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Everything posted by weyes

  1. i don't buy that; i'm wowed by your ability to post pics and change your sig all the time. * note: i just keep bumping this thread up so that people will see how cute you guys are .
  2. it's never too late to call an old friend up again to see how he or she's doing or what s/he's been up to. if the fear of it being awkward is what's keeping you from doing it, keep in mind that you can always call the conversation short when it feels that way; don't miss out on a potential rekindling of a great friendship. tune in tomorrow.
  3. that comment had a lot more to do with your professor than it did with you.
  4. aaahhhh. now i get it; side dishes like macaroni salad. i was just thinking that a buffet of all pizza was just too bizarre (people'd just order pizza by the slice, like they normally do, if they wanted different kinds.). i don't eat pizza now that i've moved out here; i haven't found any worth eating . when i go home i always make sure to have some. i'm not trying to be elitist about it; i don't have mexican food when i'm in nyc, either . which brings to mind: i have absolutely no idea what "mexican pizza" is! and i think i've eaten at taco hell less than thrice my whole life. that place literally made me sick.
  5. wow - i never can eat. even on that thanksgiving, i mostly took nibbles and ate slowly so that no one would notice. the leftovers were good, though!
  6. yeah, gumby76 - outside my window isn't the best, either. i hear a lot of catfights at night (poor things!). i much prefer the horny crickets pimpin' and ho'in' it.
  7. i guess i'm taking a poll, but without the multiple choices and whatnot, 'cause there are just way too many genres of music. well, here's the deal, really. there are so many people out there who'll answer "everything," when you ask them what kinds of music they like. but then, when you ask them to get more specific, it turns out that they really only like four kinds or so. they were lying, because they don't love the theme to "super mario brothers" as much as i do . but i do like a whole lot of different kinds of music, basically the only two that i can't stand being classical, and jungle. and it's for the same reason that i don't like them: they make me agitated and i short-circuit. but when i do talk to people in our circles (trance, house, blahblahblah), they freak out when i say i like country. that seems to be the evil one. i see some real potential in sampling patsy cline... people are so limited... but why do clubbers all hate country so much, and is that the only genre y'all hate? or is there something else equally horrid or worse, perhaps?
  8. do you have a digital camera, vic, or do you do the analog/scan thing?
  9. weyes


    sebastianxy: :clap2: you left me speechless, except to say that that's an old ad that they're rerunning, as far as i can tell. so, yes, they are putting it out especially after 9/11, which has left an especially putrid taste in my mouth.
  10. pizza hut has a buffet? what's that about ? i don't understand... ok, just an aside on the pizza thing - what's up with the free cheesy bread with marinara sauce that comes with the pizza now (or so they say in the ads) ? that's what pizza is made of! seriously, though, vic, please explain about the buffet. me confused.
  11. if you wanna talk about artists, most of them (or us, although anyone who says he or she is an artist is deemed pretentious unless he or she is paid to be one, in this country. but here's merriam webster's def.: "one skilled or versed in learned arts." there you go. peeps can take my b.f.a. and stick it.) are crazy. if you just wanna stick to painters, dali was considered a little jacked, and picasso went from a pretty straightforward presentation to a hella skewed one. man, i wish i had your searching and posting skills, vic. when i try to look for anything, i fail, and i probably wouldn't be able to attach the pics right, anyway. i shall try tomorrow, though, i promise, for what that's worth, when i get home from work early !
  12. my best was last thanksgiving: i went to see tenaglia at his night before turkey day gig in nyc (my hometown), at which turkey was to be served at noon. my friend and i tried our best to make it till then, but could only last till 11:40 - so close!!! but you know how it is, when you have to leave . i had to be at my dad's for thanksgiving at 3, so i went directly there by subway. i guess i got there around 1-ish, with my 8-year-old sister excited to see me and wanting to show me her new toys and whatnot, but i just had to take a little naperoo, then a shower, and knew i'd be fine. i think that nap was the most well-spent sleep i've ever had in my life. but then i was directly shipped upstate with my other side of the family for another t-day the next day. i stayed up all the way till about 2am (not the next day - that same day i was shipped); by 2, i was crying hysterically, having been reduced to a puddle of emotional mush. the fam had a lot to do with it, though ; i've stayed up as long and been fine!
  13. when you're shocked and appalled by someone's ignorance, exercise maturity and do not make him or her feel bad by displaying your disappointment or amazement (as the case may be). * side note for the origin of today's wisdom: a co-worker of mine does not know the months of the year and the order in which they occur. :eek: tune in tomorrow.
  14. weyes

    Blowjob Etiquette!

    this thread rocks ! it took me a long time to learn that i wasn't obligated to go down. now i have self-esteem and some recovery from sexual abuse .
  15. ah, yes, vic, our first encounters with cp members - even if we don't realize who they are at the time - are always memorable and magical. and who knows who they'll turn out to be/what they'll come to mean to us...? (weyes waxes sentimental in her head for a moment) and thank you, for the recognition of my status, yo. i got juice. joeygk - you're a few posts away from choosing your own title; color me jealous . good picture, boys ! but lose the guy in the middle .
  16. not eating to the point of dizziness is not good, people. one should at least have something to munch on when too busy to eat a proper meal. letting the body run on empty in little spurts leads to a general sense of fatigue and an overall run-down feeling after a while . tune in tomorrow.
  17. have you gotten into other places, or just around, in general? i can't imagine that seeing oakenfold would be stricter than any other time... but i never tried to sneak in anywhere when i was under 21. but ask the younger peeps on the board - i know shook on the ny board is underage, i think trancend is too (though i'm not positive), and i know that there are quite a few girls on the ny board. of course, that is nyc, but being a girl always helps, so you do have that going for you. and, though i hate to say it - dressing in more revealing clothes never hurts, either. p.s. just found this on the ny board - advice for everywhere: http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=101028
  18. and your friends really do know you best (in my opinion). your family may know who you used to be, but your friends are the ones with whom you now spend time, and the ones who do what you want to do - which is what has become who you are - with you. whew - i had to say that one over again in my head to make sure it could be followed !
  19. i don't know about that one, vic; brilliance can breed madness. and the insane are often very perceptive. seriously - check out cp's own smiley, and how sketchy he looks:
  20. *bump* Hey Weyes I often frequent the Los Angeles board, and enjoy reading your "thoughts of the day" quote's. Come and join our BuMp "..." parade if you want thanks !
  21. i thought that, after 1000 posts, one could pick one's own title. am i mistaken? is it after more posts? or have i just not figured out how to do this? please enlighten this lost soul and tell me how to do this or if i've just gotta put up some more fascinating posts to earn my silly-ass title of my own design .
  22. gotsta publicize it though; as i said in another thread, i didn't hear about it till a few days ago, and i'm on cp everyday. i guess it's my fault for just clicking on the cities and not scrolling down, but if you just put a post on every city's board, i bet you'd get a lot more tourism thrown your way .
  23. i haven't been in this forum yet; i didn't know it existed until a few days ago. would've been here earlier if i knew; i'll be around! ghhhhhost - is that space girl on the left in your sig? and i'd like to meet vicman, but he's in d.c. and i'm in l.a. . ~surreal~, too, but she's on the east coast, too - but she'll be back in my neck of the woods by summer, though.
  24. i thought i'd put my 1000th post to good use, and stroke (no inneundo intended, but you can use it there if you like, sickos ) all of our egos! on the way to my first meetup at the apple in nyc, i was prepared to meet a bunch of computer geeks - very unattractive people who were only on a messageboard 'cause their looks were so horrid that they even drove people away in the extreme darkness of the clubs. "of course, i don't fit into that category," i thought, "because i'm only on the messageboard 'cause i don't really know where to go ." but when i got to the meetup, there was a whole group of well-dressed, good-looking people; i was absolutely shocked, and even intimidated. and blueangel, (rip) had organized it all, as she did many times. i thank her for a lot, all of this kidding aside. but, damn, i see picture threads from time to time, and all i can say is, we are some fine-ass mothafuckas!!! rock on.
  25. that old saying about learning to take a compliment is a good one, but here's an expansion on that: just because it's one you've never heard doesn't mean it's not sincere or based on fact. tune in tomorrow.
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