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Everything posted by weyes

  1. perhaps. or, you just might move up in the company .
  2. omigod, shook, you had me seriously laughing my ASS off just now!!! x 1,000,000! (weyes gets a sore throat from laughing, eyes tearing) i can't even use the "quote" function, because it was in too many posts that you rocked my world, just now. i give you props, my friend, for cereal. shit. h-y-larious.
  3. do you shave your whole arm: wrist to shoulder? what about the backs of your hands and fingers? how do you decide where to start and end? and why don't you shave your armpits?
  4. what's ogilvy, again? o, and i forgot to mention yoo-hoo (even though that's not chocolate milk, exactly)! that shit's good, and seriously deserves a shout-out.
  5. vicman, you're going to have to stop this; i think i'm falling in love...
  6. ok, it's a generalization, but i just mean that i hate most of them. these are the people who don't stop at stop signs, who pass on the right, and who park in the compact parking spaces because they're closer to any given store/whatever - thereby taking up 2 of them. these are the tailgaters, the people who can't stay in their lane, the ones who cut others off. what is up with these people? is anyone with me, here?
  7. there's more than one space girl out there, though; i tried to download some of her stuff off of AG and i got some cheesy shit that wasn't my space girl's. but, seriously, all of her recorded stuff that i've heard has not only been not as good as seeing her live, but has been actually BAD. so you really won't get an accurate idea of my girl's capabilites.
  8. i already got you covered, vicman .
  9. don't kill your boss; there would be serious consequences. tune in tomorrow.
  10. ok, i don't really get it. so, there are guys who shave their arms, but arm hair really isn't all that bothersome, i don't find. it's really soft, and, if not considered offensive on girls, why would a guy want to shave his arms? as everyone knows, shaving just leads to stubble, which is quite unpleasant. i assume that the men who shave their arms do not shave their legs or their armpits, which i would actually much prefer, if something had to be done. come to think of it, i find armpit hair pretty nasty. get rid of that, instead; male gymnasts do... anyway, i digress. someone, please explain this phenomenon. shook, i know you do it; can you give me your reasons?
  11. i'm sorry; i know it's silly to just post that i laughed at that, but i so very literally laugh out loud at anything that i read on the internet that i felt i had to put that out there. (weyes catches her breath)
  12. thanks, guys! it's good to know that at least something isn't wrong due to my lack of computer skills.
  13. since this seems to be the board with the sweet tooth... i settled for quik the other day and am regretting it. way too sweet and something not chocolatey about it - just wrong somehow. boy, do i wish i had gone to a supermarket with ovaltine :worry2: .
  14. i got this one thrown at me last saturday by a real charmer: "are you straight?" whoa, man, it's sweet talk like that that'll get you everywhere.
  15. even after all of the shitty things about the rave, i still had a fun time. but that's the way raves have always been for me. there's just an element of the surreal that always goes along with a rave, and it's always an adventure. at some point, when i was sober, i was outside on the "patio" - an alley, really - and talking to some people. the basic setup of the alley was this: a bench along one wall, and a wall upon which people were leaning. i was leaning on the wall with my little group when a :roll:ing his ASS off approached us and asked, "what's the line for?" at first, we had no idea what he was talking about, because, of course, it was a ridiculous notion that was only in his squinty-eyed, tongue-chewing little head. finally, the girl i was talking to said, "ice cream!" and he got so excited he nearly wet his furry pants. luckily, he didn't get disappointed to learn that there wasn't any, because he forgot what she said about ten seconds after she said it. it's things like these that make shitty parties great, that make my evening. and meeting kids who introduce themselves with names like "nickel" and "batman" do a good job, too. and even today i'm still thinking about my cute boy. okay, he was a little simple, but it was endearing. and he was too young, but i so wanted to spend more time with him. i wouldn't've minded spending the rest of the day with him, cuddled up somewhere. color me a cradle-robber. and yes, space girl is based in nyc. my friend mick the omniscient tells me she is to be in san fran in july, though, for what that's worth. she does have some stuff down on disc and whatnot, but it's really awful - i mean, it really doesn't do her justice. i bought both her cds and i never listen to either. you absolutely have to see her live. but her website is just as lovely as she is; she's a beautiful woman. check it out at www.spacegirlmusic.com .
  16. my birthday is december 27th, and usually forgotten. it's lost in the middle of the holidays - people wrapped up in christmas and new year's and whatnot. people are away. and i was only thrown one party (besides by my parents) my whole life. i either get no presents, combo x-mas/b'day presents, or reject presents people didn't want from christmas. the presents don't matter that much anymore, really, but when i was growing up, with a brother whose birthday is in june, it sucked; by then, the family and friends had time to save enough money to buy him loads of all the cool stuff. i really just want a call, and yeah, joeygk, a thread would be nice !
  17. have a chat with someone you know, but not well, sometime; you may find a friend in someone you already know. tune in tomorrow.
  18. it's hit or miss with that page nowadays. by "it's not [my] fault," do you mean that i can't do anything about it or just that i didn't fuck it up personally? do you mean that if i change the settings the javascript thing'll work, or just that the error window won't come up?
  19. all right, it's over. the lights are on, go home. well, here's my review of "detention," kids. it was like i've come to know cali raves to be, these days, at least. hyped up to be better than it was, but let me just focus on the location and circumstances, really, 'cause the dj pr has nothing to do with this party in particular. 26c was talkin' about great "school-themed" murals from floor to ceiling, an area where someone was to be giving painting instruction (!), and all sorts of great nonsense. i don't care about decorations, but it irks me when they go on and on about them as a selling point and then don't deliver. it was at this absolute dump of a place downtown (not far from where i live) called orion, and all i can say about that place is that it taught me this: when you mix the strong smell of piss - in places other than the bathroom, mind you - with some bad weed smoke, it smells just like grapefruit. (can anybody here guess any fruit that weyes might also not care for?) the flyer advertised that the first 500 (changed from 250) people dressed in a school theme would get a goodie bag of some sort, so i got there early-ish, wearing a black tank top with "a +" written on it in chalk and an apple for the "teacher." the party started at 7, and i got there at about 8. the line didn't move for more than an hour, the sun setting, and my tank-top wearing ass getting cold, yo. by the time i got to the front of the line, i had given my apple to a homeless guy, and didn't give a shit about asking for prizes, 'cause i wanted to get everyone in as fast as possible. they were confiscating everything at the door: gum, lip balm, disposable cameras, and the glowsticks that some kids had been selling outside the party. they did let me put all of my shit in my car, so that was something... time just crawled all night. space girl was to go on at 3, and all of the other djs sucked so hard they left hickeys. all, that is, except for a guy in the house room who had played a bit of peter gabriel's "sledgehammer" and was getting into a kickass groove with mj's "wanna be starting something" when he was cut off by some asshole dj whose genre is known, i believe, as "thump, thump, thump, snore." no transistions between djs all night, people. just on-off. omigod. the longest six hours ever. the two things i really haven't missed about raves: being treated like a criminal and djs who can't even match beats. and, take note, that i used the plural form of "dj." where did they find these jokers? although, in raves' defense, that shit would never have gone down in new york. part of it, i think, is because these are all-ages parties, which means, basically, a place for kids with too much disposable income to go and freely do so many drugs ('cause they don't yet understand that the body has limits) that they don't even notice how bad the music is or that they're paying $2 for gum. so, as i did go alone, i went out to the patio to see if i could chat with people and such. i finally did take up with a really cute guy (even though i had ended up playing my least favorite game: "gee, you were cuter in the dark," he was still pretty cute) and we ended up hanging out together for most of the night. after we got separated, though, i was stuck with some other guys who were too young and too fucked up and who i did not need hitting on me. my guy and i, at least, were having constant banter all night. i rather liked him, though i wouldn't tell him how old i am. space girl kicked ass. i was surprised that i can still dance to her music; it's been so long that i've seen her or heard anything hard like that. but i loved her. she was worth it all. and i wish they hadn't taken my camera. after the party, i said goodbye to the other guy i was with at the time, and took up with my original cute guy. i had thought that he might've needed a ride, and he did, to union station. we did the ever-popular "cracked out drive" (or, at least, that's what it felt like, to me, behind the wheel) through a mc'd's drive-thru and then i waited with him at the station till his train came, even though that meant i had to spend $8 on parking. i only wish that he hadn't monopolized the last 20 minutes of our discussion, and with talk of his buddies drinking beer and fighting. i kinda just wanted to sit down and lean on him for a while and be happy that he wasn't a creep. and here's something i learned last night, too: i can tell the difference between the sweethearts and the animals. i don't know if it's just that they were obvious last night, that they're just obvious at raves, or that i've finally come to know, but i'm hoping it's the last one of those. and i came with that floating, confident feeling of a night well-navigated. it all got better when i put in some effort and got resourceful. i spent the day watching movies with my roommate, who woke up @ 9 or so (i got home at 1/4 to), and then i finally went to sleep at 6 for 4 hours. and i feel so renewed, after some crunchy treats, (sg's) phat-ass beats, and non-creeps. so yummy - i only wish they could get into spundae.
  20. remembering your friends' birthdays has a great impact on them; some more than others, but i speak from experience on both ends on this one. to meggers and my brotha!
  21. i absolutely adore paul van dyk - lovehimlovehimlovehim - and, if the event is gonna be under the circumstances under which i believe it is still going to be, i won't go. at this point i don't even care that they haven't announced the location. is it still true that they're only promising 3 hours of the man? and for $40? i couldn't handle only seeing him for three hours; it would be over as soon as it had begun. this experience would be too emotionally scarring for me. o, pvd, how did you let this happen?
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