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Everything posted by weyes

  1. allow yourself enough time to do everything you hope to accomplish for your given day and you'll sleep much better that night. tune in tomorrow.
  2. i can't believe i didn't put the link to the site up!!! www.26c.org well, i don't know, but it starts at 7 and goes till 7, and the capacity is only 2500. for something that's had presales for a month or so, i wouldn't think your chances'd be that great. that is, of course, unless i'm space girl's only fan. (there are other djs/whatevers there, too, like kazell, jon bishop, and e-sassin, but those are the only other people i've heard of. i'm also not from here, though, so i don't know the local rave djs very well.) well, see what you think, and post back up.
  3. always having something to look forward to can lead you to a happier state of mind overall. tune in tomorrow.
  4. ok, i know, total longshot here because i've been yammering about this goddamn party forever, but it is the clubplanet way to do things, you know. sort of like, "if you post a roll call, a meetup will happen." so, i thought that, maybe if i put the name of the party in the thread title, someone might see it who hadn't been reading my previous longass threads with the rave shit buried within. anyone going to this party besides me? huh, maybe ?
  5. i used to take this survey for fun: who do you think is hotter, salt or pepa? and people used to say, "spinderella."
  6. i take it you don't like being back on that side of the atlantic then, huh?
  7. sometimes it is best to keep quiet, even when you know you're right. tune in tomorrow.
  8. i will, i promise! i'll start its own thread and it'll probably be way too long for its own good!
  9. where did you grow up, puck? and, where are you now?
  10. some days, you just have to cry. tune in tomorrow.
  11. my dad refused to go to my college graduation because he "didn't like the state it was in," [california, and he's a new-yorker] and he forgot my birthday two years ago. i guess my point in this thread was that there has to be something positive mixed in with all the shit that they've dealt us or done to us.
  12. here's one: http://www.giantclub.com/may.htm i just got this computer, and have changed some settings around in an attempt to fix this, but i may have messed it up some more. i had seemed to fix it at one point, but then it all just got fucked up again. and i'm signed on through aol, but switch to ie when i get pissed off. a lot of the time, though, "server cannot be found" in general, so i have to disconnect and start again . this is all very frustrating. i wish i had dsl, so i could talk to tech support and deal with this at the same time. thanks for any help, guys!
  13. sometimes your mother is right. your dad, too. tune in tomorrow.
  14. for the all ages scene, it's really good, or at least, it was when i was younger. but when you're older, it's not so hot to party with 15-year olds, which is mostly who are at the parties. it's not to be snobby, but they don't know how to behave, and they mostly come for the drugs and to get sick all over the place. but i'm going to one this saturday, and perhaps it will prove these statements incorrect. i went to the "electric daisy carnival" last june, an annual massive thrown by insomniac, and it was pretty cool. that party draws in some good talent (dj dan, donald glaude, sandra collins...), and they have carnival rides, too. it's a 12-hour daytime party, just fun. but their annual "nocturnal wonderland" this past labor day was the last massive i decided i'd go to, or at least the last west coast one. two kids died, and one turned up dead after having been missing for a week. more shit was fucked up about that party, too, but it would take me way too long to tell the whole story. i'll be posting about how this saturday's rave went on this board, so stay tuned .
  15. i've been a little too hard on msbobois, though - i think she's gonna get a restraining order against me ... i really just get so excited about these things. more excited, i think, than any of my friends seem to, these days. i'm still as much of a little kid in a candy store about it as ever. i won't leave till it's over; it's not even something that crosses my mind. i guess most people outgrow that, and maybe i will, too, but i haven't yet. so when my dj comes to town, i jump up and down for a month - two weeks before the party and two weeks after. and space girl is a whole other story. shit, man, i'm reeling right now . if you want to recognize me at the party, i'll be the freak acting freaky .
  16. weyes

    moving to LA

    here's what i said to godfatherbam in his thread; he asked the same question: http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=98821
  17. i haven't looked at it yet, but there was a post recently that alex90028 put up that's a guide to l.a., he says. other than that, i'm pretty much a spundae and giant person. they're the two clubs here that draw in the big name talent, and you can find them at www.spundae.com and www.giantclub.com . if you like the smaller/loungey joints, though, i dunno.
  18. there's a baby album of my brother, 'cause he was the first child, but hardly any pictures of me, 'cause i was the second, and mom says she "had her hands full." but i know it's really 'cause she likes my brother better . in college, though, we were all too lazy to bring a camera around anywhere, so i have hardly any pics. and there is none of me; i was always the photographer.
  19. vicman - do you mean that you freeze oreos and then put them in milk or that you freeze oreos in milk? it seems to me that, if you were to put an oreo in the freezer, not much would happen. and malanee, the red vine thing is a west coast phenomenon. it is a study of mine that about 98% of east coasters prefer twizzlers to red vines, and west coast the reverse. i, being from the east coast, had only seen red vines at scary, cheap-ass truck stops, until i moved to the west coast and had a hard fucking time finding twizzlers. my mom used to send them to me when i went to college out here. and not having them as a snack option at the movies is wack.
  20. still having this problem . can anyone help?
  21. seriously, i generally read the threads in which shook is involved 'cause they tend to be so fuckin' hilarious. but i really don't intend to come down so hard on him, 'cause everybody else does, and i don't feel that i need to make it a "shook-sucks-a-thon." but i do have just a few things to say... messageboards are about anonymity, shook. i believe i've said that before. that's why we pick screennames. it's not about "taken the easy way out by just not showen who [we] are." if you want to make fun of people and be mean to them based on their looks, a messageboard is the wrong place to go. and just to be nit-picky, here, which are you - 5'10", 5'11", or 6'? for someone who seems very focused on looks, i would think you'd be certain of exactly how tall you are.
  22. i was gonna say, "teleportation." no contest! that way, i could see my friends and family anytime i wanted, travel for free all over the world, see djs wherever they were, sneak into almost everyplace... i wouldn't need to be invited to all the chi-chi events. i wouldn't need to buy tickets to or for anything; think of all the money i'd save! i'd be rich even if i stayed at the shitty job i have now! the possibilites are endless.
  23. take more pictures! a space in time where no pictures have been taken can become memories lost. tune in tomorrow.
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