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Everything posted by weyes

  1. i am trying sooooooooooo hard to hold my tongue about how bad some of these pictures are and how a few of these girls are just straight-up dogs... it's getting harder and harder ...
  2. who the hell is sofia vergara ???
  3. i have a big problem w/ that; my boobs hurt most of the time anyway; when i have my period it's really bad .
  4. dass what i'm sayin', yo .and tastyt, can you give me some examples of other plain faced, hot bodied women in the entertainment biz? (i don't mean it as an argument, i'm just curious .)
  5. i'm with phattie on this one; i'll put it right up there with the famous "she was asking for it [rape] 'cause she was looking really sexy in that outfit" line .
  6. a little late - sorry... there's a fine, but very important line between paranoia and justifiable concern . tune in tomorrow.
  7. the first pic is see's .
  8. weyes


    whoops! i was clicking the wrong thing!!! i got it to work now .
  9. for any general questions about l.a. clubs, nightlife, or the city in general, check out the sticky - always at the top of the page . here's the link: http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=136874
  10. well, you'll have to read the whole review thread .come to think of it, he looked entirely different from the front than he does in your profile pic. don't you have any better pictures of him? sheesh - some fan you are. well, as i said in another thread, you'd better come back from miami with some pics...
  11. i find it amazing that bush claims that we are doing this in an effort to promote democracy, when he is ignoring the wishes of his own people, and those of the united nations.
  12. take some pitchurrs, willya?
  13. give up the act already, would you ???you know you looooooooooovvve it ...
  14. i think that's what makes her interesting - a great body with a very plain jane face. it's a rare combo, and rare that the plain jane face makes it in the biz.she reminds me of my best friend in high school .
  15. wow - that surprises me: that sleeping on your stomach would make a difference. i can't fall asleep on my back, anyway (good thing i don't want kids !!!).are you on the pill, or have you considered it? i used to have a very heavy, 7-day flow, and really bad cramps back in the day, and the pill gives me a light (after the first day & 1/2 to 2 days) and shorter flow with cramps that aren't so bad. i really recommend it.
  16. our differing opinions on current events and the world in general can be part of what keep our minds open to these different points of view. speak your mind, but listen, too . tune in tomorrow.
  17. if you're apocalypse, i can't seem to get yours to work .
  18. weyes


    those really are atrocious .
  19. weyes


    what are "yzf" and "ninjas"?
  20. weyes


    weird, dg; i always knew them to be bikes (equally ridiculous-looking ones, though).
  21. weyes


    in my day, a "rice rocket" was some sort of motorcycle. don't front like my day was yesterday.
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