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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by weyes

  1. "make it big" is the shit! i was visiting germany in 1984 with my family, for my stepfather's mother's eightieth b'day party (my stepfather is from germany). while there, we visited my stepfather's best friend, who had a daughter around my brother and my age. while my mom and stepdad hung out in the kitchen with the best friend and his wife, my brother and i were stuck with their daughter, who spoke not a word of english. after learning that we all shared a love for wham!, she was so excited that she couldn't stop gushing to us in german for the rest of the night. we had to spend it running back and forth from her room to the kitchen just to carry on a conversation, but i think all that was really said was that she loved george michael, and she had to make sure we understood just how much.
  2. here's one we all know and practice on a regular basis; let's all give ourselves a pat on the back: reach out and touch someone . tune in tomorrow.
  3. 'k, so i want to go to a rave that's coming up soon, and i work the late shift at my job (generally 1:30 - 9:30), which basically leaves me unable to go to the stores that sell tickets during their business hours. and, unfortunately, there isn't a participating outlet near my house. one store was semi-close to my work, though, and when i called, an answering machine picked up (even though it was in the afternoon, which is bullshit). their hours were 1-10, it said, and that they validated parking across the street for an hour. so, i wouldn't be able to go before work, but if i left a little early and rushed my ass off, i might be able to make it. i got to the o-so-crowded college neighborhood in which they're located by 9:30, only to find that the lot doesn't validate. i tried the one around the corner, thinking that perhaps that was the one they meant, but, no dice, i had to give those people $3. whatever, i thought, i'll just get my ticket and go home. but i got to the store, only to find the door locked and a sign w/ the hours posted that the store closes every day of the week at 9. no ticket for weyes, and the tix go up in price as time goes by, still leaving me without a place to buy them. i asked the parking attendant how to get home from there, and after finding that she's given me wrong directions, i arrived home really late, tired, frustrated, and sans ticket. yeah, ok, so plurplurplur and all that good stuff, but frequency 8 in westwood can go to hell .
  4. i have a visor and a couple of fisherman-kinda hats that are hella cute, but i went dancing with a hat once and couldn't deal with how hot it kept me. i do have bangs, though, so that probably made it even worse. i have no clue how people wear wool caps (beanies) in clubs.
  5. tell me the fuck about it!!!!!!! it's absolutely ridiculous!!!!! i saw him at twilo for a 9 hour set. i even got $5 off for a clubplanet guestlist, which giant doesn't have out here. the l.a. peeps i know are divided between "i love pvd and would see him, no matter what," and "fuck that, it's not even worth it." i'm still vacillating. the very thought of leaving annoyed and feeling cheated makes me not want to risk it, but look at what i said yesterday ...
  6. i'm sorry to hear that you had to go through that, vic ! i went to a really small private school with 1960s hippie kind of values, so none of that stuff ever went on; i always thought it only happened on afterschool specials and back in the days when my dad was growing up (my dad wasn't a friend of the bully's, either.).
  7. simon le bon... when i was a kid, i thought i was in love ...
  8. venting your anger is good, as long as you don't demand that your listener(s) get angry, too.
  9. i know what you mean. when i was in new york, people defected en masse to a snotty, clique-y board that will remain nameless, and the l.a. board is dead, though i heard it used to be hopping before some drama a while ago that caused a lot of people to defect to board "x." it's sad when that happens, and we all get separated. cp will always be my #1, no matter how many other boards i join .
  10. it's been my experience that most people in k-holes don't know where or who they are, much less where or who you are. you're in there like swimwear, buddy !
  11. yep, totallytrance, there's no dress code - whew! i asked the giant board. here's the link to that: http://www.giantclub.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=10836 i'm still waiting on more details about the event, but i'll probably be there ...
  12. that old trite phrase they gave you as a child of, "don't stoop to their level," really is a good one. doing what someone did to you just to "get him or her back" makes you look like an ass and lose all credibility.
  13. oooooo- my brother took all of my duran duran lps (i had all of them up to arena) with him to college without asking, then proceeded to lose them all . he has still yet to replace them, and those would cost quite a bit, not to mention take a little looking around to find. i was THE biggest duran duran fan, yo.
  14. fuckin' a, vicman; most of the best parties i've been to have been raves (although most of the parties i've been to have been raves, but, whatever.). i've got a good story about the pants, though: i had a crush on one of the help desk (computer tech) staff at my old job. he wasn't the brightest of people, but he had the sweetest face... the only thing he could ever think of to talk to me about was raves, limited conversationalist that he was. so, one day, when he happened to be near my desk and the summer company picnic was to happen that weekend, he said, "hey, are you going to the company picnic? i hear it's gonna be a rave," and he gave me that smile with which i was so smitten . but, damn, was that a lameass comment. "it couldn't be a rave," i said. "everyone would have to borrow my clothes." and here's where i put my great big foot in my mouth - "what i wouldn't give to see you in my pants." i don't remember what was said after that, but he left letting me think that perhaps he hadn't gotten the double-meaning of that one. my co-workers, however, didn't let me live it down for a good long time.
  15. i'm not sure what's going on on memorial day weekend, but you can check out what's going on at spundae that saturday at www.spundae.com . i'm a big spundae fan .
  16. you can always borrow something from me (as long as it doesn't involve height, like pants ), otherwise, i never have a problem with going shopping!
  17. i just broke out an old cd that i bought a long time ago and didn't particularly care for at the time - except for one song. but, upon listening to it again, after all these years, i find that it's actually something i've come to like. something already in my current library that might as well be brand new . tune in tomorrow.
  18. the performer who first inspired me to dance without any inhibitions, who made me feel that i could do anything on the dancefloor and that i belonged there whenever i got to a party, the one who taught me that i can and should go out alone, my muse - if i may be so lofty with that one - is coming to town! space girl. she's not a dj, but rather an artiste on keyboards and various thingamajiggies that i don't understand. i first saw her at a rave on july 6, 2000. (i'd been going to raves for years before then, but never felt comfortable dancing unless in a group of friends.) she's based in nyc, where i'm from, and she pretty much sticks to the rave circuit. and therein lies the problem. raves here are all ages, which means that they're mostly populated by kids in their mid-teens. my friends are giving me the "wellllll... we don't go to raves anymore," thing, but, if i had to go alone, who would i talk to all night? damn - i don't wanna be some people's version of "the old guy in the club" (even though i'm female) by going to a rave at 24. well, i gotta go, 'cause space girl won't come 'round again for a long time and i've missed her so much... but what do y'all think i can tell my friends to convince them to come, besides explaining the impact that this woman has had on my life? p.s. here's a link to the party info : http://www.26c.org/
  19. you learn something new every day; if you're not conscious of what it was by day's end, reflect a bit to make sure it doesn't slip away.
  20. yes, but that's how you work. what i was saying was that it's not global. when you said, "this is y looks count the most in life and if u dont' agree with that your lien to your self" , you really are only stating how you operate. i'm not judging you, i'm just saying that you have to realize that you are speaking for yourself, and not me. and another thing, i have never fallen in love with someone in five minutes.
  21. that's some scientific data that'll put me to sleep !
  22. weyes

    Picture of the day

    dog owners can be frightening...
  23. recall memories with a smile and not tears; it makes for an emotional scrapbook that's great to return to .
  24. it says 11:21 on my screen. thanks for clarifying! i've been wondering that for so long.
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