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Everything posted by weyes

  1. omigod, what happened? friday i got way too ridiculous for my own good. i hadn't been that fucked up in i don't know how long. i was repeating myself all night long, and i spent the rest of the weekend sleeping and recuperating. i still feel a little jacked and i'm not sure that i rightly recall what exactly went down on friday. this hasn't happened to me before, even though i've always been pretty hardcore, godfuckingdammit! jesus, i got through college without this! please don't tell me i'm getting old! well, maybe i should look at this as a good thing and say that i had a good friday. i just wish i could remember or had a better idea of how i came across to other people. to all of you that i met at the meetup on friday, please keep in mind that i'm not always a fool who stands around in bars/restaurants gobbling black and white cookies.
  2. did you stay for her whole set? she played the actual song later.
  3. PFloyd40's just being pedantic; she plays keyboards and whatnot. she also does other crazy stuff i don't understand personally 'cause i know shit about any instrument that was invented post-1920 , but it doesn't really matter. she's the performer who changed my life - long story - and it makes no difference whether she did (and still does) it with vinyl or not.
  4. 6:30, almost exactly, and the party was supposed to go till 8. i'm really getting sick of parties ending early, starting late, lines being 2 1/2 hours long (@ raves w/ tickets, i'm not talking about twilo on s&d, or anything!). too much bullshit these days. but i try to focus on the good stuff; the music was good, i got my dance on, and good peeps - even beside the board ones i ran into loads i knew and met lots of cool people. great vibe. i've had a really bad run of luck with parties recently and this one turned it around! [This message has been edited by weyes (edited 04-21-2001).]
  5. yeah! i just say, "i'm going out to dinner," and see if people ask with whom. that's when i start getting sketchy and speak in abstract concepts, like "they're these people that i know but i haven't really met them yet but they're friends and ...you know." but i speak like that most of the time, so people don't really notice. plus, the person i'm talking to can tell that if he or she tries to challenge that bizarre answer i just gave, it's just gonna get even harder to understand and can't help but get weirder. but i had a great time, too, even though i was feeling a little sketchy from being a little too overworked and overplayed (!), it being friday, and it being 4/20. in case you're wondering who i am, i was the fool who giggled uncontrollably at seemingly random intervals. but hey, you fools may have been too drunk to notice! can't wait till next time! weyes
  6. my thanks to everyone on the board who helped make my evening rock so fuckin' hard! my thanks to everyone on the board who helped make my evening rock so fuckin' hard! (oops, sorry, i already said that !) <---that was me for a good part of the night went from the dopest dinner meetup to a pretty kickass party, where i ran into more and more board people as the night went on. even though i spent much of my time in one of the downstairs rooms letting my mouth do the dancing i was in full-on "awwwww-yeeeaaaaahhhh" mode all night. (except for when the wackasses closed the party 1 hour and 1/2 early - bullocks.) dj heaven! space girl! (i missed juan atkins) and that guy downstairs who played that sample of black sabbath's "paranoid" who was also at "butter ball" in november. help with that anyone? much love to saigray, orchid21, unbound, notforkids, boa_boy, az-tec & ll (i forgot your screenname, sorry!), glowsticks and his crew, and everybody else that made lastnight so mothafuckin' dope!!!!!!!!!! rock out! weyes
  7. i'll be there too; look for me in a camoflauge sleeveless shirt with a star on it!
  8. hopefully 7:30, and i hope to see everybody by the couches, drinkin' silly!
  9. hope to see you all at dinner tonight! weyes
  10. yes indeedy! hope to see everybody at the dinner tonight!
  11. video games, tv, movies? i say nay! it's nursery rhymes that affect the children! happy 4/20!
  12. i'm still in for drinks, but i'll be there around 7:15-7:30; you brokeasses better still be being broke on the couches by the time i get there! and thanks again, casey! this is gonna rock!
  13. ok, people, we have to have a meetup, what with all the people going, YES? i'd make a suggestion, but i've never been to limelight. so somebody's gonna have to choose a time and location and get it over with. bumporama
  14. yeah; he thanks his wife in the liner notes of "out there and back."
  15. blechhhh... i only have two strangers-rubbing-their-nasty-hardons-all-over-me-at-parties stories, but those are more than enough. the first was at a rave, some guy freaking me on the dancefloor. what the fuck?!? besides that being gnarly as hell, why would anyone be FREAKING anyone else at a rave? the next was also at a rave, some teenager rolling face, coming up to me from the front, grabbing me and dry humping me with his underage erection. for a little kid, he certainly had a strong grip. dude. i did nothing to tease these guys; they were just looking for sex in all the wrong places. i think the girls you ran into were assholes, but i gotta say that the guys i ran into were worse.
  16. well, i don't know about a trilogy of movies that are related in any way, but here are a few that i'd recommend: * "showgirls." if you haven't seen this, you really should. just make sure you get the nc-17 version and not the r version. i think blockbuster only has the r version. anyway, the acting is abysmal, the story's a wee bit silly, and the dancing is fan-fucking-tabulous. lots of great quotable lines, too. whoo-hoo!!! best picture of '95!!! * "wild style." hard to find. pre-dates "crush groove." fictional (and some non-fictional) stories about grafitti writers and rappers during the emergence of the hip hop scene in nyc way back in the day. so much of this movie has been sampled by the likes of cypress hill, tribe, and the beastie boys that it'll make your head spin. poorly acted but you won't even care. * "grease 2." michelle pfeiffer singing about her dream guy: "a devil in skintight leather." does it get any better than that? i guess the only way in which these three movies are related is that the acting in them isn't intended to be taken too seriously; that isn't exactly the focus. in "showgirls" the point is the t & a, "wild style" was trying to bring a new underground culture to the masses, and "grease 2" was trying to capitalize on grease's box office success. but all are highly enjoyable and cool as hell. let me know if you see 'em and give me a review!
  17. color me bummed, kids. i went to the roxy early because, these days, i've been waiting on line 2 and a half hours everywhere i go. when my friend and i showed up the place was as empty as a college student's refridgerator. we waited for the place to fill up but it never really did. that would've been ok, had the vibe been lively, but no such luck. the crowd seemed to be people whose neighborhood bars were shut down for good friday. my friend and i were there to see paul johnson and the guy never showed. the music was dull all night, and i only danced the last hour and a half or so because a girl's gotta get her dance on. i stayed till the end, as i always do, but this time it was 'cause i was hoping that the music would get better. but i did run into some clubplanet peeps, and that made the evening all worthwhile. i hung out with offshoot and shyster76 (sp.?), both of whom i met at the dinner meetup back in feb. they don't post very often, but if you do know these guys (he and she, respectively), you know how chill they are! offshoot was longing for some commercial house lastnight and shyster76 was looking for JEEZ, anything better than THAT. what happened?!? i found crossy, too, and met his gf. he'll be at the meetup next week, as will i. i'm looking forward to that and to kind 2; i'm sure next friday will much more than make up for lastnight.
  18. hey, i'll be wearing a pink sleevless shirt with stars that says "hollywood" and black pants. say hey if you see me!
  19. i'm totally there!!! space girl cancelling sounds doubtful to me, it being her cd release party and all. i just went to her website and the party's still on her tour list. rock on...
  20. you should check out a party called "kind 2" at limelight. >Friday 4/20 > Cousins LI will bring you > >KIND 2 >even kinder > >if you were there when we blew up limelight last year on 4/20, u know whats >up, those that dont, heres yr chance > >djs > >Juan Atkins >Spacegirl - CD Release Party >Frankie Bones >Function >Pleasurehead >Myth I-S >Dave Trance >Dan Barnes & Allen Sax Tag Team >Mike Wade >Heaven >Ello >Dave Seagull > >Odi >Jo-S >Kaspa >Atray-U >Missing Link >Koncept >Josef Fazor w/ MC Overide > >located @ Limelight >20th St. & 6th Ave, NYC >April 20th (420) >18 w/ id >No Dress Code > >Cousin Infoline: (516) 247-5539 >------------------------------------------------------------ fuckin' a! go to the meetup and then the party!!!
  21. buying what, exactly? well, kids, i'm actually going because of paul johnson, anyway; i've never even heard armand van helden's music, much less been anywhere to hear him spin. (yep, i just freely admitted that on the clubplanet messageboard without any shame or embarrassment.) give pj some props, even though you're not going to see him. think of me tonight when you're out at twilo, just as you are every weekend. (no, really, i don't mean to be snide, just wanted to meet some more board peeps and it astounds me that none of you is going to the roxy tonight.) have as much fun as i will!
  22. i REALLY don't think that going to acme without a reservation is a good idea; i've been there on fridays and that place is always PACKED. and since we clubbers/ravers are usually broke, i think the pre-fix wouldn't work out too well. apple is roomy and accommodates both those who wanna eat and those who'd just like to drink and chill on fabulously comfy couches. i think the menu was varied enough to eat there again - stuff for vegetarians and meat eaters, healthy and tasty and all that rot. there's weyes' input. thanks!
  23. hee-hee... it may have been past your bedtime when you wrote that, loch! but seriously, why can't any of you guys tear yourselves away from twilo once in a while? does that place have a monopoly on your minds and feet?
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