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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by weyes

  1. sometimes things really are as bad as they seem and you shouldn't listen to the naive optimists who say they aren't; when you face the true weight of your problems you'll be better equipped to solve them. tune in tomorrow.
  2. hey, matta! how've you been ? what brings you out to the west coast? and, yes, there seems to be no sf board. i have no idea what that's about... maybe cp should work on that. hope you have fun out here!
  3. it is best to get home from the supermarket before the ice cream melts . tune in tomorrow. p.s. for those who haven't, please check out yesterday's installment (4/24); it was actually a more serious and heartfelt one - something that's meant a lot to me that i wanted to pass on .
  4. i still have four left, and i forgot scott hardkiss! did anyone else mention him? i don't recall seeing his name up here and i don't wanna look through all of the lists again , but he kicks ass. maybe he's not popular on this list 'cause he's west coast. hey, brickhouse, will you list EVERYBODY that's on the list when you rank them, please - even people who just got one vote? i'd like to see people who just have their names out there in our world, even if they don't even make it to number 50 . thanks, weyes
  5. don't be afraid to go out dancing/clubbing alone. this is a topic that comes up every once in a while on the board, and i've just gotta share what i've learned from my experience. (keep in mind that what weyes says is not the one and only true answer to everything; it is just what she has gathered from her experiences and is, quite often, tongue-in-cheek - though not this time.) i didn't go out for 6 months when i had moved because none of the friends i had liked to go dancing. so instead i went to the movies, out to dinner, and stuff like that. ok, that's all right for a while, but not for someone who loves to dance as much as i do. i finally broke down and went out by myself one night to a rave just because i knew of one dj on the lineup, and i had so much fun because, hey, i was there to dance and hear some kickass music. i also got to talk to other cool people that i never would've met, had i been just isolating with friends all night. from then on, i went whenever i felt like it, and i ended up making friends along the way. ok, this is a long story for my "wisdom of the day," but keep this in mind as well: this was before i had any feelings towards any particular djs, and i've seen people on this board write things like "i really wanna go see s&d but my friends won't go and i don't wanna go alone. should i go or not?" sure it's always great to have friends by your side to experience something with you, but the bottom line is that you see the djs or you don't . tune in tomorrow.
  6. omigod, bananas are so much better for you than reese's peanut butter cups.
  7. hmmmm. disturbing indeed. (backwards...)
  8. old and wise do not necessarily go hand in hand. *well, old and i (weyes) did go out fo a while, but we weren't hand in hand all the time. yeah, ok. i know it was bad. tune in tomorrow.
  9. when has there ever been room for drama ? tune in tomorrow.
  10. welcome to the l.a. clubplanet board, also known as "the board where weyes doesn't stop babbling to herself" ! we're always glad to see new people out here.
  11. i'm from nyc and moved to l.a., and like to visit home when i can, about twice a year or so. i was go home specifically around 4/20 just for boo, but i ended up not having the $. man, that lineup was too good to believe: space girl, sandra collins, dave hollands, paul johnson, dj funk, dj x-dream, donald glaude, slick rick, krs-1, and those were just the people i was really looking forward to. i mean, shit, i never see any of those peeps come out here except collins and glaude. and don't get me started on space girl . and i miss the east coast massives. west coast massives ain't the same; all ages parties are just a bunch of kids od'ing and killing themselves. i no longer go to parties where people die. anyway, more reviews, and of specific djs! enquiring minds wanna know!
  12. i'm glad for an "ex thread," 'cause i've got stuff to say, too. 'k, i broke up with mine 'cause he was basically using me for sex when i wanted a real relationship - and actually thought that that's what we had. when we had our breakup talk it went really well, and he actually said, "you need someone who can communicate and be there for you emotionally..." which was exactly right. so, we left on good terms, as i knew we'd bump into each other here in l.a., this two-big-club town. wouldn't ya know it, i ran into him 3 weeks later at the club where we met. and he launches in with - "you look good, i've missed you. yeah, you look hot. i think we should have another talk." and here's where it gets super precious: "do you have to work tomorrow?" and i think you guys know what he meant by that . anyway, people, i felt shitty about that mindfuck for a bit, but then i started to think, "eat your heart out." while that doesn't apply to all of our situations, i think what they all have in common is that it's about letting go and how people do it at different speeds. some people just forget about the other person's feelings in the process, and it sure as shit sucks.
  13. ok, so it's 4/20, you know, a holiday that i never let go uncelebrated. but, this year, i am broke as humpty dumpty and have mostly non-smoking friends (what's that about?!?). so, i had to find something to keep me occupied today, something ritualistic, something i don't do very often, something good for me, and, what did i choose? i decided to floss the ol' teetheroos. hey, think about it. when was the last time you really gave yourself a thorough flossing, the way your dentist taught ya? omiLORD, afterwards, my mouth felt fantastic , i shit you not. it was like a whole new world. 'k, so it wasn't the proper way to celebrate 4/20 ( ), but at least i found a way to find some joy in my day anyway tune in tomorrow.
  14. hey, i don't know if we're talking about the same guy or not, but a few people have mentioned a guy named "dj x-treme"; if they mean to say "dj x-dream", i like him, too. i only had five people on my list, so make him number 6 .
  15. BUMP, people - i wanna know!!! follow above thread!!! :bounce: :bounce:
  16. thanks, dlish! i'll download that a.s.a.p.!!! yeah, NVdancer, i know what you mean about commercials ruining your favorite songs for you - it does happen all too often - but every once in a while a commercial exposes people to great ones they've never heard before (like this one for formerly-in-the-dark-but-now-lucky me ).
  17. hmmm. i'm still trying to figure that one out and am working on my own theory, but help me out with that, please. and, hey, where exactly are you from, msbobois ?
  18. simma down, now, sparky! hey, don't know what i did to offend o exalted you; just trying to clear something up.
  19. follow my thread to the l.a. board : http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=93129
  20. don't seek out william shatner's version of elton john's "rocket man"; it's disturbing.
  21. thinking back, it always makes me feel all fuzzy inside... my candy raver college classmate from l.a. was visiting me in new york city (where i'm from) over the summer for a week. she wanted to see dj keoki. i said no, that i hated "that techno crap," and that the odds of him playing during the particular week that she was there were slim. but it just so happened that he was to spin at a party at twilo. july 3rd, 1996. it was a rave, though, back when twilo needed a whole boatload o' djs to pull in a decent sized crowd. and the place got to be pretty empty as the night wore on. but here's the thing - she started tripping out because we had gotten all candied out for the occaision in glitter and bracelets and everyone there was thugged out... she also neglected to tell me it was her first time doing acid . and when the sun came in through the cracks of the doors, she almost lost it altogether... but I had a wonderful time. i loved the music, even though i didn't know how to dance to it. and even though we did stand out, it was ok. ever since then, i've been hooked. i don't know where i'd be without the music, the dance. where and when did it all begin for you ?
  22. yeah, i heard about that. i've seen much worse on t-shirts, though. *funny, just as i write this and am watching a rerun of "saturday night live," chris rock is doing his skit of nat x. in case you don't know that character, he's the one who hosts a "fifteen minute show on television 'cause 'the man' would never give him a half-hour." i wouldn't wear that t-shirt, but i think people have to keep a bit of a sense of humor, as those shirts weren't meant to harm anyone. how many times have you heard that "white people can't dance", etc., etc.? stereotypes will always be around. what do you think?
  23. omigod, i swear, i can't get enough of that commercial: the one where the girl in the front seat of whatever car it is (who cares, really?) in the pink kangol is doing this pop-and-lock shit to some music or other... you know the one. anybody else feeling me, here? p.s. does anyone know what song that is?
  24. i need to go out at least once a month or i lose my sanity. that used to be all i could afford, so it was ok, i guess. now i don't even have enough money to do that ( :cry: ), so i can't party it up right (if you know what i mean ). so my sanity is slipping away... but when i do go out, i'm the first person there and the last to leave. hey, if you know ways to get me comped in l.a., let me know!
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