. that's really cool . if you don't mind my asking (which also means that you don't have to answer if you don't want to), are you and your sister the same race as your parents? were you adopted as babies or when you were older?
  9. how could this thread have been started by d if you have the first post?
  10. weyes

    FAT Aguilera =/

    the first one could be real, but not the second. in order to have rolls you have to be seriously overweight for your frame, and, even though she has a small frame, she is not overweight enough to qualify.but give the girl a break, already. and while you do that, be glad there aren't millions of people judging you so harshly .
  11. your "show picture" tip doesn't work for me, either . i'd really like to see your pics, too, 'cause no one else put up captions and there are people i can't name. in one of atomic's pictures there was one of you with your camera. you have the dimage x, yes?
  12. atomica - these are your pics, right? i thought you had the 4300. no?
  13. weyes

    Shag 4 pics

    what kind of camera do you have?
  14. welcome to travel week!!! since insomnia week went over so well ( ), i figure i'll do another week dedicated to a topic. ok, ok, maybe not the whole week... make sure that, days before going on a trip, all that you'll want to wear is clean. this should include at least one somewhat dressy outfit, just in case a slightly more formal event arises, and always extra socks and underwear . tune in tomorrow.
  15. what do you get when you cross a car and a parrot? a carrot!!!!!!!!! seriously, you guys; don't make me hijack this thread with jokes from my little sister and her friends ... let's see some jokes up in here!!!
  16. thanks for all so far. any more details or other events?
  17. try not to let other peoples' bad moods ruin yours . this is a tough skill to master, but worth the effort . tune in tomorrow.
  18. the public transit in and around l.a. isn't entirely useless; i have a friend who lives in the city of orange (that's in orange county ) who doesn't have a car, and he manages to get to work and to go out to play pretty well. one just has to know the schedules of trains, buses, and the subway and what meets up with what. he does live a couple of blocks from a train station and his work is a few blocks from one too, though, so he's got it kinda easy.
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