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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by weyes

  1. ou812 - from where is the walken quote? my dad wants to know. and you didn't answer me, either .
  2. what's up with the wedgies?
  3. ooo - i had it for a while . havin' trouble keepin' up, are we ?
  4. from where did you get that pic? he seems all punked out; his belt's studded and whatnot. maybe he's going for a whole new look. when he was here he was wearing a ringer-t with the cover of one of blondie's albums on it (i know you saw the pic). it wasn't from back then, though; it was a brand new, silkscreened one on a retro-looking shirt. how old is mr. howells? i thought he was 27/28. did i actually read that somewhere or is that just some baseless age floatin' in my head?and the "she" is space girl . even though her music's not really my type of stuff anymore (i'm more mellow than i used to be), you couldn't keep me away from red next friday if ya tried .
  5. you think i'm kidding ?it's so not cool to wake up in your bathroom ...
  6. i never do that; there are never any hot guys near me . o, except maybe for all the cute little california jailbait... did i just write that ?
  7. it's not pathetic; don't apologize .and i'm sorry to hear that. it's not necessary to always be in a relationship; sometimes it's best to be alone for a while. i know hearing that old "something will happen when it's meant to be" line sucks ass, but the wait-and-see approach can work wonders in many arenas. the night i was approached by 4 men (usually it's 1 or none) and ended up meeting my next bf was a night i just threw on a random shirt and spent no time getting made-up. normally that would've made me feel self-conscious and shy, but there are just too many factors in life for any set few to determine any certain outcome. all this blahblahblah is just to say that the girl you're looking for is out there, and, if i'm saying this, that's gotta be true; i'm generally pretty jaded about this stuff. what you're asking for - trustworthiness, loyalty, integrity - isn't hard to find if you're in the right places. and as for the drugs and drinking, once again, the wrong people. i don't drink, and i've spent many a sober night out at clubs. find a girl that's more mature. heck - find a woman. and i don't know if you have any friends in program, or if any of the ones you know are recovered enough, but i know that a lot of program veterans i've known in my life were great, solid people. see where they hang out, what they do for fun, where they meet people. i hope i haven't seemed too preachy. i hope we all have been helpful to some degree. be well and take care of yourself .
  8. hey, zeonstar, i think i remember your posts when you were first starting out with this girl - correct me if i'm wrong; congratulations on your engagement !!! you could give the joy of sex a try; that book's been around since about the time of the "free love" (another term for casual sex, in my opinion ) movement, and is all about exploration and, well, the finding of joy .
  9. why no review of the venue?
  10. space girl, my first dancefloor muse, is coming to red (held at arena, 6655 santa monica blvd.) on friday, april 4th !!! she's hard acid trance, definitely one of a kind. she's not so much what i'm into anymore, but i owe her a lot (long, cheesy story). she's based in new york and rarely tours, so i'm excited to have this opportunity. she's generally a rave dj, though, so i wonder if she'll change her sound for an older, more sophisticated audience while playing at a club on friday (even though east coast rave music does tend to be more sophisticated than west coast, i've found.). red's $20, but if you sign up on their "redlist" before thursday, i think, you can get in for $10 if you get to the club before 10pm. here's the red website: www.nexxez.com and here's spacegirl's website: www.spacegirlmusic.com i hope some of you can make it !
  11. ooo! i was gonna post a thread about that! i'm going to red on the 4th (next friday) to see space girl . i owe her so much; i tell the cheesy story of how she liberated me on the dancefloor all the time, but it's true. i don't like her music nearly as much as i did back in the day, but she means so much to me that i just have to see her. she very rarely tours, too, so this'll be my last opportunity in a while, i'm betting. for those who aren't familiar with her, she does live pa stuff (i still don't know what pa stands for, but she does electronic whooseewhatsis this-and-that and uses keyboards). she's known as the "queen of hard acid trance," but i've never heard anything like her, so i think she may be the only one in her genre, anyway . she may change her sound to fit arena's club audience, though, as she's mostly a rave performer. red's at arena at 6655 santa monica blvd. (right in front of circus, where spundae's held). i think i'll also make a roll call thread. it'd be great to meet you, blue, kittn, and anyone else! and cubbie, it'd also be great to see you again ! i'll post a roll call thread anyway .
  12. after an argument, it's best to keep an open mind and ear in order to resolve it. being stubborn and holding grudges doesn't get anyone anywhere. tune in tomorrow.
  13. thanks . going next year is definitely a goal of mine.
  14. hmmm. i dunno, poccnr, but see if your answer is in the sticky at the top of the page, and if it isn't, that's the best place to pose your question : http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&postid=1392064#post1392064
  15. i'll be at ferry corsten on the 19th . my brother is coming to visit from out of town, and he's taking me out/i'm dragging him out, depending on how you look at it .
  16. all people are doing is making threads that say, "this sucks." what are they doing to solve the problem?
  17. weyes


    i've been having bad luck to the point that i think i'm jinxed. bad things follow where i go (i.e. things breaking down); other people have commented that i must be bad luck . i may start making a conscious effort to pick up pennies...
  18. wow, cody, that's amazing . i can't imagaine anything better . and a smackeroo on the lips :eek: ??????????????????????? woooooooowwwwwww. i poured my soul in an e-mail to the performer (she doesn't spin - live pa) who changed my life. it took me a very long time to put what i said into words, 'cause most of the words i needed (and still do) don't exist. she was the one who, years ago, set my shy self free on the dancefloor when i didn't think i could dance unless with a group of friends. i went to a party alone for the first time because of another dj and she was one of the first on. only a few people were on the dancefloor, but her music drove me there and set me dancing frenetically, not caring what anyone thought. and ever after that, i went alone to parties whenever, danced where, when, and how i felt like it. she's going to be out here next week (she hardly ever tours, so i'm stoked ). but the only response i got to my e-mail was what looked like a form letter . i'm not even sure she read it. i hope to get her picture next week, but that club is kinda strict about cameras ...
  19. what about K) people who are always complaining that the sex board "isn't what it used to be" for reason x or reason y. ? i don't understand why so many people are constantly judging this board, especially people who supposedly care about it so much. entheogen's just saying he doesn't like the drama, and i can appreciate that, but i really don't care for and am tired of all the "this forum is boring" and "it's not like it used to be" threads. don't just sit by and sigh, be part of the solution.
  20. how about getting away from the personals/online services entirely for a while and trying to meet people the old-fashioned way, face-to-face? that way, you can get a better sense of who a person really is. if a person is a liar, weirdo, sexual deviant, or anything else undesirable, you can move on and save yourself a lot of time and heartbreak. a lot of people think that they're meeting more people online and thereby increasing their chances of finding "someone," but because these people turn out to be bad matches (freaks) most of the time, i feel that talking to these people every night in order to get to know them is wasting more time. go out there in the world and see who's out there. i think you'll find humans, not twisted words.
  21. yeah, that's it, cody - he started with some dope-ass house or another but moved into awful techno hell and stayed there .and i added you to my aim list; i'm weyesr1 .
  22. everyone has to keep some things to him/herself. keeping some things secret is an important part of owning one's past and moving on. tune in tomorrow.
  23. i drink ridiculous amounts of lemonade .
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