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Everything posted by weyes

  1. nothing all that new, and hardly anything in our usual genres, so don't get excited . in no order: soulstice - lovely (johnny fiasco's lovely vocal remix) rascal flatts - it's not just me tyler stadius - fabric 6 an unidentified basement jaxx mix (damn people on soulseek who mislabel their shit ) jo dee messina - a whole lot of her stuff, actually bonnie raitt - have a heart blondie - rapture (long version) bassbin twins - lots of their stuff jamie o'neal - there is no arizona satoshi tomiie's global underground, disc 1
  2. it's ok, vic, there are also some really nice ones of you on this board .
  3. hmmm. once again, more words with which i'm not familiar. what do "succcc" and "dik" mean ?
  4. i don't know any women who brag about that like men brag about their cum. do you? (actually, i don't know any women that brag about that, at all. do you?)
  5. he's a total sweetheart, and i feel the same way he does about how special sex should be. i told him that a guy needs to reach me on five levels: heart mind body soul spirit before i can go past a certain point, sexually speaking, and very few guys can understand that. he gave me some serious kudos for that. but for him to think that a kiss goes too far is hard for me to accept. i didn't believe him at first when he told me he'd never kissed a girl (he's 20); "hasn't anyone tried to kiss you?" i asked. he said he always tried his very best to get out of those situations and that there were times when he's sure he could've kissed girls, but he just didn't want to. he's really scared of losing a big part of himself in the process, he said. he thinks the show, "friends" has bad morals. do you see where i'm going? sigh. it's not fair that he's so damn foxy... i wish i could see him outside of work - but that would be wrong ...
  6. this test is about how to be a successful sleaze, sassa; i wouldn't sweat it .
  7. hey, man, i don't know what kind of party you were having ... leaving the club without saying goodbye to the people with whom you came. i don't separate from my friends when i go out, generally. but i went out once with a group of people i hadn't ever partied with, and there was tension between some of them, and my being there made it weirder, i guess. they had to deal with their drama, so they needed to be alone. but they ended up leaving without saying goodbye, which i think is just fucked up. i wasn't waiting for them, but i could've been; i would never just ditch people with whom i came, even if i didn't know them well. even if just to say a quick goodbye, i'd let them know i was splitting .
  8. all right, y'all, yo' mama's so old, i told her to act her age, and she dropped dead . shhhiiiiiiiiittttt.
  9. hope you haven't bought your sasha tix yet - you can get them for $20 instead of $30 if you register on the cued-up messageboard. just go to www.cued-up.com , sign up, and you can get on a reduced admission list, or get tix for that much cheaper, or something... seriously, though, do it now !!!
  10. although you may feel like you're gonna burst, some secrets really should be kept, whether for yours or someone else's good. be careful . tune in tomorrow.
  11. weyes

    Foot Fetish

    that is not cool !!! i never met spragga, but he sent me an unsolicited pm that brightened one of my very darkest days. i hope he comes back, and soon .
  12. a 20-year old guy whose company i really enjoy just started at my work, but his looks didn't really do all that much for me, and his age automatically eliminates him from the running. on saturday, he asked me what i thought about his cutting his hair; he said it had never been that long and that he wanted to fix it somehow. i said i didn't know about the hair but that i thought he should get rid of his facial hair. he then said that everyone he knows likes him better with it, and says that, w/out it, he looks too young. but, then he said he'd shave it all off the next day. i gave him a "yeah, right," but, sure enough, the next day it was gone . so the kid shaved for me! and now he is so superfoxy i can't get over it ... today we were talking, though, and he says he doesn't believe in sex before marriage, and he's never even kissed a girl (!!!) among other shocking things. all i could think was, "i could help you in that department..." grrr. if only he hadn't shaved ; i so wanna paw him now... bad weyes ! impure thoughts about the kids!
  13. i'm still stuck on not getting this. an analogy: i think that we can all admit, as wee ones, we, at one point in time (at the very least, don't even try to deny it !) sat in the sandbox and ate our own snot. it seems to me that, here, you're saying that it's more understandable and acceptable for someone to eat someone else's than his/her own..
  14. really ? i'm always still up at 2 ! 880 to go!
  15. my vision is PLURy (i have a dream) .
  16. yes, i'm a big fan of lists. i didn't want to limit us to a top ten, though, so i figured i'd just put out a call for however many answers we have. let's list party fouls - you know, the things that people do or that happen that are just messed up . 1. throwing up anywhere but in the bathroom. or, at least, if you do, ya gotta clean it up ! seriously, though, we're adults now, there shouldn't be any throwing up happening, in my opinion. i, personally, haven't thrown up since i was about 9 years old, but perhaps i'm just lucky. 2. bringing over too many uninvited guests. the more the merrier, but only to a certain extent. only so many people can fit into a house, and you have to consider the host when bringing over people he/she doesn't know. are they people that are compatible? (i could tell you some horror stories ...) 3. knocking over the bong and spilling the bongwater. 'nuff said. that smell won't go away for a while, when spilled on carpet. 4. sneezing in the coke . ( )
  17. exactly! and that time i went to the ghetto-ass mcdonald's in my brother's neighborhood that was out of ketchup !
  18. omigod!!! how embarrassing ...
  19. there's also a similar blip at around 40 mins (twice the time where the first blip is) . i don't know anything about the "fabric" series. is it a different dj every time, like the "tranceport" and global underground series? do tell .
  20. be careful with flirting at work; there's a lot of room for interpretation for that, in general, and one can make others more uncomfortable than one thinks. in a work situation, there's no escaping the flirter, so the person who's being flirted with can be made to feel very awkward and trapped in the situation at the same time. what is harmless to some is sexual harrassment to others. tune in tomorrow.
  21. holy crap, you're up early ! (but i guess that means i really should be in bed !)
  22. weyes

    Foot Fetish

    i hope you're kidding!
  23. finally, someone on this board who doesn't court pregnancy (at least) so much !!!
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