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Everything posted by weyes

  1. exactly. right now i'm thinking, "he thinks i'm a stalker; what a conceited ass that he thinks i can't stand to be without him!" grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!
  2. whew - broad question - let me see if i can answer this without babbling (yeah, right ). i'm from new york originally but started my partying days when i came out to l.a. for college. i then moved back to nyc at the age of 21, then back again to l.a. at 23. i was a raver during my college years and went to both legal and underground parties. i had my share of problems with the underground ones: the cops sometimes had shut down the party after we'd paid for our map but before we'd gotten to the party, the cops would make kids drive home when they were fucked up out of their heads, djs wouldn't show up, other partiers wouldn't show up, all kinds of wack shit would go down because it was unpredictable. but there were lots of good ones, too, and the legal ones were fun when there wasn't any bullshit. overall, the whole scene was pretty good and the vibes were always positive and friendly. then i returned to new york, where the raves are 18 and up and held in clubs, and the vibes are not so friendly. people are a lot harder. and there's a crew out there called bts (which has been known to stand for so many things i can't even name them all, but a few are: brooklyn terror squad, born to scheme, bomb the system) that goes to parties just to beat up kids, sell fake shit, steal from people, and smoke dust. there's a real split between the candy ravers and what i call the "hard ravers," - those kids that wear ecko and are too fucking cool to smile at anyone. still, i think the music on the east coast rave scene is a lot more sophisticated, and i love having raves in clubs. but here's the whole turning point in what has turned out to be an epic story (sorry ): when i came back to cali at the age of 23, i was all excited to come back to the shiny happy cali rave scene. i had, however, forgotten that raves out here are all ages. i attended nocturnal wonderland, at which 2 kids died and one turned up dead after being missing for a week. when i got there and looked out at the dancefloor, all i saw were kids that looked like zombies. they weren't even dancing - just staring into space. they're too young to be out, playing around so carelessly with drugs. sometimes there needs to be an age limit with things. and when people die at a party, it's time to do a reality check. that's when i made the switch and started only going to clubs, where the adults go. i really am bothered that clubs in l.a. close so early (4 am? wtf?!?!?), but i guess that's the tradeoff i have to make. in new york they go till 9 and whatnot, and that's definitely a difference in attitude as well as in facts. last little detail, yes, nyc's twilo closed last spring. i and, i think, most clubgoers never thought it would stick, but giuliani got that place good. and it changed new york more than anyone can really say. there's my bit - damn!
  3. the l.a. board has been even more dead than usual, and that can only mean one thing: weyes has been falling down on the job . yes, it's true, i don't deny it. i haven't been spending as much time talking to no one on cp as i usually do because i am in the process of moving and am staying with friends . ah, to the very few cpers who will read this, i do apologize for not keeping you entertained. anyhoo, what's up with people not having dsl? going back to dial-up after having dsl is such cruel torture... sassa, if you're out there, it may not be all that late, but i'm feeling the same late nite smokey vibe you're always talkin' about. talk to me, sista. and good night, all .
  4. thanks, everyone - i'm really glad that this thread has taken on a more positive tone; i think it's become an interesting and helpful discussion for everyone involved . as far as the update goes (thanks for asking, karch), he and i had a really intimate night/morning on the 28th (i remember the date 'cause it was the night after my b'day) wherein he slept over (but we didn't have sex) and we were so locked into each other that he missed work intentionally and i was late. [i guess this may possibly turn it into another topic, but please let me try to keep it in the ballpark, here] we did have sex once before, just not this time, for the record, and here's why i bring that up: after the 28th, we didn't see each other again till the 6th nor talk much during that time, when we had gotten used to talking to/seeing each other much more often. it seemed to me that maybe that much non-sexual intimacy might've scared him. now he always tells me to call him a certain day or time; he doesn't call me unless he's calling me back. and he says aloof shit like, "we'll make it happen," when i ask when he'd like to go out next. but when we're together, he gives me 100% and has a good time. we have fun and enjoy just being with each other. he even went with me to my company's boring holiday party, and that grants him some serious points. so, we're beyond those first calls. the games should surely be up by now. weyes -
  5. i dunno - he isn't so frequent a board visitor for me to think that, even if the girl may be.
  6. lordy lordy lordy, party peoples - this was the best new year's i've had in years !!! i went down south a wee bit to hang out with a few friends that i made just this year - they're kinda like my new old friends - and we spun records and danced all night and morning. so nice, to chat, lie on couches, dance, all whenever i felt like it. man, after clubbing so much i'd forgotten how nice it can be to just have a party with close friends at home. took a nap for a few hours before i made the drive home, stopped for some in-n-out on my way, and was still doing the "cracked-out waddle" up to my door. perfect. hope you all had a lovely one, too.
  7. happy new year to you, sassa, and to everyone else on this fabulous board !!!
  8. hey, this post could be for informational purposes, or it could be my last chance in 2001 to start some drama !!! (let's see if i can do a good job here) i'm not gonna go to any wack parties where any of you people are gonna be; those big clubs are so tired and all your "undergound" parties aren't undergound enough for me . so i'm just gonna hang out with all of my supercool friends and be supercooler than all of you . (how was that?) just kidding, m'dears! seriously, what are all of you fabulous board peoples doing for the turn of the year? and may it be a happy new year to all !
  9. welcome ! man, it can be hard to get these muthas to talk sometimes. at times i believe i'm talking to myself ... but there is interest in starting a real dialogue here and proving that we kick new york's ass, so keep coming back! clubplanet forever !!!
  10. well, ended up just chilling out last night at home with my boy, but it was nice . i think new year's will bring me more than enough of my share of crazy-making music. can't wait...
  11. holy crap, that sucks!!! i feel lucky now, although i still don't know my new year's day sched; nothing can beat your story. sorry. hope this year kicks ass!
  12. c'mon, phuturephunk - i've seen you drop knowledge in great detail about the differences between electronica genres; hell, you've schooled so many of us on music . give it the old college try, please!
  13. i think i have a general idea, as i am (or have been?...) a raver, but i need a really detailed description to make sure that we are talking about the same thing. :book:
  14. i'm sitting here feeling sad and very sorry for myself because my really close friend forgot my birthday. i know it's easy to forget today (well, the 27th - i'm in cali but from ny) because it's right after christmas and everyone's going through the aftermath of all that, but it's my day, ya know? i just wanted an e-mail, an aim, a call, anything, something. sooooo sad. :(
  15. well, misskittie, it appears now that, if i spend any moolah at all, it will be at the spundae afterparty: deep dish, dj irene, bt and others, from 4 to 11. it also depends on when and if i have to be at work on new year's day. (wtf? working on new year's day?!?!?!? the joys of working in retail. as though anyone'll be leaving their throbbing heads - not even mentioning their houses - that day.) dooky. well, have a great time, mk, and say hello to pvd for me !
  16. man - i dunno why the l.a. board is so stingy with its help in this arena; i don't know that much about the little places. giant and spundae are the big places, and the underground shit is always the stuff that people wanna know about. sorry i can't help you there... i'll see if i can get some of the "in the know" cp peeps to answer you!
  17. sun is setting, weather is sweet, yeah... still haven't found something endlessly exciting to do yet; looks like my boy and i will just be hanging out tonight. i will give it more thought, though, and will tell y'all tomorrow whether or not i found some of that dj love .
  18. makin' it a last minute decision, misskittie - it all depends on my bank account .
  19. the holidays are always the saddest time for me, too, but this year has been the easiest year yet. i moved from nyc to l.a., and decided not to go home this year. i spent today with a roommate and her guest on and off as they and i came in and out of the house just doing little things like talking to the neighbors and such. i just didn't make a big deal out of it this year. i was away from my family drama, and i neither had the money to buy anyone presents nor did i feel like immersing myself in the commercialism of christmas, so i didn't go somewhere where there'd be a lot of gift-exchanging. staying home, playing some music and dancing around was just lovely. getting all of that christmas insanity out of your head can be hard, but a lot of it is just mind over matter. of course, i know that that's another case of "easier said than done," but it really is true. i have to get over my birthday blues, when everyone forgets - due to christmas, which'll be on thursday. but i hope that this year'll be different, and i'll try my very best; it worked so well for today that i think i can do it for my birthday, too. and welcome, rapidtransit!
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