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Everything posted by weyes

  1. o; i remember that place... the last time i was there, the movie my friend and i wanted to see turned out not ot be there after all (it was "gods and monsters", i think), so we asked the ticket booth salesgirl what to see, between "little voice" and "waking ned devine", seeing as we had heard of neither. she suggested "ned devine", which we saw and did not care for. i saw "little voice" on video later and enjoyed it thoroughly. well, maybe i should go to the movies again. "secretary" has been getting rave reviews, too, although that's not out yet, and one can never spend too much time in the dark .
  2. o - i thought you were saying that you had a digital camera that was broken and you were going to buy another semi-decent digital for the meantime while your good digital was getting fixed. now i get it ! that woulda been a big ol' waste o' money, is what i was saying. ok, so do you have an all-manual single-lens reflex? if so, that would mean that you can't cock the thing 'cause it's jammed. am i getting this right? repairs can cost more than they're worth, but you may be surprised; just take it to a reputable place and get an estimate. i took my grandfather's twin lens 2 1/4 (a camera that takes square pictures on 120mm film) to a great fix-it place here a few years ago with a big dent in it and they fixed it for under $100. that camera's worth over $1400. anycrap, lemme ask the digital maven at my old work, and have her tell me what she recommends, 'cause i think canon discontinued my favorite, and i never knew all that much about digital cameras in the first place .
  3. what's not good? looking young?
  4. when trying to resolve a problem you have with someone, avoid using the words "always" and "never"; they're hardly ever truly applicable, and they only get the other person on the defensive before you can even address the problem itself. tune in tomorrow.
  5. i just got my hair cut today. i have that "i just came back from the salon, so it looks a little odd" look right now, so i can't quite tell ya if i like it loads or not, but i think i'm diggin' it...
  6. keep in mind, wideskies, that you, at least, made it sound that, if talking nice to and getting the girl wet enough did not make sex more comfortable, something was wrong with her. this is entirely false. lubrication and arousal do not necessarily make sex comfortable for beginners. that's just not the way it is.
  7. postwhoring - i think it's viral.
  8. jesus! i haven't seen my name so many times in the far right hand column of any board, ever, even after coming home really late, or being seriously jacked up. damn .
  9. seriously, i wanna know; do you all expect people of the opposite sex you meet at a club to still smell great after a night (and morning ) of well, whatever it is we do?
  10. holy crippitty-crap; it's insane! just when i thought it was all coming to an end, i find that it's still going on. last summer the "guess your age" guy at six flags thought i was six years younger than i am (leaving himself a two year window either way for me not to win a kermit - sucka!!!), but, even though i was a regular moviegoer up to the year before last, i stopped going to movies this past year, so i really couldn't tell if those ridiculous fools were still going to card my ass. what's up with carding at the movies, anyway (r-rated; get yer minds out-the gutta!)? then, 4 months ago, when i went to the dmv to replace the license i lost, the man at the counter said, "are you here for an under-18 license?" then a woman asked me today if i went to school x. i hadn't heard of it, so i said, "no, i graduated." "o," she said, "i thought you might be going to x high." high school? are these people on crack? flattery will get you everywhere, everyone . too bad these people don't try to work me after they say these things; who knows where they'd get . anyway, if i discover what fountain of youth has made this 24-year-old look under 18, i'll let you know .
  11. gmc - i think ebay is sketchy, but i have no experience with it myself. my dad collects rare books, though, and has received a lot of stuff that was not "as advertised," as did a friend of mine, who got a car of all things (!) from a classic car museum shipped out after buying it off ebay, and the museum had sold him something of lesser quality than what had been stated (rusted out under the hood, needed a bunch of repairs). vic - what's wrong with your old one, can it be fixed, etc.; buying one for the interim might not be worth the money you shell out for it. if you're going to get your old one fixed, i think you really should wait for it and not get a new camera one while you're waiting. the camera store at which i work gets in new, better shit about every month and a half, and prices are dropping on cameras as the technology advances. what do you have and what are you looking for?
  12. my school (i went to a private school until 8th grade) showed us the miracle of life in 4th grade. for those of you who don't know that film, it tells the whole story of where babies come from , from beginning to end, scientifically, without euphemisms or sugar-coating. and they put a tiny camera (how they did this, i don't know) into a woman's body, so the movie shows what goes on inside not only the uterus while the fetus is chillin' in there, but you actually see an interior view of the successful ejaculation . needless to say, we, as fourth graders, were freaked and grossed out of our skulls. but i think it was great that they started us that young, because i knew a girl who got her period in fifth grade.
  13. that "skipping breakfast" thing is such a cliche but still true.
  14. i tried short hair and - did not look good on me. curly hair doesn't work well, short. mid-length, so that i can do things with it and it moves is what i like .
  15. it was danny tenaglia for me, and despite the music i had a wonderful time. it was really all about being with my friend who i love ever so much and miss terribly .
  16. alas, i am not. although i haven't heard sasha (hard to believe, i know), i've been led to believe that he would most likely not be my cup of tea. i will go out and party with more l.a. cpers eventually, i promise! (anyone going to see armin van buuren on september 5th?)
  17. do you know where the laemmele sunset is, by any chance?
  18. don't forget to read the fine print . tune in tomorrow.
  19. yeah, we do get asked the "where to go?" question a lot, and i pretty much say the same thing every time. but i don't have much info for the under 21 crowd. check out that link, though: http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=110713
  20. spundae is held every saturday, and they're the club that pulls in the major talent here. they seem to be having special events, now, too, from time to time, it seems. they also have events in san francisco, boston, other places too, i think... check them out at www.spundae.com .
  21. i give props to wideskies for everything she said except for what i quoted above. do not make your girlfriend feel that there is anything wrong with her, because sex is painful for a lot of women for the first many times. patience, that's all, and you two sound like you will definitely get through this .
  22. ...o yes, ladies, i'm really being sincere, 'cause in a 69 my humpty nose'll tickle your rear my nose is big uh-uh, i'm not ashamed big like a pickle i'm still gettin' paid i get laid by the ladies you know i'm in charge - how i'm livin' - my nose is large...
  23. 2,242,638 clams. i'm absolutely appalled. i was hoping that a computer program could tell that i'm absolutely priceless . further proof that technology still has a far way to go.
  24. where's shady when you need him?
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