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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by weyes

  1. went to the supermarket without underwear. damn, i was bored.
  2. 10 for a buck just my last shopping trip - suckeroo!!!
  3. i don't know about too much oj, but too much vitamin c as a pill does turn your pee orange; i speak from experience.
  4. i've been making my own dumpling soup (well, the dumplings aren't mine, they're frozen, but it's all good...) 'k. so ya just boil some water, add chicken boullion to make broth, then put some frozen chicken potstickers in to boil for a few minutes, and enjoy!
  5. first of all, i just have to say that i thought pay it forward was a piece of preachy crap. but, if you think about it, karma is the same thing as "paying it forward." they didn't invent anything new there. even the assholes do good things for people in passing, for what goes around naturally comes around in the great scheme of things.
  6. i am worthy of love! my shrink said so !
  7. one more thing i gotta add about white castle: if you see a white castle, you know you're in a sketchy neighborhood; never fails...
  8. i guess there aren't any true b-boys on this board.
  9. i started a thread just like this a few days ago and it helped a bit; check it out: http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=65721&highlight=cheer+clubplanet and just think - turkey day's coming up. mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie...
  10. i think the ownership of whistles should be limited SOLELY to traffic personnel. i will hold my tongue and say no more.
  11. msbobois - are you still gonna see s&d in nyc over turkey day?
  12. i didn't see jay and silent bob strike back, but one thing that kevin smith could do to vastly improve his films would be to nix ben affleck from any future endeavors. in fact, hollywood should cut that idiot out of all of its future productions altogether.
  13. fuckin' a, bro; just rockin' the fuck out to the backstreet boys!!!
  14. all right, here's my point, kids: to all the playa hatas - there are some serious diamonds in the rough out there in the non-electronica world, and i believe that a lot of you would like more songs - and even styles - than you do if you listened to them with an unprejudiced ear. not all songs by artist-x intrinsically suck, neither do all songs within a certain genre. i don't even feel that i can mention artists or genres as examples, because so many of you would dismiss them for the reasons stated above. so, listen to the song and what it has to offer, not its title or its performer's name; you'll get a lot more out of music. that's weyes's thought of the day.
  15. "there are seven ways to solve every problem." seems like a lot to me. maybe there could be that many options, but not that many solutions. hmmmmm. food for thought. anybody?
  16. even i, hardcore party animal that i am , gotta stay home a lot cuz i be po'.
  17. "with diamonds," the commercial says. do you guys have any better ideas? weyes cringes at the possible tastelessness of responses...
  18. ok............, i just downloaded that "you are sleeping" song at your recommendation and i just have to chime in and say that that whole junkie whore's life story part is not something i'd feel like dancing to.
  19. do you mean that there is a song called "phunky phantom" which sucks just as much or that those songs are one and the same?
  20. yes - totally with you on that one. some of us keep the candy within reason.
  21. ok! like, i was sitting here all bored and whatnot, and listening to some music or whatever, and i noticed that the visuals on my windows media player (welcome to 2001, weyes! high-tech for the computer illiterate) weren't on ran dumb anymore so i started clicking the little arrowthingy and there were wow sooooooo many and i found the one that's wavy lines for the highs and lows, you know, and i could stare at that shit all damn night.
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