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Everything posted by weyes

  1. "thinking outside the box" is just "coloring outside the lines" all grown up. tune in tomorrow.
  2. pvd is the well-loved and wonderful paul van dyk, trance dj extraordinaire. happy b-day and welcome to the board .
  3. you got it. and the glue aisle can get to be a krazy sticky situation.
  4. my omniscient (all-knowing) friend mick says pvd is being brought in by giant and is rumored to be playing at the hollywood palladium...
  5. the people on the second page of this thread (for the most part) seem to have a more level-headed, open-minded approach to this debate. it's all about having a good time and self-expression. rock on. i think vinyl's "no glowsticks" policy is ridiculous. doing the glow thing isn't hurting anyone; if ya don't like it, don't look! but as far as sticks v. strings goes, i say strings. i can only recall one time when i was really impressed by a plain old stick show, and i think i was just a wee bit influenced by the fact that the performer was an incredibly yummy, beautiful, shirtless boy . i fell in love in about a minute , but that's another story...
  6. i always prefer peppermint, unless you're talking about trident - then i choose freshmint.
  7. i have the day off today and it would be nice, if i didn't have to call my car insurance compnay and work out the details of an accident i was in; the guy who hit me is claiming it was the other way around and it's just a pain in the old arse. so, here i am, on my day off, waiting by the phone for various insurance people to call me back . at least i have my fabulous board to keep me company .
  8. fewer footsteps only leave clean feet. tune in tomorrow.
  9. hey, why does everyone keep calling me "bro" and such on this board, when my gender is clearly stated to the left of my posts? poo. this is not cool.
  10. one should not walk through the home depot barefoot. * tune in tomorrow.
  11. well, i can only come up with a top five (there are a lot that i like, but i can't commit to any others.): 1. paul van dyk/deep dish (tie) 2. paul johnson 3. sandra collins 4. space girl (so, she's not a dj, i know, but she plays with the rest of 'em, so she counts. besides, she kicks too much ass not to .) 5. tiesto
  12. hey, brickhouse, thanks for dropping by the l.a. board to let us know about your survey; i wouldn't've found it otherwise and am glad to know of it . i can only come up with a top five so far, but i'll post that on your page 'cause i don't wanna miss out on having my voice heard at all. rock on , weyes
  13. all right - i'm finally back in the land of internet access! for those of you who know that reviving the l.a. board is an ongoing quest of mine, i'm now gonna be able to go at again it on a daily basis . so, here's my new idea, a little daily thought for y'all to read and respond to or ignore, take yer pick! i'm just tryin' to get people to look again. and, hey, keep in mind that the new york board has a much better rep than we do. are you gonna let that stand ? and my thought for today, tax day: a penny earned is a penny taxed.
  14. omfuckinggod!!!!!!!! tell me more!!! :spin2:
  15. so, is anyone going to see him this weekend at spundae?
  16. all right, check this... countdown, folks, countdown. i move at the end of this month, and will then be on the 'net all the goddamn time. watch out.
  17. hey, dlish! always good to hear from you and thanks for still keeping me in the loop . i promise, i'll be out in full force again - sometime. for now, though, i'll be out this saturday at spundae to see lee burridge with my brother who's visiting from home. will i see any other cpers there?
  18. all right, in typical weyes fashion, i'm gonna somehow make a short story long without meaning to - i can tell . my brother came to town to visit me and i want to take him out, but, as everyone knows, there isn't much going on right now 'cause of the WMC in florida. so i just downloaded some lee burridge to see if he's worth seeing at spundae, and i'm sitting here flipping out over how fucking dope this is. . (to those who already were aware of lee burridge's rockin'osity, please pardon my prior ignorance.)
  19. omiLORD i've been gone so long and i miss this board so very much, i cannot even begin... i'm still not back entirely, as i have not yet moved into my new place - when i will then be reconnected. but *sniff* i've missed you all *sniff* so much, and i can't wait to continually post unanswered again !
  20. hey! i used to be the practically the only one on the board last fall/winter, but i've been without internet access since january, so i've been on hiatus for a while . this board does get a bit lonely sometimes, but i love it just the same. i started on the new york board, then moved out here, and i refuse to stay on the new york board exclusively just 'cause it's more popular! anyway... i live in l.a. (moving to WeHo in a week and a half) and mostly go to giant and spundae - i like the bigger clubs 'cause i like to roam and meet new people. i like trance and too many types of house to count. you'll hear more from me when i get back on the 'net...
  21. i'll start out on a positive note and say that i'm most grateful for the deaths of "you go, girl," and "talk to the hand." but i can't contain this anymore: "sick," as in "that was a sick track," must die now. and i know there are some others that deserve to be on this list - i just can't think of them at present. anybody else care to pronounce some dead?
  22. i know that; when i said "he got your disease," i was referring to axl.
  23. he got your disease ~ welcome to the jungle.
  24. yep, i'm talking about this past year's nocturnal. i could go on and on about all the shit that was wrong about that party. a good nocturnal memory for ya - nocturnal '97: two buildings, three areas. "moby's on!" someone yelled, and i, who hadn't heard of the guy, went with my friends to his structure. the areas with all the local djs were pretty packed and jumping. moby's room, however, was close to empty, except for a few of us, wondering where everybody else was.
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