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Everything posted by weyes

  1. it's just impossible that none of you is going to the roxy for armand van helden and paul johnson this friday. c'mon, people! where ya at? and, even if you're not going, what's a girl to wear to such an event? my ravegirl self and my ghetto-fabulous female friend have no idea what we're supposed to wear. well?
  2. DUDE, you should go to the roxy for armand van helden and paul johnson! i started a topic on that and nobody responded; i think i'm gonna take some more serious action so that people on this board wake up and get their asses out to it! you are now included in the bunch of people that must get your ass out there, too.
  3. i'm totally there, but i don't know if i'm gonna stay for dinner or not; gotta get my ass ready for "kind 2" at limelight. who here is hittin' THAT up?!?
  4. i got in at 9:25, thanks! but i forgot that my dentist appointment from yesterday that their office cancelled was moved to today at 8:30 and i TOTALLY missed it. i'll get it together, just one bitty step at a time.
  5. yeah, and i don't even plan to be in nyc much longer. but i don't like drama at work, y'know? this is bullshiot! why don't they concentrate on the great work i do. if i make up the ten minutes i'm late by staying late every day, why should it matter? i usually stay an extra half hour every night 'cause i'm such a hard-working freak in general. this is bullocks...
  6. well, you guys, i hope i meet you before i move to cali and have a fabulous new job! come to the 4/20 meetup or kind 2!!! [This message has been edited by weyes (edited 04-09-2001).]
  7. just got outta my meeting. they said if i'm late again they're gonna fire me. weyes is in BIG trouble at work, again.
  8. i'm leaving in june, but don't worry, girl, we'll catch up with each other soon... (i'll be at the roxy this friday for armand van helden and paul johnson, and all of you'd better be at the 4/20 dinner meetup! (i'm going to kind 2 afterwards)) and if any of you have any job leads in l.a., pm me!!! [This message has been edited by weyes (edited 04-09-2001).]
  9. alright, you can just stick it. other people in my office can come and go as they please. as long as THEY get their work done, it's all good. why isn't the same true for me? there are people here who take 2 hour lunches, which i think is totally ridiculous. we're supposed to work till 6 pm, and i'm one of the 10% of the people in the office who actually do. i just happen to be a nocturnal person (i don't know how you can't relate to that, seeing as you're a member of clubplanet), so this early shift job is a bit of a problem for me. but believe me, i'm trying my hardest. i just don't think ten minutes is such a big deal.
  10. they've already officially "verbally warned" me twice about being late too much, and they said that, if it continued, they'd have to write me up. i was 15 mins. late today, and i just got an e-mail from my sort of boss and the big boss saying that i have a li'l ol' meeting with them this afternoon. uh-oh. why can't they just let me come in at 10 instead of 9:30? i stay late everyday anyway. this is so wack. i started a thread a little bit ago asking how i could get up in the morning, but i'm still having trouble. i just can't seem to get out of bed. any real or new suggestions on that? and any sympathy thrown my way will also be appreciated. good luck on my meeting may keep me from getting too frightened of that scary closed door.
  11. i'm getting hella cranky, and it's because i don't get enough trance!!! check your theory, 'cause i think i'm wreckin' it.
  12. this weekend was bizarre i'm amazed that i'm here at all. wait, where'd i go?
  13. yeah, thanks, you guys! you make me laugh like the freak i am almost every day and keep me up too late at night with "what the fuck?!?!?!?!" posts. and you're also HELLA dope in person. i can't wait to meet more of you at the next meetup, and the one after that, and the one after that...
  14. andre, i totally know what you mean. it's not that i actively want to die, but if i did really soon, that would be just fine with me. i'm not afraid of dying, but i don't really look forward to getting old. i know it may sound silly to some, but a lot of my good memories just make me sad. they remind me of people i don't see anymore, places that no longer exist, and ways i'll never feel again. i know that some of you might say that i'm just supposed to appreciate those times for what they were, but i just have a lot of trouble doing that sometimes. when one's present makes one's past impossible to duplicate or even come close to, his/her present just seems to become a very pale echo of what one's life used to be. maybe someday the idea of getting older will appeal to me, but for now, it's much scarier and upsetting to me than death. * to say a little something on the positive side, i do try my best to live in the moment and have the best time i can day by day. dancing is one thing that makes me happy, and being happy helps keep you young. [This message has been edited by weyes (edited 04-06-2001).]
  15. this thread rules!!!!!!! here are some of the games i play most frequently: * the "pretend that you just think the sleazy guy next to you is trying to find more room to dance when he's really just rubbing his nasty, stinky, sweaty, horny self all over you, so you just move away" game * the "try to fix your eye makeup (after looking in the mirror towards the end of the night, 'cause you had no idea you looked so bad!) so that it isn't smeared all over your face, but never with any success" game. and there are so many others, but you guys play a lot of mine, too. fun fun fun!!!
  16. . [This message has been edited by weyes (edited 04-05-2001).]
  17. . [This message has been edited by weyes (edited 04-05-2001).]
  18. hey, keshiki, why don't people understand your whole "blow goats!" trip? i know what you're talking about! heavy shit. no, but seriously, it's pretty straightforward. ...or is it?...
  19. good example of how people can lie when rolling: boys will say/do anything to get into your pants. 'nuff said.
  20. have a happy happy, birthday boy! to the first one to seek me out to welcome me to the board. glad and lucky to know you!
  21. if i party on a friday, i don't eat again till sunday (due to various and sundry partying factors .) but i DO enjoy my sunday morning lucky charms - they're all the more "magically delicious" from the involuntary wait.
  22. yep, it was countdown. but i don't buy that "it was probably schwag" theory; i think they were just stingy kids who wanted to hang onto their weed. i've known plenty of those in my time. i just think it's particularly jacked up in a plur-like situation - color me too full of optimistic naivete and too hopeful for some sort of utopian rave community. too many ravers are all talk.
  23. hey, don't forget that paul johnson is gonna be there, and he kicks some serious ass. he's the reason why i'm going.
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