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Everything posted by weyes

  1. ah, those days in the playground. shit; they really were quite wild. there was a lot of yelling and fighting when we kids weren't kept busy with games and nonsensical songs that, at the time, we didn't even think were odd. but i was thinking back on some of those clap games and songs, and wanted to start a little sing-along, to reminisce and see if y'all knew any others . here's the song that got the most airplay in my circles: miss lucy had a steamboat, the steamboat had a bell (ding ding) miss lucy went to heaven and the steamboat went to hel- lo operator, please give me number nine and if you disconnect me, i will chop off your be- hind the 'fridgerator, there was a piece of glass miss lucy sat upon it and it went right up her as- k me no more questions, i'll tell you no more lies the boys are in the bathroom. pulling down their fl- ies are in the garden, the bees are in the park the boys and girls are kissing in the d-a-r-k, d-a-r-k, d-a-r-k dark, dark, dark the dark is like a movie, the movie's like a show a show is like a tv set and that is all i kn- ow, i know my mother, i know, i know my pa i know, i know my sister with the 18-hour, 18-hour, 18-hour bra, bra, bra!
  2. "trance" covers a broad field o' music. i like a lot of trance, but not the hard stuff so much, anymore. i've mellowed out as i've gotten older, and i like a lot more house than i used to. it seems to me, as well, that the kids in general seem to like harder stuff than the adults. all this to say that i used to like a broad range of trance and a little bit of house, and now it's more the opposite, i think: a smaller range of trance and a broader range of house. but i'm often confused about genres on the whole ... but i choose "evolving."
  3. weyes

    Im so ashamed!

    that's true as well, but there are a lot of people who succumb to the syndrome i was describing as well. my brother loved david gray's "white ladder" until he heard that other people knew who gray was. and a kid i knew in college only liked the fugees 'cause he thought he had discovered them. once other people started catching on, they got too much mass appeal and therefore weren't "cool enough" for him. o, and, shroomy, how do you put links to songs, like that?
  4. IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!! you must go to the giant site and check out all the details: http://www.giantclub.com as you'll see, the gig is from 3am - 11am. therefore, you cannot have a meetup at midnight!!! make up a new plan, and i hope it all works out.
  5. i didn't see it, but calling madonna either an actress or a singer is incorrect. so, we have: 6. various and sundry odd, overpackaged, yet fun beverages? 7. films with a new story to tell/a different perspective/heart, soul, real humanity? and i'd like to add: 8. dances with names? we don't have to go as far back as the waltz or the fox trot, not even as far back as the twist, not as far back as the swim. i'm talkin' about as recently as the butterfly, the roger rabbit, and my fave, the running man . i dunno - it's just so much fun to be able to have a move with a name to it, and that ensures that it will fall into a time capsule.
  6. o, and i've sort of wanted to have one of those, but the fluff scares me, and i quit peanut butter cold turkey in 1993 'cause i was eating it for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and out of the jar .
  7. i'm the clueless one who doesn't know the difference . unless, that is, that dsl is through the phone company and cable/broadband is through the cable co. but my portal says "broadband" on it and we go through the phone co...
  8. i'm sorry, vic ! it's there, now! i usually post it around this time, though. i know it's always late in the day, but i do just get it in before midnight every time (even if it's just @ 11:56!).
  9. don't base your clothing choices for the day based on the weather report!!! you can usually get a better feel for a good part of it by going outside and checking it out for yourself (weyes says, "brrrrrrrrr..."). tune in tomorrow.
  10. vicman is right when he corrects and says that new york does not only have unisex bathrooms. but i prefer separate. i don't need to watch men pee, and they make a big mess out of bathrooms - well, worse than we do. and don't you guys ever get pee-shy? but i need my privacy and regrouping space. i prefer guys not watching me when i readjust my boobs.
  11. weyes

    Im so ashamed!

    hey, you guys, be fair. you only dislike most of those songs because they got popular. i first heard "rapture" last june on digweed's british radio show, and loved it. i searched for it everywhere for months, and neither record stores (locally or on the 'net around the world) could find it for me, nor had anyone heard of it, till that fall. then, it got huge. i loved it at first, and, ten remixes later, still love it. i love the first mix i heard the best, though, and i still can't find that on vinyl/disc anywhere. i also heard "lady (hear me tonight)" in october, 2000, at a rave, spun by paul johnson, then didn't hear it again till the next spring/summer, on the radio. but who cares. i loved the song at first, and love it still. just 'cause it got the shit played out of it and everybody and his or her mama loved it, why shouldn't i? i mean, hey, that only shows that they've got good taste .
  12. hey, DaVe, i'm feeling a little left out on the l.a. board, buddy ! why didn't you post this message on ours? (weyes whimpers a little, mumbling in the corner about how DaVe likes dc and nyc better) s'ok, i'll get over it. i'm used to the loneliness over there . p.s. thanks always for your hard work!
  13. i hear you; i am broker THAN. i have only been out three times this year, cp'ers, and once was when my brother treated me 'cause he was visiting. i used to have money, back when i wasn't into dancing/going out all that much. unfair. but that's just the fun stuff; it's way too spoiled for me to be complaining about missing deep dish, sasha & digweed, and pvd when it'd really just be nice to be able to pay my bills on time (the late fees just make it more anyway - there has to be a better way...) .
  14. ok, then: 92 bottles of beer on the wall 92 bottles of beer on the wall, 92 bottles of beer, take one down, pass it around, it's:
  15. from outer space! i just walked in to find you here with that sad look upon your face! i should've changed that stupid lock...
  16. weyes


    i knew someone was going to say that.
  17. yeah, it was long, and, well, a little british and therefore off, but, at 2 in the morning, i was very proud of myself for being able to decode that fucker as well as i did. and, when i was finished and read the lyrics as i listened, i came to know exactly what he was talking about .
  18. yeah, the metal ones did have their disadvantages; your lunch'd get all hot if your box was left in the sun. but it was the permanence of putting those kiddie crazes - those flashes in the pan - on metal, that was so great to me. ok. so, what are we up to? 4. boo-berry and frankenberry? i'll put them together, 'cause they had the same spirit goin' on. i never had either, though. but i will add alpha-bits, the only sugar cereal i was allowed to eat. or should i shut my trap, 'cause that's still around ? i said i'd have more... 5. movie musicals? i haven't seen one on the big screen, ever. man, i love gene kelly, judy garland, leslie caron - just everything about musicals. the way the characters get swept off their feet by every emotion, and sweep the audience off their feet with them. and music is such a deep part of a person - musicals get down to the basics. and we don't need to talk about how important music is to the lives of us here on cp. and if anyone here even so much as THINKS of mentioning either "dancer in the dark" or "moulin rouge" as examples of musicals in my movie-going lifetime, don't even TRY to make me even CONSIDER those pieces of total GARBAGE that don't even come close to understanding the genre to be anything other than the tragic wastes of talent, time, and money that they were for EVERYONE involved, even the kids who sold popcorn in the theater.
  19. hey, djdunn! i was listening to your online set, but it was skipping a lot... it might be just a problem with my comp, but it's worth checking out .
  20. hey, joeygk and gmccookny, it's funny how so many of us have dsl ! my roommate and i finally got our computers networked to that yesterday after about a month of trying tirelessly .
  21. don't feel bad about spending your day off at home, relaxing, even if you get nothing done. sometimes just getting some rest is the best use of that time. tune in tomorrow.
  22. grrrrrrrrrr... it put up only one picture, then renamed it (that one's not the cubist one - wtf?!?!?!), and i didn't want people to have to open the files; i wanted to show 3 pics, so i wanted them just out in the open... i'll see what i can do tomorrow, but, as it stands, i am a failure as a picture poster !!!
  23. 99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer, if one of those bottles should happen to fall, it's...
  24. while pondering that question, how's 'bout a little rap about it, circa 1989, thanks to the stereo mcs? it's interesting to note, however, that there's no question mark in their song title. what is soul hear the bells toll there's a drum roll i've arrived in stereo do you like the style? it's on the go i kidnapped this beat from long ago 'cause my name was written on an ancient scroll so i dug deeper and i made a hole excavated the beat that made my payroll 'cause i filled the air with "what is soul" now i'm on the mic and it's kill or cure please don't crow i'm no amateur my name's rob b and i came to stir in the mix and put what i have learned everything that i know like a book that i wrote with the crowd at my feet in the place to go so when i ask you i want to know can you fill the air? say, "what is soul?" when i fall down i get up you wanna buy me? well, you're outta luck i'll run you down like a heavy truck because i make my own breaks and i don't suck you won't be disappointed 'cause i been missin' giving you the style with pure precision open the plastic make an incision when we meet it's like nuclear fission as the story was told how we took the gold you got hot and we got cold all our tickets that got sold the crowd was proud of "what is soul" you're overrun as we invade you're overcome by the noise we made i'm the audio attitude who's willing to trade if you make a memory that won't fade i'll only be happy when i see the sounds of people in motion that's good for my mind cause the head makes records stand the test of time "are you ready, rob b?" yeah, and this is my rhyme. blow for blow, we're in control fillin' the air with "what is soul" say, "what is soul?" ...soul... ...what is soul?... say, "what is soul?" don't matter how you do it louder is best and i think you knew it drown in the sound deep as the atlantic swim in the best beat on this planet sing along you won't go wrong you light the fuse i'll be the bomb london is the place where my beat goes on but i was born in the north that's where i begun people try to dis me for the way my voice go pass me around like i was a hot coal now i'm on gee records because they know how to fill the airwaves with "what is soul" say, "what is soul?" ...soul... ...what is soul?... ...soul... if you agree with me then let it show cruise in your shoes to the bass-y tone i'm a hardcore pa let your feelings explode you could hold my mind and warm your soul all the words i've been makin', beats i've been shakin', floors i've been quakin, for years i've been fakin', boy, this is a break in, for now i'm entering the hours and limits where time goes slow and the air is full of "what is soul" say, "what is soul"? ...soul... ...what is soul?...
  25. here's a list to compile, kids. i'm wondering about these things, maybe you guys have answers, and maybe you've got some questions, too. whatever happened to... 1. freezy freakies? ok, maybe i shouldn't ask this one on the l.a. board, because they were a cold weather thing. but they were the winter gloves that changed pattern in the cold. they were kind of foam-like - kind of like spaceman gloves. they'd have, for instance, a blank sky when you were inside, but when you went outside in the snow, rockets would appear. those kicked ass, and the youngun's today should have 'em. 2. lunchboxes with imprinted or painted designs? now they're all just scenes stuck on - one big ol' sticker. yeah, it's a great pokemon picture, but it's just a sticker and comes right off. 3. un-padded bras? ok, they're around. i just mean that padded are easier to find, more heavily marketed, and, from what i can tell, more popular . i know you're probably wondering how i went from lunchboxes to bras, but this list is just getting started .
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