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Everything posted by weyes

  1. good to get away from the people who still use the word, "herb" as an insult . what's that about, anyway? o, and i ask for directions a lot .
  2. do you know the ones i'm talking about? the bigass fellers? you can throw a phonebook on those things and they can run away with it on their backs and whatnot ...
  3. down to 762 in one day!!! wow, vic . that's what the continuing repercussions from the downfall of buzz'll do to ya .
  4. o, forgot to mention that the upstairs neighbors i have now have two children with some sort of walking problem or something... they can't do anything but gallop with heavy feet, back and forth, all day and well up to 10 at night or so. i used to think these kids were running around all day, but when i finally saw them the first time, i just realized they were freaks and no one ever taught them how to walk properly. they're too old to walk like that (5 and 6, i'd guess)... they appear to be normal otherwise, i don't think they're disabled; i just think that their parents never cared about showing them that you just put one foot in front of the other, calmly. step left, step right, repeat.
  5. did you make that up ?
  6. maps aren't just for the lost; they're also for people who do not want to get lost . tune in tomorrow. * please pardon my tardiness; cp was down around 11 tonight. i do so hate to be late with the wisdom .
  7. yes, i'm with you there. best nights, people?
  8. new york waterbugs are a major challenge, though; they take some major practice to learn how to kill (don't ask) .
  9. hey, man, i didn't start it ! * and, since when does this board have dignity ?
  10. what's a "beater car" ?
  11. your topic wasn't even up for half an hour, don't say that no one is interested! if you want to see a lack of response, you should see some of the other boards (i won't name any names )! i had some downstairs neighbors once that couldn't speak in any volume lower than SCREAM. it was especially annoying on weekends, when they'd wake up at 8 a.m. anyway. and the mother, who'd just gotten out of jail but was on house arrest, was always yelling at her children. it was not only unpleasant, but uncomfortable, because my roommates and i worried about the kids. fortunately, a social worker was visiting the family and monitoring them closely, so we couldn't do more than what was being done. but, although i don't live there anymore, i still worry about those kids. they started off as such sweet children, but became more violent and mischievous as time went on since their mom came home from jail. before, when they were being raised by their granparents and uncle, they were doing well in school and were very well-behaved. it just shows how bad parenting can really ruin someone's life, before it gets off to a fair start .
  12. no facial hair, at all, on anyone . not attractive.
  13. i'm sorry to still be confused and be pursuing this, but you've totally lost me . is it ok for a guy to taste himself now, or totally unacceptable, no matter what?
  14. just ran into this, and it sounds too ridiculous to be true: http://www.nbc4.tv/News/1683129/detail.html any thoughts? i think the people these pollsters survey just say they've tried these things to fuck with the writers' heads .
  15. gotcha, i think ! so you agree with me, that, really, everyone tasting everyone seems to make the most sense, and that heatherlynn feeling that only guys tasting themselves is weird is weird. i know this is not the most popular line of thought, but i really think that, just as a concept, tasting someone else is ickier than tasting yourself.
  16. bump what day/night of the week is best for everyone? let's motivate !
  17. sometimes the best friend you can be to someone is a good listener . tune in tomorrow.
  18. sheesh! i must be seriously out of the loop, if you guys are doing drugs i haven't even heard of . when i first saw "salvia" written on this board, i thought it was just some dyslexic person trying to say "saliva" . so, please tell me what salvia and dxm are, the forms in which they come, how they are taken/used, their effects, how long they last, all that jazz. i feel so behind the times, not knowing about this shit .
  19. no, it's not a religious thing; like i said, he's scared of losing a part of him, forever, with kisses/sexual acts that don't lead to marriage. he said that he's never had a girlfriend because he hasn't met anyone who seems like she could be his future wife. i was telling him about one of my exes, and how we barely had a functioning relationship (i made sure to point out that we never had sex ). i eventually broke up with that guy because i lost my attraction to him. my co-worker thought that was horribly scandalous. but i told him, too, that the relationship was messed up anyway, because we never really knew that much about each other. we spent most of our time together going to the movies or watching them at home on the couch, and basking in glorious, extremely comfortable silences. "if i were going out w/ a girl," said my co-worker, "all i'd do would be talk. no going out, no movies. i'd just wanna know everything about her." i told him that's the wrong approach, and that she has to be his friend, too, not just some seperate kind of pretty thing that shares his values. he disagreed. "you guys have to have fun," i said, but he wasn't w/ me on that, and made it all sound like it was just a big interview process for the future father of his kids and lifetime companion. but also, as i said above, his being 20 knocks him out of the running, no matter what .
  20. this thread just further confuses me every time i check back on it . ok, so, are you saying that you'd only feel ok tasting yourself if you were with someone with whom you'd been involved for a long time? is it 'cause it's an embarrassment issue?
  21. hmmm. i think i'm a little confused. are you (gmc and vic) asking if i think it's ok to leave without saying goodbye to people you just met for the first time at the club, that night? i guess so, but not if you parted ways earlier in the evening saying that you'd definitely say goodbye before you left. i guess i'm just big on keeping my word. and, vic, are you saying you'd slip out da house after a booty call, or that, if someone invited you out first for one and you didn't feel like going any further, you'd split?
  22. i'd go with the exterminator. traps don't keep them away, and finding a mousie in one is saddening . mice don't bother me nearly as much as roaches .
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