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Everything posted by weyes

  1. weyes

    3 weeks from now

    congrats !
  2. yes, the article is a joke. but PCP is elephant tranquilizer, and that's been around a long-ass time.
  3. why do i want to see a picture of this woman? it's wrong to want to see a picture, i know... i don't understand it, myself.
  4. weyes

    How Soon???

    hmmm. you expect her to eat your cum, yet you think it's so very repulsive yourself? me no understandy .
  5. whatever the voices in my head feel like calling me on any given day .
  6. yay ! dr. second opinion, m.d. says that my ovarian cyst can go bye-bye via laparoscopy. all that to say that it's an outpatient procedure as opposed to 2 days in the hospital, and 1 week recovery as opposed to 4-6. i would've liked to stay in new york, and i would've liked to be away from work, but it seemed as though i might not have had a job to come back to, and staying with my parents might have driven me crazy. and i'm very stoked about not walking out with a six-inch scar . anycrap, i know y'all don't wanna hear all the details of my reproductive system's health (although i could give you a link to some really grody pictures of people's cysts, if you want ), just wanted to say i'm happy but that i won't have much time in nyc. i hope i do get to see you, though, vic and gmc .
  7. yep, straight out football-style tackling. i may be misrepresting the motivation for it, though; i did hear tell later that the girl was a "dealer" who had just ripped the guy off.
  8. actually, gmc, that's whats so crazy about the pennysaver - where i was reading these; some of the ads are from people as young as 20. i, too, always picture those peeps as middle-aged men and women with poor communication skills who are afraid of being alone and are using these ads as a last resort. nourishment - i had no idea that there are personals on cp !!! i'll have to check that out!!! a friend of mine told me a while back he was thinking of putting out a personal ad. he's the most amazing man i've ever known; he's got all of the qualities i want in a friend and would want in a mate for life (honest, open, fun, caring, intelligent, clever), but there's no attraction - very unfortunate . seriously, i've really tried to think of him in that way 'cause i love him so much and he's so terrific, but i can't. and i don't think he could think of me that way, either. i also think he's gay and doesn't know it, but that's another issue... he's 34 and i think he's getting the "i'm getting on in years to still be single" thing, which is why he was thinking about putting out an ad. but it breaks my heart to think that he thinks he needs to put out an ad in order for someone to find and appreciate him.
  9. some banks are actually being assholes these days and not doing that for you unless you have an account with them. same with giving you bills for your rolled up coins; maybe that's why token booth clerks give you change in nickels .
  10. that seems a bit twisted... shouldn't it be she'd lay her expensive coat for you or you for her? hmmm. you really want someone to ruin your coat? or are you just having little hope for the future...? weyes is confused... please explain .
  11. weyes

    rave olympics

    bizarre. how'd you come across this?
  12. thanks for the pics! when will your videos be downloadable, or is it just my comp that's having issues?
  13. wow - i didn't know that ones without frosting existed, but i see by your sig that they do. they don't sound good to me; it's all about that sugary stuff with the sprinkles of which i really don't wanna know the ingredients . i haven't tried the apple cinnamon. but i used to eat the berry ones that were purple with blue drizzled on them. for some reason, it seems to me that they might not make those anymore... but i have found that there are just so many flavors of pop tarts that supermarkets have to make decisions and limit themselves to seven or so. well, vic, you're so good at finding all this shit on sweets, d'ya think you can find out how many varieties of pop tarts there are ?
  14. i hear and hear and hear and hear and hear and hear you on that . i get hella chatty. but i also listen till the sun comes home. damn, those conversations are sometimes the best; you know - nonstop banter when you are with the right person or just hit a groove with someone new by chance .
  15. when in the united states, it is wise to drive on the right-hand side of the road.
  16. don't come down so hard on the kid, you guys. seriously, he needs help and didn't know where else to turn, and this really is important. just because he REALLY SHOULD'VE PAID ATTENTION IN SEX ED doesn't mean that we can't be there to help. but i'll go with dgmodel's advice and tell you to look on the inside of the box, 'cause the diagrams are fabulous, and perhaps do some trial runs when you're alone . don't give up, even with some of the "it feels better without them" bullshit that some people spout. it's not worth all of the possible consequences, and if you don't have unprotected sex before you're in a safe relationship (long-term, steady, tested partner with other form of birth control), you won't have a basis for comparison.
  17. i was about to post that!!! :eek:
  18. my roommate leaves them lying around, and, i've gotta say that they're intriguing, just 'cause they're so disturbing. to paraphrase: "seeking girl with really long hair - call me!" wtf? but here's my question: why do so many people say they like long walks on the beach? is it because amidst the crashing waves no one can hear you scream, in the vastness of it all you can get lost, and in the sand, you cannot run fast enough to escape the grasp of these people ? i don't care if you'd "love me for who i am" - you're sketchy.
  19. so mean... i've seen some ugly-ass people in my time; what about puff daddy?
  20. l.a. is tougher than anyplace, my friend. just today, i saw a car being towed in a "tow-away from 4-9" zone at 4:07 p.m. - i kid you not. you can't beat that shit. and i, too, don't understand how anyone can get a $15 ticket. and with all the german plate stuff, i wouldn't bother fooling around.
  21. tackling girls to the ground is also not appropriate behavior.* *yes, i witnessed this. the guy was thrown out.
  22. do someone a favor you really don't want to do sometime. i find that, when i've finished, i feel like i've done even more of service than if i'd done a favor i really wanted to do, and all of this is while still being a helpful, caring friend. tune in tomorrow.
  23. 1. i thought my old job was wack; compared to where i'm stuck now, that place was the bomb . 2. blueberry, yo. i dropped a piece the other day and didn't notice; came home to some ants havin' a party . not a cool scene.
  24. my stepmother makes the best banana bread... (why don't they have an eating smiley?) so, she made some for my 8-year-old half-sister's school bake sale, and it sold hella fast. my sister also ended up eating a good portion of it on the side . "it sold so quickly," my stepmother said. "i really don't know where it went." "i do!" my sister said. "in the toilet !"
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