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Everything posted by weyes

  1. wow, gravity; when i grow down i wanna be just like you.
  2. i just want a straightforward answer from someone who has real facts to back up his/her response. does e "slow the central nervous system"? that is my exact question, and i phrase it as such for a reason. i know that e is often cut with other stuff, so maybe this is a toughie. but, still, help from the truly informed will be REALLY appreciated.
  3. yeah, ooana, i've seen too much of it too. when people post about scary things that have happened to them (drinking/drug mishaps, fucked up events at clubs), others have been too quick to criticize and name-call instead of offer helpful advice and pass along any wisdom they may have collected from past experiences. i think people need to take a few steps back before they answer these types of posts; those who start them are looking for ways to avoid these situations in the future (a very responsible and brave thing to do), not to be reprimanded, cursed at, and insulted.
  4. i'm with you here. i like a lot of music for what it is. think of how a lot of people like b-movies - people watch "half-baked" and "fast times at ridgemont high" for amusement, not expecting best picture-quality entertainment. not every song has to be intellectually stimulating. do you always want to be dissecting song lyrics when you're on the dancefloor?
  5. the whole "peace" movement came from the sixties, when this country was at war and most of its people were against it. the peace sign and saying "peace" were a way to spread the anti-war message and to unify the people at home, all while supporting the troops in vietnam. homeboys throwing it out when they've just finished talking about any old thing demeans an incredibly brave movement that unified all kinds of different people and an important time in our nation's history. i think, though, that djamnfx has a point; the idea can be translated into the twenty-first century, as long as we realize that it's different from what it used to be and we don't say it as much as live by it. gravity - you've missed the boat. "peace" shouldn't have become "just a common phrase."
  6. hello?!?!?!? why can't people say what really applies in a goodbye situation. something like "see you later," is what fits when two people part company, not "hope the situation in the middle east improves." PLUR and peace are philosophies to live by, not words you casually throw out every time you leave a room or hang up the phone.
  7. i don't understand; i'm still missing something... how did your arm hair get "pulled out"? * i know that competitive swimmers shave their body hair for aerodynamic purposes (it supposedly makes them faster), so i'll throw that out as a reason why some people may shave their arms - i just remembered that. but that still has nothing to do with being a navy seal, as far as i know. more thoughts, anybody?
  8. i just read some post that mentioned in passing that some guys shave their arms. what's that about? why would anyone do this? this seems very strange to me. here are my questions regarding this issue: 1. why would a guy do this? 2. do the guys that do this do it for other guys (meaning is this mostly a gay thing), or do guys do this because they think girls like it? 3. do any guys or girls here on the board particularly like that? i realize that answering one of these questions may answer another, so excuse my redundancy, but i really am baffled by this practice and i wanna know what's behind it. thanks for any help.
  9. i dunno, nightcrawler, i have to challenge your definition of the verb "to rave." "to rave" does not equal "to do tricks with glowsticks." that would indicate to me that raves are just gatherings of people holding glowsticks. there's a lot more going on at parties, like, for instance, DANCING. raves also last until the early morning hours, have many djs, a couple of rooms, usually more than one type of music... there's a lot more to raves than just the measly glowstick, my friend. as a raver who does more than just play with lite-up toys, i just want to clear this up, for the record.
  10. OMIGOD!!!!!!!! where did you find that kid?!? ok, i guess i see cracked-out kids like that at parties all the time, but they look even more ridiculous in a still shot and when i (put the "i" in italics - i don't know how to do that) can really take the time to take them in in all their splendor. holy shit. no offense to him though; he does look like he's having a good time and i'm sure he's a nice guy, when you get to know him.
  11. i'm lucky that i don't have to deal with this issue (juiceheads, who i don't like, v. ravers) at all; i'm a raver and only go to raves, so i just get to drool over the yummy raverboys all night long. mmmm delicious.
  12. i started a topic about the failed meetup at "air" but i guess you guys didn't find it... saigray and i didn't get into the party till 1:20, even though we arrived at the warehouse at 11. the greedy-ass promoters were letting ticket buyers in before the ticket holders (us), which was bullshit. that, m'dears, is why we missed the meetup. we looked around for people matching your descriptions, but no luck. i hope to catch you guys at the next party; look for a meetup thread again. i know i'll be out there again soon.
  13. the purity of the pop sound brings me so high that it brings me out of the lowest lows. there's a perfection in some songs when notes are dead-on, like a finely tuned piano - not like rock 'n' roll's approximate roughness -that just makes me melt and lifts me high all at the same time. one day my best friend in college dragged me out of bed when i was depressed and insisted that we drive somewhere - i don't remember where anymore. we were on the freeway and it was a beautiful day, but i was slouching, hiding behind my sunglasses and my unshowered body, all cried out from the night before and no longer caring about any of my obligations. just then "mmmbop" came on the radio. it was a silly, light song i had never heard that just floated through the car, and bounced around me with its preteen carefree smilyness. and it told me everything would be ok. (the lyrics are actually quite sad, but since one can't understand the boys, one'd never know.) but when i'm down, i just turn on a silly pop song, and don't tax my brain so much. not everything has to be "hamlet", that's why there are magazines.
  14. hey, allmine, junglekittn, meth, and anyone else who read the meetup post and was going to meet saigray and me at one at the bar at "air," we're sorry we weren't there. we were waiting outside to get in from 11 to 1:20. the doodyheads at the door were letting people who didn't have tickets in before ticketholders - greedy bastards. we missed the meetup but not for lack of trying. lots of stuff at that party was bullocks (letting us in that late was wack and a half), but we had a good time anyway. i certainly hope to see you and many more of the board in the future. parties never stop calling this ravergirl, so know that i'll be back.
  15. heard him once, many years ago, at the fantasia party that was at the south jersey expo center and thought he was good. (jeez, how long ago was that?) haven't seen him since, though... where is he these days?
  16. i'll be in a black tank top that says "chica loca," and you KNOW i'm one of those... say hello if you spot me!
  17. THIS IS THE DOPEST POST I'VE EVER SEEN!!!!!!!!!!! rock on!!!!!! weyes
  18. before all the arguments ensued, this post was getting me kinda hot! but what about the boys, huh? i gotta bring that up and say it seems to go both ways. the raverboys seem to be more approachable, and, it's not just that they're better dancers, more of them dance. ok, so i don't have much club experience, but they just seem to stand there, looking at the girls. i think that, at raves, more people are dancing. and, as a raver, we're all hella cute, beautiful, and hot!
  19. the reason stuff comes back in style and fashion every twenty years (do you remember how, in the nineties, people were wearing the embroidered seventies' bell bottoms, platforms, and clogs again, for a bit? that didn't last, praise be.) is 'cause the people who are in "deciding what's in" are reminiscing. someone mentioned earlier in this thread the blue eyeshadow; have you seen the ripped punk shirts that are currently on the runways? what about the atari and pac-man t-shirts the kids are wearing? we're getting nostalgic, and the young people who weren't around then wish they had been. cool.
  20. i have friends who range from two years younger to ten years older than i am, and i've partied with them all. we have fun because we enjoy the same things, we enjoy each other, and most of all, we enjoy having fun. that, as you know but just may not realize you know, is what it's really all about.
  21. hey, i was wondering about this the other day, and you guys probably remember: were the gloves that changed patterns when you got outside in the cold called "freezy freakies" or "freaky freezies"? i think they were the former, but i'm not sure. man, i wish they still had those.
  22. you must've been hella bored to waste the time it took to start this topic.
  23. oooooo, junglekittn!!!! i've never been there, so i don't know anything about the space. is the bar area upstairs or downstairs? i think later than 11 or 12 would be better, though, 'cause the party opens at 10. how about 1? can you make that? hmmm... when i know what i'll be wearing, i'll let all you guys know so that you can say hi! so stoked...
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