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Everything posted by weyes

  1. ooo ooo ooo!!! since we've all mastered the art of postwhoring, let's turn into picturewhores !
  2. hey, saint, it seems to me that perhaps you posted this on the l.a. board in error, as your location is listed as nyc and you mention blueangel; she organized the two meetups i attended in nyc in 2001 (i started an RIP thread to her last year ). but, since you didn't post a correction, i'm thinking that perhaps maybe you've moved here. anyway, if you are indeed in l.a., we should have a meetup of some sort. blueangel's meetups were fantastic and where i met some of my best friends. and what about the rest of you l.a. peeps ?
  3. o, velvetgoldmire, i'm so sorry! that's so frustrating, when people get a bad impression of the good stuff from hearing only the shit. i wish i had the fundage to go out more often; i'd be able to act like the party animal i really am . well, next time you're out here, post again; by then i hope to have a decent job, and maybe even a hookup or two (i'm actively working on both of those )!
  4. thanks, guys ! i'll try my best to live up to my responsibilities and everyone's expectations (i hear ya, gmc ) !
  5. my other favorite, and one that actually did affect me as a kid: we open on a close-up of a businessman's sweaty, frazzled face. his hair is a mess, and as we slowly move back we see that his tie is loosened and he is generally a mess. "i do coke," he says, walking in a circle, "so i can work longer, so i can earn more, so i can do more coke --- so i can work longer, so i can earn more, so i can do more coke..." and so on. and as he repeats this, we zoom out further and see that he is in a room with no exit. he walks faster and faster in his circle until he fades into nothing, as a voice softly sings, "i'm always chasing rainbows..." chilling. still, none of the psas ever affected my later behavior, concerning drugs.
  6. whatever, yo. all i gotta say is, we're 2 legit 2 legit 2 quit ! and go play on the spundae board if you like it better, gemerald. you don't have to feel trapped by clubplanet. i post there from time to time, but i've found that all they can talk about is spundae .
  7. lots of the guys i know out here are getting their hair cut close to their heads, complaining about the heat. wimps! yet more proof that women are tougher than men . i seriously need a haircut, though; it's getting way too long.
  8. me too; i've told that story way too many times... there always seem to be such great parties around t-day .
  9. sometimes one can be in a shitty state of mind simply from being out of balance - not having eaten, not having gotten out of the same place/position for a bit. take stock and just try to get on an even plane; it might be as simple as that. tune in tomorrow.
  10. weyes

    female ejaculation?

    not so. the link i first provided didn't say that conclusively. there's actually a lot of mystery surrounding this, i'm learning. here's another link, also with inconclusive findings, far superior to and more extensively researched than the first one i posted. i highly recommend you read that one and wish i had found it before: http://www.ejhs.org/volume4/Schubach/Chap2.html
  11. how ridiculous is it that i've been thinking about that for years?!?!!! most women who obsess about marriage at all focus on the place of marriage: which church, or not to have it at a church, near the bride's family or the groom's... or on the dress, or on the honeymoon, or on a number of other things. for me, it's always been the music at the reception. back in the day, it was space girl, all the way. now, though, i realize she has rather limited appeal, and a dancer couldn't keep up with her frenetic style, if she were to play for a long set, which she never does. so, some toning down must be done. i guess i'll have some paul johnson for some joyful noise early on, some deep dish for the late night, and i'm still thinking on the inbetween...
  12. weyes

    im recovering...

    you're just scared he'll eat you and your apple. (he'll keep the hat, though.)
  13. danny elfman went there, too. my school's really famous for its halloween party. it actually becomes a production that the theater tech people, the actors, the dance students, the art students, the music students, and well, almost everyone (not the film/video/animators, so much) get together on. you have to have a ticket to get in, and people who don't go to the school are always trying to find a way to do it. you should see the costumes... the year after i graduated, pee-wee came to the party just to check stuff out, and some of my friends were so damn starstruck they swarmed the guy and took pictures. but we didn't see presentations on them; i guess my school thought that we'd seen a lot of their work, and neither of them came back to speak when i was there.
  14. thanks for the reply, dg . i gotta get on this; my hair is getting way too long...
  15. thanks, gmc , it felt good to have that board back to a family again; a family that, keep in mind, always has its arms open to anyone who isn't an antagonistic, hating, asshole .
  16. those are indeed my rhinestone glasses . but you could've found a much better picture, gmc! and i wonder what you're holding (a li'l sketchy )...
  17. while we're talking about partnership for a drug-free america ads, i thought we could have a little retrospective and talk about those little gems that stick out in our minds. ah, those great ones of yesteryear ... one of my very faves, as far as comedic value goes, is one that hardly anyone i know remembers. the story goes a little something like this, though i am a little hazy on the exact details: a little boy (yes, i thought rather too little) is walking home, and being followed by an older boy, who is hounding him to try marijuana. the boy finally reaches the doorway he's looking for, and the older boy says, "hey, what are, you, chicken?" to which the boy replies, "i'm not chicken, you're a turkey." and he runs inside. ooo. that one was scary. high impact, yo.
  18. s----t----r----e----t----c----h. after just a few days you'll notice a change in your overall comfort level. tune in tomorrow.
  19. it can't be helped. it's the "every twenty years" thing: designers are in their twenties, and start reminiscing. that's why there was all that stupid embroidered bell-bottom crap (some of which still remains) and clogs in the 90s, and why there's the assymetry, and torn stuff from the 80s back now.
  20. sounds just perfect: terrific food, no family drama, fab folk !
  21. thanks in advance, starshaped, for any forthcoming reviews . i especially like to know what's going on in other areas. and vic, it seems to me that a lot of people enter our world via trance, then get into other things as well, then slowly drift away from it - either having other types of music replace it as their favorite, or just losing their love of trance completely. i, too, don't love it as much as i used to; i used to not have the connection (spiritually speaking) with house that i do today. maybe trance is the "gateway drug" of dance, or something .
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