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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by weyes

  1. hmm - sumguy, new to the board, since august of 2001... what would you know about "the good old days" of clubplanet? or is "sumguy" just some new imposter name? you're just a whole little bundle of drama all on your own, ar'nn'tcha? awwwwwww... how cute!
  2. yeah, i hear that. damn party poopers.
  3. i was just minding my own business, floatin' around the board, lost in some house music, i guess... i somehow ran into some rather inflammatory topic (that will remain nameless) to which i felt impelled to respond. after doing so, however, i was returned to the drama board. after the way things have been going recently, it apparently hadn't seemed strange to me to see this topic on the regular new york board. something to think about.
  4. weyes

    Good Karma

    i'll be there! hope to see some of the rest of you!
  5. i didn't mean to hurt anyone's feelings; of course, we all hope for a good outcome. i just posted the memorial service info that i saw posted on vipguestlist.
  6. i'm on the west coast and the times that messages are posted are always hoopty - they're not even just posted three hours ahead. right now i think it's something along the lines of 5 am, according to the board, whereas it's 10 pm, my time. and i'm not even sure if these time differences are consistent. does anyone know how to fix this? DaVe, maybe?
  7. my male housemate says, "it's all about cunnilingus."
  8. Marsh & McLennan (thanks jilly!!) are holding a memorial service this week . . . this is the company that Casey worked for. Many, many people are missing from this company, I get emails every day from people who are also missing loved ones from this company, so I assume that the place will be completely filled, but i dont care if i have to hang from the rafters, i will be there . . . here are the details: This Friday the 28th, MMC will be holding a memorial service at Saint Patrick's Church (5th ave b/e 50th and 51st) at 3 pm. Family and friends are welcome. i know i will be there . . . even though i will not accept that there is no hope anymore until her family does. ~ brandie ~ ------------------------ i got this off of vipguestlist, another board that she was a member of. a lot of clubplanet people are on that board as well (brandie is a member of clubplanet as well, so thanks to her!). i live on the west coast now and can't make it, so, someone, please say a little something for me.
  9. that's not true. raving and clubbing are very different - different vibe, different types of music in general, and raves have more different kinds of music in one night because they have more djs per night. i'm over 21 and i prefer raves when in new york. i'll agree that raves in l.a. are really geared towards and dominated by young teenagers, though. *read my previous post. but i'm sad it has to be that way; i'm definitely gonna miss the music that's at raves.
  10. [Administrator's Note: Casey is missing following the WTC attack. Her family and friends are still hoping for news. Please be aware of all the personal feelings involved and read Brandie's post.] our casey died in the world trade center collapse. excuse me if someone's already done a thread paying tribute to her, but i had to put one up on my own; i hadn't seen one and i had to speak about how much she meant to me, though i only met her twice. casey is the reason why i know my clubplanet friends. she organized dinner and drink meetups that got people together who'd never met. she helped me get out of my "always going out alone" rut and helped me break into new territory. if it hadn't been for her, i never would've met some of my very closest friends ever - not just my closest CLUBPLANET friends. seventy strangers would come together one night and leave as members of a family. after that meetup i ran into people i had met that night for months, and by the time of the next one in april, it was like a grand reunion. it takes a very special woman to bring people together like that. i can't think of what else to say. at this point all i can see is her, laughing that first night i met her, as everyone who knew her rejoiced in seeing her again - and i will always remember her that way. i hope that she can hear me thanking her now for everything she did for me; she couldn't've had any idea of what an impact she had on my life. thanks, blueangel, and rest in peace.
  11. i hear you, man. i hear that "people at raves and clubs are always on drugs and only go out to those types of events because of the drugs" bullshit all the time. just be secure in the knowledge that those are lies, and leave these people to hold on to their untruths. a lot of people like to hold on to those rumors and treat them as facts, and it makes them happy to believe in them. so, by leaving them alone in their ignorance, you're doing them a great service.
  12. i'm missing something; who died that was connected to vinyl? what were their connections to it? and, DAMN! the rumors were all true. that's a lot of crazy shit. p.s. what club is that in your sig.? (i didn't really go to clubs much when i was out there; i was more of a raver.)
  13. i was always a die-hard raver, but now that i've moved from nyc to l.a., i may have to make the switch to clubber. the new york rave scene is INCREDIBLY different from the l.a. scene. (i don't know where you're from, so pardon me if i write about things you already know.) the parties in nyc are mostly held in clubs and are 18 and over, so usually people are in control and well behaved. but the vibe is also colder, and there are a lot of people putting on a tough exterior and trying to look cool. there are a lot of people who come to hang out in the dark corners, on the couches, to do drugs and spread bad, "we're too cool to be bothered by anyone and just came to be by ourselves" vibes. also, BTS, that nasty crew of peeps who go to parties just to start shit with people, rob them, sell fake shit, and steal people's drugs, are usually at every east coast party. and there are hardly any candy ravers anymore. the l.a. scene is all ages, which is great for a positive vibe. it brings out candy ravers almost exclusively. the problem with raves out here, though, is that they bring out 14-year-olds who don't know how to do recreational drugs safely. i went to a party out here in september at which two kids died and one turned up dead a week later. looking out on the dancefloor that night was frightening - no one was dancing; the floor was full of spaced out VERY YOUNG people, fucked up out of their heads. and they go to raves just to get fucked up. a lot of them don't tell their parents where they're going, because their parents would never let them. well, i could go on and on. but what it boils down to is that i can't go to raves out here anymore, or at least not massives. the kids out here scare me senseless. i used to think it's be no problem to party with people, no matter what age, but i just can't party with kids who can't take care of themselves. i guess i have to make the switch to clubbing, where people are in control of themselves and partying responsibly; we all have a better time overall. *just read this back to myself and it doesn't really say what i wanted it to. i want to add that something's got to change at these raves out here. i think they have to stop having all-ages parties, because they're just too dangerous. yes, some kids have just ruined it for the rest, and it's too bad. when people start dying, it's time to stop.
  14. since i moved to l.a. in june i've heard a lot of rumors about the new york club scene. of course, i heard about peter gatien selling limelight and tunnel, but i heard something about those clubs losing their liquor licenses. and there are just threats of clubs being closed in general all the time. i heard something about someone dying at exit. was exit closed for a bit? but where did junior go? do the international stars (s & d, for example) even come around anymore? i've even heard rumors that webster hall has become a little bit "cool." so, i'd like answers to those questions and to any others that i should've asked. hell, throw in some other juicy tidbits. i'm just going crazy over here not knowing what's going on in my good ol' hometown.
  15. man, i was wallowing in some serious self-pity for having to miss boo 6 (i've moved to l.a.) - the lineup this year was RIDICULOUS!!! but now i feel bad for you guys. hey, think of it this way, though, maybe now i can visit new york in april for the occasion and help make it the dopest fuckin' party we've all seen in a longass time! s.o.e. will just have more time to make the party that much better.
  16. i dunno... i'm gonna see danny tenaglia - for my first time - on halloween (i'm in l.a.). i'm not gonna "be myself," though; i'm going as ann-margret. can't wait to see everybody else! i'm stoked as a muthafucka... :spin2:
  17. bring the beat back... whoaaaaaa bound for muu-muu land
  18. a star of david is not an anti-jewish symbol; it is a symbol simply related to judaism. i'm sure that the order in which you put the characters was not an order in which the type designer meant them to be placed.
  19. all right - happy hiatus to you! i was compless for a long while and it was tough times, but i found a public library that let me make appointments ahead of time for one-hour blocks. (that's the best deal anywhere; kinko's'll charge you $12 an hour.) and i also made friends with the lovely old ladies at the library. happy temporary trails!
  20. ass and titties, ass, ass, and titties. ass, ass, titties, titties, ass and titties.
  21. word, and it's not off topic.
  22. i hear you. i have never been so frustrated as far as finding myself without words goes... i can't seem to phrase my thoughts/feeling/emotions very well and it's driving me crazy. but the whole political/terrorist/whatever situation is incredibly scary and very unreal; it's just blending in my head into some very surreal ________ (good example: i can't find that word) and it's making everything else make no sense at all, either. siygbcewqlvsadp
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