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Everything posted by weyes

  1. as i said, i came to find him attractive. we were together a while; i don't have sex (and participate in other various bedroom activities) with people i'm not hot for!!! i broke up with him because he was a liar and a jerk; those characteristics make someone very ugly indeed, no matter how pretty you are on the outside. if you say that "looks count the most in life and if u dont' agree with that your lien to your self," i proved you wrong.
  2. faretheewell. godspeed. excelsior. may water and soap fall upon thy armpits.
  3. i don't want to make this just a thread attacking shook, but i do wanna say that messageboards aren't solely reserved for 20-year-olds. clubplanet is for anyone who wants to post here; there's no age minimum or maximum. people post here who can't even get into clubs legally , and some here are in their mid-30s. diversity makes this site great, and one of the whole points of a messageboard is a certain degree of anonymity. anyway, about the original topic of this thread, i wasn't attracted to my last bf at first. i only went out with him because he seemed like such a gentleman when he asked me out, and that sweetness really appealed to me. even after our 1st date i still felt no spark, but i went out with him again 'cause i figured i'd at least gain a cool friend to go dancing with. it was then that i got attracted to him, because i learned that we had SO much in common, both in interests and in who we were. so, there you have it, attraction can come later. he turned out to be a liar and a jerk, but that's another story.
  4. will someone ever tell me if these posts are written in new york time (EST) or mine (PST)? did you post this at 11:21 your time or 2:21? jeez... i'd really like to know; this gets to me sometimes .
  5. don't make me kick your ass to the l.a. board .
  6. giant never has a dress code, totallytrance; where did you hear that they aren't allowing jeans? i could ask around further, too, but i haven't heard anything about that. i'm beyond stoked about pvd, but so far they still haven't announced a location and they're not promising anything longer than 3 hours from the man. what's up with that? i only saw him once, but he did a 9-hour set when i did. three hours would be more than disappointing - almost like just putting on an album at home .
  7. weyes

    LA Heads

    disneyhoo kicks ass !!! it's one of my goals in life to have my picture taken with every character in that place (except for that goddamn mouse, 'cause that bastard expects you to come to him; i don't think so, buddy - you'd best be walkin' around and greetin' the peeps, 'cause we came from miles around for your ass !) anycrap... the clubs close at 4, which is just ridiculous. i always stay till they kick me out. but, seriously - i'm just getting in the groove at about 3, so what's up with the "4" bit? i used to be a raver, and in nyc the clubs stay open late, too, so i'm used to the late hours. but, really, since those places were always still packed till closing (at nine or whatever), i don't see why it should be any other way.
  8. (weyes throws drink in your face and walks towards other end of the bar...)
  9. sunscreen, y'all, sunscreen .
  10. that's unbelievable! a real genius, as far as i'm concerned. the makeup world wasn't the same with him, and it won't be the same without him.
  11. why do people trivialize the word "peace" by using it in place of "goodbye" ? (i started a thread on that about a year ago.)
  12. a bunch of guys have asked me if i speak french while giving me the gross pick-up vibe. what's that about ? (i'm praying they weren't referring to kissing...)
  13. life is a freestyle event.
  14. weyes

    LA Heads

    i'm from nyc and currently live in downtown/chinatownish l.a. (meaning somewhere inbetween). i mostly go to giant and spundae, 'cause i pretty much mainly like the djs that they bring in and i like big clubs. i love roaming and people watching, and you can't really do that in small places. i hate lounges, too, because if the music's any good, i'd rather be dancing to it then sitting down. i've got a gripe, though: l.a. closes too goddamn early !
  15. a penny saved is a penny not spent on booze and loose women (seriously, dad!). tune in tomorrow.
  16. it is better to break a promise than keep it if you know that keeping it will eventually hurt the people involved - it is more dishonorable to hurt people than break your word.
  17. weyes

    LA Heads

    ah... i am coming to you straight from l.a.; i have just chosen to keep some mystery in my profile . well, shit - i suppose i just blew it. i look on all the boards now, though; we are, after all, a clubplanet .
  18. it's all good - i'm just glad i didn't miss it. but, when you do post it, could you please post a link on the other boards (not just new york), so that everyone can see it? (i was so glad to have been invited to vote through the l.a. board! )
  19. seriously, it really is a good idea to stand by the microwave and listen for the seconds between pops in your microwave popcorn. my carelessness led to a bag going up in flames. *cough cough* tune in tomorrow.
  20. also true . check your e-mail .
  21. did you ever finish the top 100? if so, i didn't see it. could you please post it again or pm me? sorry if i just missed the ball on this one! thanks, weyes
  22. go nutty often enough to keep yourself sane . tune in tomorrow.
  23. i don't like victoria's secret, either; their stuff does fall apart and isn't made very well - that's always been my experience. i've also never found a bra from them that was supportive enough for 36d, and that's not even that big, people! i'll stick with wolford ($45ish for a bra), and i like chantelle a whole lot, but they're a little pricey for me. i only have two from them.
  24. all right, i know it's dumb, but nobody ever gets it, and i figure the chicago cp people would be the only people i have access to who ever would, if anybody at all . 'k. so, if they're called deep dish, why don't they play chicago house?
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