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Everything posted by weyes

  1. and, i suppose this may be another topic, but friends' support is much different from that of one's families, in that it's not as easy to come by (usually). friends tend to really be looking out for you, and not have ulterior motives like protecting their reputations getting in the way of their decisions to lend their backing.
  2. i gotta get my life togetha so i can go that shit; now i have yet another reason to go .
  3. oui, oui, je suis une femme. doesn't anyone ever look at the "gender" space anymore? seriously, people, i'm a really fat, ugly girl, and i just can't contain myself anymore; i have to know how tall my boooooyyyy is. no, just kidding. i can't believe you bought that that's why i wanted to know. kee-rist, i'm just curious, since shook is always providing us with statistics. and i need some accuracy, here. we've gotten his weight from this year and that, and everybody and his or her mother knows that he's 20, so, no more ambiguity - how tall are you, shook?
  4. o, i get it now - duh. i was wondering how a newbie could choose his own title and make it "banned." now i see that clubplanet put it there posthumously. interesting that cp let the imposter's posts stay up.
  5. than my ex - damn . at least there's something not to miss there .
  6. like pamela anderson's pants.
  7. yeah - that's another thing; i can talk to strangers just fine, unless it's a cute guy. i'll talk to everybody else. last saturday i was sitting on a bench, when a cute guy finally sat down beside me (all the preceding ones were notably not). he sat there and smoked an entire cigarette, and i couldn't say a word, all because i was intimidated by his looks. sigh. i guess i'm just doomed to talk to guys to whom i'm not attracted or i'll be waiting for them to talk to me forever, the way i did finally get lucky that night. but if i do wanna increase my chances of getting a cute/hot guy, i should open my mouth to guys who fit that description(silly girl).
  8. i guess it's just your animal magnetism. what can you do?
  9. i need to get back on the "rave/club diet," myself. you know, not eat much the day of the party so i don't get sick or have to go to the bathroom when i'm at the club, , then not be hungry that night or the next day. i always lose 2 or 3 pounds that weekend. i just need to make some more money so i can get back on that plan again. sigh. and cookie monster said a little something like this in "c is for cookie": a cookie with a bite taken out of it looks like a "c," so does a donut, and the moon sometimes looks like a "c," but you can't eat that!!!
  10. sometimes a little moral support to a friend means much more to him or her than you know; give it when you can. tune in tomorrow.
  11. i do love spundae, myself. best vibe of any club i know. but seriously, vic, you know you just wanna come out here 'cause it's where i am !
  12. just wanted to know, 'cause you never answered me when i asked before. in one thread you once claimed to be 5'10, 5'11, and 6'0". i was just wondering if i'd have to stand on tiptoe while we were making out or not. just kidding . seriously, though? how tall are you?
  13. that's certainly true with leg hair (all that i shave, along with my armpits) , kaydup, so i don't know why you don't believe that. *o, and one note to guys and girls: leg hair really keeps you a good bit warmer. so, guys, if you wanna be cooler in the summer, you can try it, and girls, if you don't do it in the winter, you'll notice the difference!
  14. i'm sure there must be quite a few . the cute boy from the rave on saturday called me tonight, and i felt all giddy when i got off the phone. it's ridiculous, though; he's 20, and i'm well, not . but i feel as though i have to be serious with my relationships. you know, no time to waste? so many of my friends are married or in serious relationships that --- wait a minute --- i think the only ones who aren't are gay . i dunno. all this gets confusing when i'm so easily distracted by nice arms and a rare, yet still american accent (you've gotta hear it, whoo) . but, really, i'm only trying to get myself confused to distract myself from knowing that i know exactly what i want. i think knowing what you want hurts the most; it makes the finding of it much harder. and i don't mean that i'm actively searching - i know that "you'll only find love when you're not looking," yadda yadda yadda. i just mean that i dismiss guys early on, knowing that each one is "not the one," and therefore not with bothering with. anyway, i'm gonna try to convince him to go to a really good massive that's coming up. maybe i'll go to a couple of raves again; last week's was fun, and, if i have a cutie to go with, it'll be all the more so. yummy ...
  15. weyes


    check out sebastianxy's thread; although most of those acts aren't within the genres you mentioned, they kick too much ass to not consider . http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&postid=860962#post860962
  16. holy SHITFUCK, do i wish i were rich. i'd be out all damn summer. that's an amazing list . but this one sounds unmissable. i still have yet to see digweed, and collins and tiesto are two of my faves. i would hope bowie wouldn't embarrass himself, the way the greats so easily can when they stay around too long. do you know how much $ it'll be? and where is that, exactly?
  17. i've always wanted to stop somewhere in the street with a cookie and eat it, cookie monster-style: crumbling it violently and throwing it at my face while shouting, "yumyumyumyum!!!" but i haven't gathered up the nerve - yet .
  18. nature can have a very calming effect; try a walk in the park or just a look at some non-humans sometime. (birds always make me soften up a bit.) tune in tomorrow.
  19. so sad today, thinking about love. i don't know where it came from, really. i just had that terribly lonely feeling, that, "will it always be like this?" thing. that, "it doesn't seem like it'd change anytime soon, i mean, why would it?" and my mind turned to a friend of mine back home in new york who i love so very much and miss like crazy. the only problem with him is that i'm not, and never have been, attracted to him. i guess that's good, really, considering that we're so far apart; it would be worse if i thought we were meant for each other and we were on opposite coasts. but here's what was getting me today: i don't know of anyone, and i've never known, a man as wonderful as, or even like him. i'm afraid that i'll never find someone who comes close. like, maybe, if he's the standard by which i measure all men, no one else will be worth considering. and that leaves me doomed to solitude. i can't have friends who are much better than my husband; i have to live with the latter, for chrissake, with all those vows and whatnot. you know, no settling, that's what i always said. this situation bothers me from time to time, but never with as much gravity as it does today, and never with this much clarity. does anyone know what i'm talking about? anybody have any thoughts on or feelings about this?
  20. i don't "work out" as in listen to music while i bike or such; rather, i wait for my roommate to leave the house (which is often, because we work on different schedules), and play music to which i dance. some djs get me sweatier than others, though . paul johnson really lifts my spirits, and i have a scott hardkiss cd that's highly dancable. deep dish is for when i'm feeling more creative and free-form.
  21. 'k, i think i'm a little confused - being a little slang heavy and beating around the bush ( ) isn't helping me, here. so, help me out: 1) you're a guy, yes? 2) and you're saying, i think, that you get creative in your pubic area, yeah? 3) also, that shaving your armpits keeps you from sweating as much? let me know if i got the picture . my brother shaves his armpits so that he'll smell better, he says.
  22. i was watching the laker game the other day and fell asleep. is that sloppy mess we have going in this country called "basketball" a professional sport? it's just a bunch of lumbering oafs pushing each other around and behaving like drama queens, deciding to fall down every once and a while. and "wah, wah," why did they call this flagrant shove or smack and not this one? why is this a contact sport? and these people should never miss a goddamn foul shot. if they weren't spending all their time slam-dunking, trying to look cooler than everyone else so that they could get a hideous sneaker named after them, maybe they'd actually gain some shooting skills from the simple act of practicing real shots, like true athletes used to.
  23. yeah! i talk about that "old people driving" thing almost daily. there are a lot of old people around where i work, and they're mostly a menace on the road. i think that they should be retested every couple of years, and their licenses should be revoked if they don't pass. an old woman drove over a median in my work's parking lot once, and didn't even notice. another woman crunched into a column while she was parking so badly that a strip of her car fell off. she decided to pull out and find a different space, but hadn't noticed that she'd lost a piece of her car until i chased after her big ol' caddy, waving it in my hand.
  24. if you have an uncontrollable urge to eat junk/fattening food, a good way to avoid feeling guilty afterwards is to make sure to eat something that's really worth it. i.e. don't bother with that kit kat; wait for the tiramisu! i treated myself to some in-n-out today - yummmmmm. tune in tomorrow.
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