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Everything posted by weyes

  1. EVERYTHING. about what's happened and what you think will happen, what may happen, and, most importantly, what you think your government should or should not do. my point is that you should let your voice be heard. as far as writing letters and calling instead go, letters will take too long to arrive (the post office is a bit backlogged, and the situation changes too much and too quickly for letters to even be valid from one day to the next.) and phone calls will probably never get through. while i agree that it's quite possible that the e-mails may never be read, it's important to send the message out there all the same. leaders don't know what the people want if the people don't speak up.
  2. write your government! tell them what you think! we put them there, they work for us! president bush's address: president@whitehouse.gov vice-president cheney's address: vice.president@whitehouse.gov and you can look up your senators's addresses at www.senate.gov THE TIME IS NOW.
  3. thanks so much your your reply! your recommendation and that of a friend of mine have convinced me to go on ahead with my order; besides, dt's gonna be out here on halloween and it'd be great to get to make his acquaintance first. now i just have to wait for the satellite website to get back up...
  4. yeah - i was worried about you guys. since i moved to l.a. and moved into a computer-less household i feel like i've been in limbo. a lot of the names with whom i was familiar seem to have disappeared but i trust that they are all ok. i guess i'll get to know all you new ones; i just got hooked up this week and i look forward to it.
  5. yeah, if the national liquidators thing is true, that is fucked up, but that "concentration camp" comment is infinitely worse. that kind of lack of respect for human life is what brought about tuesday's tragedies. damn. i'm mostly left without words these days. i just had to put it out there that we have to keep perspective and not fight ignorance and heartlessness with the same.
  6. there's a track i've been looking for for a couple of months that was finally released last week, and i can only find it at satellite records. i've moved to l.a., though and have to order it via internet, so they're making me buy $25 worth of stuff. my turntable blows, so i only wanna buy a cd, and they don't have much to offer. SO, how is danny tenaglia's "back to mine," for a trancehead who likes a little house now and then (i.e. paul johnson, david hollands, dj heaven, i'm blanking at the moment... but i like remixes of pop shit, soulful house, hard house, lots of house, i guess. damn, i'm not being helpful.)? i've never even been to vinyl, never seen the man in action, and my damn computer won't let me listen to real audio clips (throw some pity my way; i'm having all kinds of trauma right now.). ANYcrap, how is "back to mine"? worth buying or not? thanks so much for your help and patience, and it's great to be back (i finally got a computer in my house, so you'll see more of me, for those of you who don't know me!)!
  7. haven't been on in a while; the whole format is different and i don't understand it at all... i feel almost feel like an outsider. i'm kind of worried about two particular clubplanet people. i don't want to mention their names... please tell me that these people are ok!!! everybody, please write as many as you can!!!
  8. i just moved and no one in my new residence has a computer 'cause we're all so po'! i have to make a longass walk to the library (i moved to l.a. and don't have a car yet - which is even more pathetic) every time i want to get a measly 1/2 hour time slot of internet use. i feel so disconnected and very sad. i know you guys are gonna just tell me to suck it up, but i figured i'd just use up half of my alotted time to let out some emotion before i take my long walk home. who knows when next i'll be able to get on the web again.
  9. thanks, you guys! it's so sad to be leaving just as i started to get to know some of you lovelies, and there are still some that i wish i had met. but if i gave shoutouts to all the great people that i do know, the list would be a bit too long! i'm glad for all the nights (and next mornings) we spent together, and will take all of you with me to l.a. in my crazy little mind. feel free to pm me anytime, as i'm sure this soon-to-be ex new yorker won't be breaking her clubplanet habit anytime soon!
  10. this is my last weekend in new york city (i'm moving away) and no one will go out with me 'cause "[they're] too broke!" this totally blows!!! i think i'm gonna cry - and you're silly if you think i'm kidding.
  11. hello??????? is anybody going tonight? ( )
  12. all i can think of for now because it's so fucking AMAZING and is probably my very favorite is the big kahuna
  13. yeah - since nobody on the board gave me any advice about any trance parties, i figured i'd just settle for house and catch danny, since i've never seen him. but there aren't any posts about him or vinyl today (how excited everybody is, meetups, the usual whatnot); what's that about? is something going on that i should know about?
  14. perhaps my interpretation of your question is a little different from how you intended, but part of the reason why there is a "nighttime me" is that she needs to take a break from the things that the "daytime me" has to do. when i arrive on a party's scene, i take an involuntary deep breath bigger than any i can take in anywhere or time else. and that's just the beginning.
  15. good luck, sprout, and eat a hearty breakfast; it really does make a big difference!
  16. from what i know of jeff mills, he is generally house and techno... trance, please, or has new york fallen to the househeads? (yes, this is a pathetic cry for help. you can help save the little people in my head and sneakers,)
  17. c'mon!!! i've gotta go to a good trance night before i leave town, and none of you has helped me! i know you guys know; help me out, please! otherwise i'll have to settle for house, and i really don't wanna leave nyc without feeling like i've worked my dancing shoes the way i do when i dance to trance.
  18. i finally recovered enough to say a little sumpin' about my gatecrasher experience! overall good, but i wouldn't credit gatecrasher with that. i was really disappointed with the music; it sounded the same all night, to me. the tempo never even changed. but it was nice enough to bop along to sometimes. and very few seemed to be at the meetup. where was everybody? i'm with crobra; i was there and only saw a couple of peeps when i hear that so many others were there that night - you doodyheads! but i ran into so many of you other guys later, all over the place, that i felt the clubplanet love anyway. but i thought the vibe was pretty wack. the people seemed pretty blase, and that, unfortunately, can get contagious. if everybody spreads an "i don't really wanna be here" vibe, yet they stay, people can get kinda hostile. anyway, i stayed and had a nice time, so whatev. it was all about the good people i ran into. i wanna give some major shoutouts to orchid, saigray, glowsticks, shyster, and crossy, and hey to all the news peeps i met, too. wooooooooo i still wanna go back to sleep...
  19. i'm moving on june 12th and i need to hit the cool parties that are coming up this week and just places i haven't in nyc. trance would be most appreciated, although i'd settle for some house. i'm a ravey girl and like to be in places where people are dancing, not just lounging around. hmmmm. that's all i can think of. help, please?
  20. thanks, gonzojournilist and herbalist, for the l.a. info. i feel lucky to have a bit of the lowdown before i get out west. hey, herbalist! how goes it? i'll be subletting a place in venice, walking distance from the beach. as far as the elctric daisy carnival goes, i picked june 12th as my departure date so that i'd be settled in enough out there to have a kickass time at that party! i'll be bothering you on e-mail inbetween now and then, trust that. it looks as though i'll have to start another topic with "what should i do in nyc?" in the title. gotta find the last cool spots before i literally jet... thanks, weyes
  21. and another says, "behind the bar on the main floor at 2." this isn't this same place, is it? i don't know much about limelight... SO, WHAT'S THE DEAL?
  22. so, one of you says, "behing the booth at 2,"
  23. no, i meant which parties in NEW YORK do i have to hit? ?????????????????????????????????????
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