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Everything posted by weyes

  1. you remember i'm in cali? i'm so touched!!! but here i am at 3:40 a.m. my time, in the same boat as you. i feel your sleeplessness, my brother!
  2. update - he just left my house after spending a good 2-2 1/2 hours here, and after a very frustrating visit where i just can't have sex with him yet (i still don't know him well enough, but we came mighty close), i told him that i didn't call him yesterday 'cause i didn't wanna freak him out. so why did i waste my time yesterday not calling him? sheesh. and now i think i freaked him out, anyway, too. grrrrrr. i hate this feeling that i have to second-guess what he's thinking and feeling all while trying to deal with my own issues. it's just a little too much to handle while you're becoming smitten with someone, when you lose your grip on logic anyway.
  3. keeping me in suspense - is that the name of the game ?
  4. let me clarify why i'm obsessing over this one: it's because this guy is so nice that i don't wanna scare him away. he seems so unbelievable so far: clever, considerate, kind, fun, funny... don't be bitter, guys, and think that we girls are full of shit when we say that we want a nice guy. we do, it's just that some of us can't find one easily and we settle.
  5. tatiana22: i don't live in nyc, so that theory doesn't apply, but i do live in l.a., the land of "swingers"! and "hi" right back at you, veranyc! and barmenace, it's about time you two got together! i have to work till 11 tonight, but when we first met, he told me i could call him till 3 (that was just a random time, but his point was that i could call him as late as i want). hells yeah, when i get home, i'm gonna call him. besides, part of my point is that i wanna talk to him more and get to know him better before we do anymore of that sex stuff. i'll keep you updated...
  6. i have to work till 11 tonight, but when we first met, he told me i could call him till 3 (that was just a random time, but his point was that i could call him as late as i want). hells yeah, when i get home, i'm gonna call him. besides, part of my point is that i wanna talk to him more before we do anymore of that sex stuff (sorry, sex board ) .
  7. man - i can't seem to get enough old skool these days. old, meaning anywhere from the early eighties to the early nineties, i guess (how did the fresh prince become old skool? i dunno...). sugarhill gang, slick rick, hi-c. shiiiiiiiiittt. i highly recommend all get back to those roots for a day - at least - see if you don't get re-hooked.
  8. she was still young when she was an a (when i started college i was a 34b and when i left i was a 38d), and in that later picture where she's on the beach she's lying down. (those are the explanations for the little ones, and, as i said, she wears a lot of smushy bras - we girls can tell.) for the record, i don't doubt for a moment that they are real.
  9. we got really close last night - this guy i just started seeing - (in the bedroom, i mean) and i wanna talk to him so badly tonight, but there's that fear there that i'd freak him out if i did... why do guys and girls have to play that stupid game about waiting to call each other after certain events (these and others) when they really want to call each other at that moment?
  10. funny , but the author of this treastise fails to understand the magic of gravity or manipulative brassieres (push-ups, padded, sportsbras, minimizers, etc.).
  11. when i click on the link i get to some german site. what's up with that?
  12. we got really close last night - this guy i just started seeing - (in the bedroom, i mean) and i wanna talk to him so badly tonight, but there's that fear there that i'd freak him out if i did... why do guys and girls have to play that stupid game about waiting to call each other after certain events (these and others) when they really want to call each other at that moment?
  13. yeah, i'm sick of that, too. i was at the drugstore the other day in my usual raver gear (it really is most of my wardrobe), and a middle-aged couple complimented me on my pants (very wide-legged, not ufos.). "those remind me of the bell-bottoms when i was young," the man said. i explained that i go to raves, and that's what kind of pants they are. "are your teeth loose?" he continued. i, of course, had no idea what he was talking about. "they say that ravers have loose teeth because of the ecstasy, which makes them grind their teeth." this was assuming that i do ecstasy, and he seems to believe every bizarre thing he hears on the news. loose teeth - hmmm. i just shrugged it off, said i'd never heard that and, "i'm not all ravers, and thanks, but my teeth are quite all right. "
  14. i thought that "to trainspot" meant to recognize a song, but it seems so lofty a word. am i missing something, or is that why, when a dj fucks up, it is called a trainwreck (meaning that the two are related and that i am on to something)?
  15. went out sober last thursday - felt amazing and not as though the night was missing a thing. it is all mind over matter. the energy is in the music, in the crowd, and in you - sometimes you just have to let it come out on its own .
  16. i'm not exactly sure what you mean by that. do you not agree with my belief that everyone has to come to terms with life's mysteries on their own, or is it that you don't like the idea of "you make your own happiness or dig your own grave," which is not what i'm saying?
  17. the only time i was in a relationship over a new year's we were apart over the holidays. there is a lot of pressure on new year's - almost as much as there is on valentine's day, but it's all mind over matter. love between friends is a beautiful thing, so enjoy it and never take it for granted.
  18. you know, i can't remember a time when i ever felt they didn't make their wearers look ridiculous. but they've been around way too long now. it's been at least three years of optical torture on the dancefloor. can anybody come up with decent defense for this horrible and horribly played-out accessory?
  19. weyes


    unbound! orchid! where have you been?!?!?!?!?!?!?
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