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Everything posted by weyes

  1. hello, jordan, 'twas lovely to meet you this evening! you were such a kind spirit and a lovely face to have about. and i thank your father for bringing you, too. it's wonderful that we all have music in our lives, no matter what our ages be.
  2. ok, before pvd i'll post on the meetup thread what kind and color underwear i'll be wearing so you'll know who i am.
  3. PVD is Paul Van Dyk and he's spinning at Twilo on the 9th. i'll be there, kids!
  4. are you boycotting his "who do you like or dislike on this board?" topic 'cause he started it? that's actually very respectful and i commend you for it; it would be pretty uncool to bash him on his own post. props to you.
  5. i was a photo major at the california institute of the arts. it's a great conceptual art school and i really should be utilizing what i learned there; unfortunately, i'd really need a "sponsor" to do what i really want to do. any sugar daddies out there? no, seriously, we've all gotta pay our dues. i think my next step has to be to get a better paying job that also doesn't tax me or my time so much and then apply for grants to help me get started on what i'd really like to do artistically.
  6. what a coinkydink! i was talking about the running man earlier today! i was also doing the hand jive and the kid 'n' play! yeeaaaaah, boooyyyy!!!!!
  7. i'm going to my first dinner meetup on friday and i'm kinda nervous about meeting everybody. i'm not worried about "cliques," but i do hope there are some other new kids on the block there too.
  8. wow, i didn't realize it till someone said it on the "all you fucking drug addicts will burn in hell.." thread; bastardino and bungee are one and the same. neither can write worth a damn, and both go on interminably about how drug users will rot in the company of lucifer, yadda yadda yadda. just think of all the time he wasted posting under both names so we wouldn't notice. whatever, man. [This message has been edited by weyes (edited 01-30-2001).]
  9. well, the problem i have with these song topics is that i always draw blanks when the questions are posed. in a few months i'll have the song that's always haunted me most, but right now it isn't coming to mind. i'll start with the one that's the most beautiful song i've heard in a long, long time - paul van dyk's "tell me why." i listen to it over and over again and it's so heart- aching it hurts. pink floyd's "echoes" is up there, too, and haunting is the exact adjective i would use; that actually fits your topic more, but "tell me why" has more of an impact on me, and i don't think it's just because it's newer to me.
  10. i'm brokesville, so i'll be saving my duckets for pvd on the 9th. will anyone be joining me then?
  11. then that'd be "behind" me and "freak." sorry, sometimes i can be a pedant myself.
  12. holyshitandamotherfuckin'million that is the best question and hardest one to answer that i've heard in a long time. wowsers - i'm going to have to think about that one and write you back. i promise i will rack my brain on this and the only reason i won't respond to this will be that i can't come up with one that would COMPLETELY floor me. that's what i'm going for here. 'cause man, there are so many tracks that my fave dj could remix that would rock...
  13. ok, allnight23, you just answered before my reply registered, and i don't wanna start a fight, but i've gotta say that you are a little worked up yourself. you KNOW you're a little into the whole message board too, so just chill out about this whole ruckus yourself. it's ok to care, just like we do. if you wanna bug out a little bit and start a lot of topics, go ahead, just be aware that other people are gonna have a reaction.
  14. i don't see why people put so much stock in the whole "club god" seniority thing. who cares? besides, posting pointless topics wouldn't merit godliness anyway.
  15. at work, eating lunch from ranch 1, getting my mouse all greasy - a snack for later.
  16. once i was at a party and my watch stopped. i kept asking people what time it was, and people noticed i had a watch on, then looked at me strangely. the guys gave me a look as if to say, "that is the worst pick up line i have ever heard." after i finally interpreted these nasty looks for what they seemed to be (yes, i'm pretty sure that that's what they meant), i made sure to only ask girls for the rest of the night. sheesh.
  17. see you at the din-din! weyes
  18. my friend fractured her toe and can't go with me tonight!!! (my computer can't make that crying face, but put it here a million times) somebody save me or pity me!!!!!!!!!!
  19. it's a play, i'm not really a fan of novels; i'd say that sartre's "no exit" is my favorite. i haven't read it in about six years and i'll admit that i don't really remember it all that well, but i know i haven't read any better fiction since. thanks for this post; i think i'll pick it up again.
  20. count me in, too! i can't wait to meet the people i know i've seen a million times, lurking in the shadows...
  21. hey, kids, i'll be in a fuschia tank top that reads "angels." say hey if you see me! hope to see you there... rock on - as always.
  22. p.s. it's "diego's list" and you submit your first name and last initial. rock on!
  23. it's nolimit73@mindspring.com and the list closes at 2am. i'll be in a fuschia tank top that reads "angels." hope to see you there!
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