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Everything posted by weyes

  1. often, latecomers are only remembered for being late, and not for what they do after their arrival, no matter how great it may be. tune in tomorrow.
  2. for me, it depends how long you'll be apart and how much strain your heart can stand. i wouldn't enter into a relationship with someone i already knew lived far away or that i couldn't be with for another year.
  3. i know the girls you're talking about, because i'm from new york; but people are a lot more laid back here in l.a., and the "clone" thing is a lot less prevalent. that's why the whole thing about guys still looking the same bothers me. when i was in nyc, they really looked more the same in actuality (mssabina, i could talk to you about the l.i. slicked-back posers and the wannabe thugs); i think that here it must have something more to do with me .
  4. this gets to me SO much. guys all look the same to me - even if the guy is cute, it seems to me that, if i saw him again, i probably wouldn't even recognize him. they all sort of blend in. there's a guy: short hair, flat chest, and all that's yummy and all, but i guess i'm sort of desensitized or something - i don't know. this was even true before i had a boyfriend this past year for a brief three months. help me here: does anyone else have this feeling too? the only other thing i can think of is because i have sexual abuse in my past, and i'm wondering if it's connected to that.
  5. that sounds just right to me, too. and it's true - the long-distance thing never works out. he'd understand or come to understand in the end.
  6. 'k, i only get to dc every couple of years, but when i last went, i got to see the fdr memorial when it was newnewnew. holy crap, people, if you haven't been there (and i wonder if residents of dc really go to all of the memorials and museums - do you?) it's totally worth it just for the ridiculously oversized statue of the greatest first pet ever, fala the scottie. that was one damn cute dog.
  7. i'm such a spaz that, a few years ago, my drink (non-alcoholic, mind you!) fell out of my cup holder, and, when i reached to pick it up, i drove up on a median and got a flat tire . good one.
  8. it depends what kind of club you're going to and why you're going out. when i see girls in six-inch lucite heels and men in constricting pants and long sleeve dress shirts, i know that these people are not at the club to dance. when i go out, i plan to dance for five hours in a row, at the very least, so you'll never find me in anything but a tank top, comfy pants, and sneakers. and another thing - just because i'm not wearing clothing that's in W (to which i do happen to subscribe, but that's beside the point), it doesn't mean i'm not "dressed up." i spend just as much time putting together my outfit and makeup as the people who wear D & G.
  9. actually, i wash all of my clothes, except for my socks and stuff i don't care about (like pjs), in cold, on delicate, and i hang them up to dry. some people call me obsessive about my laundry, and i am , but i have t-shirts from 8 years ago that are still as bright as they were when i bought them and things never shrink.
  10. it is best not to show up to work in raver gear because you think the boss will not be there, for it is usually then that he or she will show up . tune in tomorrow.
  11. these are the ones that we see over and over again, whether they come up every couple of days, or just once a week. but, man, i know you join me in feeling, sometimes, that if you see that topic one more time, you will lose your shit!!! so here are some that we see all too often. add as many as you want (and don't pick on my topic on the l.a. board, 'cause it's a column, you sasspots!!!): 1. your club sucks (pick one) 2. mine doesn't (pick one) 3. your dj sucks (pick one) 4. mine doesn't (pick one) 5. test, don't reply (and then people do ) 6. i'm drunk 7. i'm gonna start a clique-y thread that only my few three other friends will understand, post it on a public messageboard and make other people feel left out when i could just call them hey, i don't mean to be negative, but i had to let that out.
  12. i'm with you on this one.
  13. it reminds me too much of the rapper, common, as well.
  14. some of the best advice comes from strangers; always keep your mind and ears open. tune in tomorrow.
  15. never underestimate the power of a good nap. tune in tomorrow.
  16. thanks so much for all the help, ladies, and it's nice to know i'm not alone in this !
  17. actually, a couple of years ago, some insane women in nyc lobbied to get the right to walk around topless, saying the same thing - that "hey, it's hot outside, and men get to do it, so, why can't we?" and they did win. it was on the news, with a bunch of women walking around to celebrate their victory, and a shitload of men acting like idiots. i don't know if that law is still around, but you can check up on it and get back to us if you really wanna know .
  18. if you do happen to trip and fall, try to fall on your ass and not fall forward; it hurts much less and there are fewer damagable parts back there .
  19. dlish, i think it depends on the song, the artist, and the commercial. i have a certain love for a certain group (which will remain anonymous, because i don't wanna turn this thread into an argument about them ) that now has their song in an ad for fast food, and it saddens me to think that this song may have been used just because it was inexpensive, as the group isn't doing as well as it used to. and karma4, what does "being handed a black card" mean?
  20. i've moved so much throughout my life that i've never hung anything on my walls or fully unpacked my boxes. i'm never sure how long i'll be staying anywhere; why bother unpacking if i'll just have to do it again in three months?... but i spend more time missing friends than seeing them, it seems; over the years the memories just pile up and i don't know what to do with them. i saw it on tv: there's always something to miss, no matter where you are.
  21. if i had to pick one of the two, i'd say number 2, because the first seems more amatuerish. still, though, the typeface in design #2 looks a little too childlike and playful, because it's too expanded. use a regular face and i think it'd be better. but i don't think either is modern enough.
  22. not true - a lot of girls will think that other girls' outfits are trashy or certain girls are ho's based on what they're wearing.
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