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Everything posted by weyes

  1. well, i'm sorry to say that, when i lived there, i only went out to one-time things like raves, and they were never really nearby, either. i wish i could help you, but i don't know of anything outside of l.a.
  2. the little debbie thread got my sweet tooth going (well, not really; my sweet tooth is always going ), and i got to thinking about cookies and their roles in my life, past and present... (weyes gets nostalgiac) i miss grasshoppers!!! keebler makes some now, but they're not the same thing as what they were when i was a kid. they used to be a chocolate sandwich cookie with mint creme filling; now they're something that's chocolate covered. wack. and, when i was a kid, my mom used to put mystic mints in the freezer - yum. they were a chocolate covered mint/chocolate thingy, but better quality than most, even though they were from the supermarket. ok, but i liked other kinds of cookies as a kid, too, not just chocolate/mint hybrids. one day camp i was in tried to get me to learn how to swim by bribing me with nutter butters to go underwater. i actually almost learned how to swim that summer. but, now? i dunno. vicman gets my mouth watering with his mrs. field's picture, and i'm quite partial to the milk chocolate chip soft batch. uh-oh - me think me need some cookies now...
  3. most djs are ugly. what do you expect from people who spend most of their time in hot, humid basements, never seeing daylight? we should all be surprised they aren't covered in mold.
  4. don't let others' judgments of how you spend your free time bother you; if they don't like it, they don't have to do it. tune in tomorrow.
  5. so true. but we are all the luckier and, sometimes, smarter, if we learn how to make the right choices before great harm is done.
  6. valencia, huh? you aren't, by any chance, attending my alma mater, CalArts, are you?
  7. lawler was here a few weeks ago (although i didn't go and have never seen him), and tomiie is going to be here this weekend, when i will be at my now famous - on cpla, anyway - rave. and, who needs an excuse to go to miami? wasn't vanilla ice's proclamation of its being cool reason enough? word to your mother.
  8. the "raver night out" sounds like fun, and, if anyone is ready to give up his or her raver gear, tell him or her to send it to me !!! but about that one friend who could out-wrestle me - he's got too high a tolerance for the licka for that to work, either. even after 6 double vodkas on the rocks at giant he was totally on his game, bummed out that was still too sober for a party and all that money and work he had put into getting drunk . i'm still trying to work on msbobois, though! (she's coming, she just doesn't know it yet .)
  9. it's interesting - that whole "contract" thing that supposedly reputable businesses have these days. they don't require you to actually sign anything; they do it behind your back and say that you've done it by default and such. i've been signed up for things like that, too, but not anything like a year of anything. shit, i hope sprint let you out of that one! 8 checks - whoa... i never balance my checkbook, either (so hard to keep up with), but i sort of keep track by checking my balance over the phone from time to time on my bank's (800) number and when i'm at the atm.
  10. always look at your bills, bank statements, and pay stubs. i've only wised up to this one this year, 'cause, shit, has the world been dicking me over ! the phone company signed me up for some $40 "upgrade" thingy that i didn't ask for, and the bank was charging me unjust fees for months that i never noticed because i wasn't reading my statements. but, worst of all, my company didn't pay me twice - for the first week in each of two two-week pay periods. "the man" is very powerful, people! look out for yourselves! tune in tomorrow.
  11. no pleats!!!!!!!!! incredibly dorky. please, help us all.
  12. rock on! thanks for responding to my tank top topic from before! right now i'm wearing one of those built-in bra ones 'cause all of my bras are currently in need of a washing - weyes is getting a case of the summer lazies - and my shoulders are killing me. these are only good for sleeping in. in fact, i really do like to sleep in them, 'cause i like some support when i'm shifting around all night. love dose tank tops!
  13. people who freely dole out insults the way you do generally have no feelings; that's why they don't understand why the people they're insulting feel as hurt as they do. but, since you seem to take what people say about your nose, etc., to heart, it is obvious that you (gasp!) have feelings, too. this is why i don't understand how you can't empathize with this girl (= see where she's coming from).
  14. i can't seem to get into certain websites 'cause i get windows that say, "an error has occured with scripts on this page," or something like that; "do you want to continue running scripts on this page?" and, no matter what i answer, the window'll pop right back up again, and i can't get into the site. how do i fix this?
  15. ok, am i missing something? i usually am a wee bit behind the times, i'll admit, but i do catch up once in a while - i don't live under a very heavy rock. how is it POSSIBLE that a body would turn up dead, buried in a shady-ass spot, after being missing for a year, and it NOT be that of a murder victim? what - did she dig a hole, then kill herself, then bury herself? me no understand. someone please tell me if i am an idiot or if the police are idiots (well, i know they are, but i mean in this particular case.).
  16. marshmallow pies, yo. (the "chocolate" ones, not banana - yuck.)
  17. this one is very near and dear to my heart and i hope it can help someone the way it's helped me. i got the name of this way of life from a friend of mine - well, i'm not even friends with the guy, but he was cool enough to drill this one into me when i was blinded by the charms of someone who was mistreating me. it's simply called, "TAKE NO BULLSHIT!!!" and it's not 'nuff said; i have to explain further. there's so much in life that we're dealt that we cannot change that just plain sucks. some people have health problems, some people lose close family members, some people's houses burn to the ground. but there are things over which we do have control, and we have to work at making those better as much as we can. key point: if you can keep yourself from feeling shitty, then, do it!!! i'm not talking about eating right, paying bills on time, or anything like that. today i'm talking about how you handle relationships - with those you love, friends, co-workers, everyone. i have had too many friends (mostly female) who let people (usually their boyfriends) walk all over them. this has happened since i was in high school till now, 10 years later. i let a guy use me as a doormat once, too, and i knew it at the time, but i took his bullshit because i just wanted to be with someone. but i eventually broke up with him because i couldn't take it anymore. i see how my friends get into this same type of situation, and it crushes not only their hearts, but their spirits. and it brings to mind what the aforementioned not-yet-friend-guy told me. make that choice! it may take a while to work up the courage to walk away from a relationship (of any sort - quit that job, end that abusive friendship, break up with your significant other), but, when you do, you will have gained not only your self back, but a stronger one, a wiser one, and one who has learned how to be happy - and stay that way in the future.
  18. hey, vicman, if you can afford to fly, rock that! and i've always wanted to club in miami, though preferably during the wmc . but, stay out of the sun, my friend! the dangers of the sun's rays are no joke! i know of two people out here (both friends of my roommates and socal natives) who got skin cancer on their driver's side ears. that's serious - think about it: they weren't even trying to get a tan. not only that, but it ages your skin and gives you wrinkles much faster. stay out of the sun and give yourself the real glow of health .
  19. the chloroform sounds like a good idea - highly effective, and old skool. i like the tried and true stuff. i think that could work on some people, but one of my friends is way too big for me to knock out in any way; he'd pin me down in a second. and, as for that question, i'm still searching for an answer ...
  20. dc weather can be most unpleasant! the only thing i can say for humidity is that it keeps your vintage 70s polyester dresses from getting all static-ridden and sticking to your ass all day .
  21. my brother and i used to put on the go-go's' "head over heels" on whatever lp album that was and put it on 45rpm instead. then we'd put on plastic charm necklaces and fluorescent scarves, lip sync, dance around frenetically, and force our parents to watch every single time, thinking it was utterly hilarious.
  22. are we the same person? i must have chocolate every single day; i have no choice in the matter .
  23. ok, ok, enough feeling sorry for myself, i've got my ticket to the rave now (i'm entering the pre-grieving phase about pvd - not sure if i'll have to or not, but preparing just in case). my next trick is to convince certain people to go with me. hey, the party sells itself, what can i say? i think my friends must be pulling my leg with all this, "gee i dunno..." mumbo-jumbo. they know they're just dying to go . updates pending...
  24. you're on point with everything you've said above, vicman. giant is charging $40 presale at this point, and the location is still tba. a lot of people are waiting to see where the gig'll be, and that's their deciding factor. exit does suck, but i haven't been to the self-touted "new and improved" exit 2. and that "poof" phenomenon is exactly what i'm afraid of. right now, i'm leaning towards not going.
  25. i don't think shorts are a good look anyway. the party's rapidly approaching; weyes is getting further stoked...
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