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Everything posted by weyes

  1. my aunt's birthday is coming up, and she always asks me to make a mix for her every year. ever since i've been into electronica of any sort it's been really hard for me to even try, because i don't have a "system" to speak of, and therefore can't mix or anything like that (not to mention that i'm not a dj, for chrissakes!), but she insists. sooo, can anyone recommend any songs that i can download off the 'net that stand on their own that are fairly accessible to the non-house/trance-fanatic ear? (i'm looking for house and trance - and stuff that's more infectious to the feet than the ears.) thanks for any help!
  2. my aunt's birthday is coming up, and she always asks me to make a mix for her every year. ever since i've been into electronica of any sort it's been really hard for me to even try, because i don't have a "system" to speak of, and therefore can't mix or anything like that (not to mention that i'm not a dj, for chrissakes!), but she insists. sooo, can anyone recommend any songs that i can download off the 'net that stand on their own that are fairly accessable to the non-house/trance-fanatic ear? (i'm looking for house and trance - and stuff that's more infectious to the feet than the ears.) thanks for any help!
  3. the party i went to the time before last i was sick the whole night before - i'll spare you the gory details - but i thought it was just a poor choice of food for dinner. but i was really excited about seeing tiesto last saturday and was sick all day. i'm beginning to think it was nerves. o, and some music has the power to take me over into a state of serious nausea and dizziness (but that's mostly just when i hear a really amazing song for the first time). does any of this happen to anyone else?
  4. i just found out about audiogalaxy yesterday and discovered that it has a shitload of what i've been looking for in general. unfortunately, i still can't listen to it because my roommate's computer is asking me a lot of questions that i can't answer ('cause i'm internet-edly and computerally retarded ) and crashing a lot. but you're right; bearshare does appear to be shit, relatively speaking, insofar as the volume of music it has to offer. and thanks, i will im you as soon as this computer stops acting up and starts listening to me!!!
  5. i started a post a little bit ago about how absolutely nuts i was going trying to find this goddamn song. i then learned about bearshare (thanks to my good friend jeremy ; i've been in the dark about all of this internet/mp3/overall new technology stuff for a very long time) and secured five versions. i still like deep dish's the best, but i don't have pvd's or this new one to which you are referring. i can only imagine pvd's would be hard fucking core kickass because i am absolutely in love with the man's work, so i would like to have this one, if any of you can send it to me @ maclean_amanda@hotmail.com and as far as ever finding new shit, how do you do it??? i am so frustrated!!!
  6. ok, first things first: i don't wanna hear any crap about how old this song is or how i'm ridiculous for not knowing who did it. give me some credit for having the guts to ask the music board and not just the regular board, all right? i just figured out how to use bearshare and i'm getting sentimental, so i'd like to get my hands on that old fave. who did the american beauty remix and what is it exactly called, so i can get a hold of it, or would somebody like to be an absolute darling and e-mail it to me? (pm me if you're that sweetheart, pleasepleaseplease...?)
  7. DAMN, you guys are negative! this post wasn't for tiesto-haters, it was to get the tiesto fans excited about his upcoming gig! sheesh! and as for your comments, CTACbKA and sonicinfusion, i'm not keeping lifetime scores, i was just trying to get everybody psyched and increase everyone's anticipation for this week's event. don't be so touchy! as for the only comment to which i'd really like to actually reply, beverage10: he came on at one and finished at 4. keep in mind, though, that clubs out here are really wack in that they close at the incredibly weak hour of 4. (yep, you guys have that one on me. ) he'll probably spin longer in ny. of course i wished that he had spun longer, but the vibe was great and the music was wall-to-wall amazing the whole time - better than an hour of warmup music, a couple of rockin' hours and then another hour of cooldown.
  8. no, no, i come in peace, not just to brag about how i got to see him a week before you guys, here in l.a. he was heavenly and is not to be missed. i'm in that next-day-still-reeling state and not exactly able to communicate accurately how thrilling the whole experience was - the energy he inspired in the people and on the dancefloor, the ever-increasing joy in my friend mick's face as the night went on (one of tiesto's biggest fans)... it was unbelievable. i was previously unacquainted with tiesto's music, and he gained a new fan in me last night. * he even played my song...
  9. i hope some of you were there; he was heavenly. giant was wack, though, i gotta say. the line to the main room was at a standstill as early as 10:45, and we (my friends and i) were left with no choice but to go to the room with the audio link-up. it also had two video screens showing what was going on in tiesto's room, but the visuals were camcorder-quality and there weren't any lights in our room at all - unforgivable lack of empathy for us and cheapness on their part. doodyheads!!! but we did get to catch about the last 45 minutes of his set in the main room, and it was unbelievable. i was previously unacquainted with his music, and he gained a new fan in me last night. * he even played my song... (you all have been there, too.)
  10. i believe that this is an envious new yorker post! good ol' gravity's from the new york board and he won't get to see tiesto for a whole 'nother week ! and that, my friends, was my very lame attempt to start some drama. (are you guys sick of me yet?) is no one else going?
  11. i knew what you meant; i was just being sassy .
  12. i was just a fraction of a millisecond old; i don't remember mine either.
  13. i started my raving "career" on the west coast, and when i moved back east, i had no raving friends. i didn't go out to any parties for six months because i couldn't get anyone to go with me. i finally got my ass out there by myself and then kept going out alone. and when i wasn't dancing i was always very happily occupied - be it chilling on a couch or floor, talking to someone, standing around, or whatever. i never felt awkward; the party's my home. every night was a new adventure, and when i started running into the same people it had a cool recurring cast of characters (i've given a lot of them nicknames). i've got so many great pictures... i made friends and had a fabulous year; i can't imagine what my life would've been like, had i just stayed home !
  14. or... we could just talk about my ass. (thanks, loch! )
  15. saturday is both my first time @ giant and my first time experiencing tiesto; i've neither seen nor even heard the guy. my friend trancekyd is so absolutely overflowing with excitement; he's the one who's finally getting me out to giant and to hear the famous tiesto (why has it taken me so long? i have no excuse ) - i'm excited too and honored to be going with such a dedicated fan.
  16. if you're a fictional beast every other day of the year, what are you on halloween? ...
  17. so, do we want serious people (as said by littleboybleu) or people with juicy stories (like sassa said)? just kidding i'm bored today and, hey, the new york board gets away with lots of lameass topics amidst their cool ones. i think people on this board are too afraid that their topics aren't interesting/worthwhile enough - because whatever is posted on this board stands out so much just by its being here. in other words, there are so few topics here at all that, people think, "if i post something, it'd better be good." so, whatever. peoples just gots ta bite the bullet.
  18. ok, ok, i've been posting quite a lot on halloween - if it seems as though i'm obsessed, it's because i am. but now that dt cancelled his halloween gig, i have no ideas for what to do on halloween night. anybody know of anything fun/cool, etc.?
  19. that's messed up. introspection and working on one's issues are one thing; losing your identity and settling for less are very different indeed. as far as the pity party goes, count me in. all i can find are guys who want a quick fuck.
  20. what you guys are talking about is somewhat like what happens to me. but what i go through is more the following: it's as i'm just falling asleep. i feel that someone is closeby and coming to hurt me, but i know that it's just an aural hallucination and me seeing shadows. and i know that if i could just sit up it would all go away, but i just can't move. but this only happens to me if i go to bed very late and i've smoked a lot.
  21. weyes

    Tiesto at Giant

    just go to www.groovetickets.com . the tickets are $35 (with a goddamn $3 fee!) and he's playing with noel sanger and dj collette. more info is on the site.
  22. weyes

    Tiesto at Giant

    yes, indeed. i'm going now, too.
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