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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by weyes

  1. do you want beefy italians or italian beef?
  2. happy birthday! where have you been??? we must chill again in the darkness soon, you know; we're only young once... dasvidanya, a
  3. yeah! i always wondered exactly where the word "dillhole" came from. ok, wouldn't dill make tossing someone's salad taste so much better?
  4. i know this must be a song; i don't know it. but the sentiment the phrase is so.
  5. blueskygirl, i can join you on the paranoia tip. i don't like to talk about certain topics on the phone for fear that "the man" (i.e. the po-po, the gov't, etc.) could be listening. i know that that's ridiculous, but if he were, they'd hear some incriminating (and sometimes not, but hilarious and freaky!) shit. *don't worry, i'm not killing people or anything like that. anybody know what would give the powers that be the clearance to tap lil' ol' my phone? is that even possible? welcome to my paranoid world of toys...
  6. yeah, where is the meetup on the 20th? sorry; i must've missed that...
  7. 'k, i'm with deanna11. i'd take the picture and laugh. then i'd give the camera back to mugwump and feel sorry that he remembered doing that the next day.
  8. holy shit! i was listening to dj funk this morning! dj funk gotta big dick come here, trick ride it, bitch awwwww, yeah........
  9. one of the beautiful songs that still float through me.
  10. got another one for you: bandleader to the spice girls during rehearsal in "spice world": "that was absolutely perfect without being, uh, actually any good."
  11. space girl changed my life (i'm being as sincere as can be, those who know me know i'm not a flake); but "mission 2001" was such a disappointment... i'd come to the conclusion that she's only good live. is this cd at all like she is live?
  12. i've got a friend who likes to post through me here sometimes who likes to be known as "smokey." that nickname isn't so accurate anymore, however, because she quit smoking nine weeks ago. smokey says that she found nicorette gum to be a necessary part of her qutting process, but without the willpower to quit, she still couldn't have done it. she also found that toothpicks helped with the oral fixation problem (and are also better for your teeth!). to this day, she says, going to bars is difficult, but you just have to remember all of the reasons why you should and have to remain a successful non-smoker.
  13. ahhhh. one of my all time favorite quotes, definitely not appropriate for any paper or project: when some guy wants to get with elizabeth berkley's character in "showgirls" but she says she has her period and therefore wouldn't get down with him even if she wanted to, he responds with, "hey, baby, i got towels!" glad i could be of assistance - remember i was here for you, buddy.
  14. i'll give an "i-wanna-meet-you" shout out to junglekittn; she's got some dope-ass pics of the most cracked out random ravers i've ever seen. must talk about those, and she seems cool otherwise, too... i hope to see her at countdown 2001, though. just wanted to add some more love to this thread!
  15. i must be thinking of different girls. are you referring to ones other than those that stand on top of poorly built wooden cubes, repeatedly shifting from one foot to the other, hands over their heads, while absentmindedly staring at their boobs? i thought that these were just random girls who got up the guts (and i do give them props for that) to stand up in the spotlight, even if it is only so that everyone can look at their lame back and forth swaying and that guys can look up their minis. if you are talking about REAL dancers, please let me know.
  16. my doctor just gave me some bad news, i hate new york, my family is driving me crazy, and i'm always swamped at work. there seems to be nothing good today or in my immediate future. anybody got anything happy to talk about to help me feel better? [This message has been edited by weyes (edited 03-14-2001).]
  17. i've been taking a survey for a long while now of EVERYONE i know, asking them where they go when "divas to the dancefloor" is called. people who have never heard the song and only think i'm talking about a concept say things like "to the bathroom," "i stay seated," and "i remain at the bar with my heineken." it's a fun question to ask all your friends.
  18. i'm in there like swimwear! (but rachel1997, i thought that passover is the 7th - isn't it?)
  19. why is it that EVERY time there's a simulated rave on tv the music is the chemical brothers and there are people wearing dr. seuss hats in attendance?
  20. hey, sin-sational- why don't you go spread your bad attitude somewhere else; we don't need your pessimism and bad karma. have you kicked any sick dogs or drowned any kittens lately?
  21. thanks for the goodness and laughs, you guys. i'm trying my best out here, and it helps to know that you're out there.
  22. hey, ecstatic, i had read your post before i answered this one earlier today; i was actually thinking of you in part. although i didn't respond to your post, i thought that a lot of what was said in the responses didn't belong on the board. but i was also glad that you shared your story with us. i think we still need to keep posting these very personal experiences in order that we may learn from them and help share our knowledge with each other. *and some of it was pretty funny, too.
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