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Everything posted by weyes

  1. i thought it was ok, but too short. it was over just as i was getting into it .
  2. oooooo... watch out ... MASTERMIND (Submissive Introvert Abstract Thinker ) Like just 8% of the population you are a MASTERMIND (SIAT). You can be silent and withdrawn, but behind your reserved exterior lies an active mind that allows you to analyze situations and come up with creative, unexpected solutions. Normal people call this "scheming." Don't learn German. Anyway, your sense of style and originality are your strengths, and people will respect your judgment once they get to know you. If you learn to be a little more personable, you could be a great leader--you've definitely got the "vision" thing down. Just make sure all the plotting you do behind those eyes of yours is healthy. Famous masterminds in television: Dr. Claw, The Scarecrow and Mrs. King, Montgomery Burns.
  3. people who drive while on their cell phones. and yes, i mean those people. it's dangerous and irresponsible. those people are always spacing out. i don't know why it's not against the law to drive while on a cell in cali; it's illegal in a lot of other states .
  4. some of the stuff it's been playing so far is pure cheese, but it's also been playing some classics i've been missing. it's current slogan is "10,000 in a row"; i've yet to hear a commercial . unfortunately, it has an even shorter playlist than k-earth (the oldies station); i keep hearing the same songs over and over. but i have high hopes for this station, and it's been keeping me awake at the wheel, even dancing in my seat, at times .
  5. although i am a candy aficionado (just ask my cavities ), i don't know the answer to this one . but i did once count to see if one could get 100 bubbles out of one stick of extra (as one of their commercials once claimed), and yes, it can be done !
  6. don't underestimate the healing power of a hug . tune in tomorrow.
  7. when the toilet's clear, flush new water over it a buncha times; use some spray toilet cleaner too, if ya want .
  8. all righty, then; sleep well . i'm eagerly awaiting the premiere of chappelle's show and will be glad to have the last word in the meantime .
  9. sorry to disappoint, but weyes is only in a committed relationship with herself at the moment, ifyaknowwhatimean .
  10. no - i said, "NO lazy girl here," as in, i WASN'T lazy, and did something about it .
  11. i love watching the mexican telenovelas while at my neighborhood laundromat and trying to figure out what's going on .
  12. ok, i found a few; these are all when erect and the foreskin can be pulled back:
  13. david la chappelle used to be a good photographer .
  14. every household should have a toilet plunger, in case of emergencies . tune in tomorrow.
  15. that's so funny ! i almost wrote last night that i thought bugs are the only exception, but then i wasn't so sure... i'm still on the fence with how i feel about that .
  16. now, let's have the girls' list .
  17. i wish i could, too ; i've never seen satoshi. but i went out twice last week and that made me broker than ever .
  18. it's been established that more americans are circumcized compared to the rest of the world, and cp is a pretty multinational place, so i'd guess that that'd affect this poll a lot. but i'm curious to see what the stats are. so?
  19. update: i got horny later; i'm not so old after all .
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