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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by weyes

  1. ahhh... the first time i went to twilo (one out of twice), i walked back from there to my house in soho (a fer piece) with my friend sondra, who needed the walk to chill out. it was her first time on acid, and she freaked; she hadn't told me that it was her first time. anyway, we bought some blueberries and were eating them one by one, when she asked me to sing joni mitchell's "chelsea morning" - altogether fitting for where we were. we got a bagel from bagels on the square on 6th ave. and bleecker when we got that far and she spent more time trying to understand it than eating it. by the time we got home, the evening was one of those bizarre journeys full of firsts and nonsense, every choice we made seeming somehow like the right one, though, perhaps, there was nothing we could've done wrong.
  2. i never went to vinyl; wasn't into clubs when i lived in nyc, as i've said (former die-hard ravegirl here). and i don't like danny tenaglia. did you hear me, clubplanet? but, shit, deep dish for 10 or 12 hours - color me so jealous... they were supposed to play for eight hours last time i went to see them, but were cut to four at the last minute. and, in actuality, they ended up only playing three. sucksville.
  3. and who are you to talk about padding posts ?!
  4. my mom's a teacher, and keeps cookies in her desk drawer for everyone. one day, she found that they had disppeared... later, in the lunchroom, a kid started choking. my mom gave the boy the heimlich - cookie shooting across the room and revealing the thief .
  5. weyes


    you just described me ! welcome to cp!
  6. forty-five bottles of beer on the wall forty (hiccup)-five bottles of beer on the wall, forty-five bottles of beer, take one down, dude, where's the can ? it's:
  7. quoth, post it already !!! and tastey, i know you think you're mr. "breath of fresh air," but every post i've seen from you has said basically the same thing: "tell the world that it's ugly/stupid/fat/inferior to me in whatever way, and it'll be a better place." first of all, it's not necessary, correct, or productive to be negative all the time, and second of all, you are not the image of perfection. now, i'm not saying that, "if you can't say anything nice, you shouldn't say anything at all," because, hey, if the sandwich you ordered in a restaurant doesn't come the way you ordered it, you have the right to send it back. but you do not have the right to yell at the waitress for being a retarded, acne-ridden troll whose mother would gladly eat your shit while naked on television.
  8. merci. now, was that so hard ? p.s. but what did you put on your driver's license? (just kidding )
  9. don't use your hands!!! this isn't tennis!!!
  10. weyes

    funny shit

    those things always piss me off - that one was even worse.
  11. hey - with all the overcrowding and overselling at clubs these days, and with them being filled with people who - ahem - don't need to be there, i figured i'd put a list up for when people should leave. of course, we are never these people ! but, seriously, leave some room for me to see pvd before i turn into one of the people on this list - god forbid... 1. when you no longer know you're there. 2. when lying down in the middle of the dancefloor doesn't seem like such a crazy/bad idea. 3. when you throw bottled water at your face and are shocked when someone tells you that you didn't just drink it like a normal person. 4. when you throw up anywhere other than in the bathroom. 5. when you start telling security how much you love them. _________ and this is really another list, but i thought i'd just throw it in: when the classiest thing about you is the holographic bowling-style shirt with the naked lady silhouettes on it. but, really, you just should never have come in the first place .
  12. kevin nealon? what's he up to these days? i see him on snl reruns and am reminded of just how fuckin' funny he was. i loved "mr. no-depth perception." and his subliminal editorials were great, not to mention his reign as the weekend update newscaster in general - one of the very best. he did the deadpan thing better than most i've ever seen. he should be somewhere in the spotlight. anybody know where he is?
  13. we made donuts a couple of times, but only when i was very young, so i don't remember exactly how we did it. i do remember, however, that it took a lot of work and wasn't easy. deep-fat frying, or something.? o, and we used to make fudge a lot. yummmmm. that takes doing, too, getting the mixture to the right temperature without burning it. and if you don't get it hot enough it won't harden well enough. labor-intensive. my jewish grandma used to make matzo-brei (sp?) - the same idea as french toast but with crumbled matzo (pieces about 1 and 1/2 inches square) instead. yummy and easy. the only things i can cook are breakfast and dessert .
  14. holy crap, i'm behind the times ; what's arc and where is it? i really wanna know all that's going on in nyc, otherwise i'll feel as though i'm totally out of touch in general . and vic, it's weird about the chicago board; you'd think there'd be a lot more activity there. i posted an incredibly hilarious joke i made up there once, and it took a week and a half or so to get a response (it involved chicago). maybe i'll post it again, on the humor board or something - though i've never been there.
  15. i dunno about that glutinous rice, though ...
  16. pay a little visit to your old workplace sometime; some (i can't promise all ) of your old co-workers do actually miss you and wonder what you're doing. and you'd be surprised at how many fond memories of that place are actually in that file cabinet of a head of yours - even if it seemed as though it was mostly crappy at the time. ah, good times, good times. tune in tomorrow.
  17. i've noticed it with the birds, too. they almost fly into my face sometimes, and i have to drive slowly into parking spaces until they move. i actually killed a seagull in a parking lot this year . i was backing up out of a space in a drugstore parking lot when i heard a terrible squawk that sounded kind of like a scream. i looked in the rearview mirror, and there was a dead bird, with another seagull gently moving it with his beak to see if his poor, lifeless body was ok. :cry: but what were those stupid seagulls doing in a drugstore parking lot, anyway? there was no water nearby...
  18. djustinh, that was fuckin' funny. all right, homebrew, i started a whole damn thread asking you how tall you are 'cause you keep changing your answer, and you dodged me. so don't tell us to get our height facts straight when you're not being straight with us about it. you've got stats up the wazoo about the circumference of your biceps (or whatever) and how much you bench, and you can't keep track of your height? on the reals, yo, if you're mister "i say what i mean and i tell it like it is," let's really have some honesty.
  19. are topics bumped here from other boards by the moderators? it seems as though i've seen these topics on other boards first, and that this board doesn't have nearly as much genuine drama as it used to .
  20. weird, that you're shy about showing what would have been very grainy, blurry, shots of your ass taken from a distance, but you don't mind walking around naked in public. hmmm... and keeping your hat on during sex proves that it wasn't getting you all that hot, or you would've had to take it off (hats keep in a lot of body heat). and i feel bad for the other party, not just 'cause she's most likely on here without her express permission, but because you were obviously more interested in putting the pics on the 'net than on giving her any pleasure at all (and i'm not gonna launch into whether you're good at that or not, 'cause i have no proof either way; i'm sure plenty of people on this board will insult your sexual prowess freely, however). sorry to be a party pooper on that one, but these pictures aren't as exciting as i hoped they would be. color me bummed.
  21. weyes


    omigod, there is just SO much to say about this thread. to answer the first post, yes! and i only was able to do that not so many years ago. i have a whole new lease on life . and you, mikeydny, win the prize for most disturbing sig i have ever seen. the text really clinches it (sarcastic or not). and koky, ???
  22. if you mean page 18 of the sex board, i can't get there. didn't someone just say he had it on his hard drive?
  23. thinking about the future and making plans is important, but only to a certain length of time and only in certain areas of life. obsessing over who is worth inviting to your wedding when you're not engaged or whether you should put your father in a nursing home, should he become terribly ill, when he's young now and very much in good health, will only cause you unnecessary stress and anxiety. sure, plan next season's wardrobe, buy a blank notebook when you're not yet finished with your present one. but, as they say, there are so very many bridges that you can cross when you come to them, as much of a bullshit line as that may seem to be. tune in tomorrow.
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