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Everything posted by weyes

  1. holy shit, that post was long !!!
  2. late today - sorry, kids. don't be embarrassed to sleep with a stuffed animal as an adult; you know you've slept with worse . tune in tomorrow.
  3. well, i went into the evening prepared for a shitty time, so i wasn't pissed off when bullshit was going down. the whole situation was guaranteed to be somewhat disastrous, or, at the very least, disappointing, it was only a question of how much. there was a long-ass line when i got there. the gig started at 3, i got there @ 3:15 (would've gotten there earlier, if i hadn't been waiting for people i was to meet to call me back.). i waited on the back of that line for a bit and saw paul on his way into the back of the club close-up! then it occurred to me that my friends may have gotten there already, and i looked further up the line. i met up with them there. the big bullshit about which people were complaining at that point was that the presale people (like me) had to wait in one line to get their tickets, then wait in another to get in. yeah, shitty, but things were already at a ridiculous point when the night hadn't even started, so i just found myself laughing. and i was singing to myself, "...the words escape me, it's so real. but you're lovely, in the best way..." got in 10 minutes before pvd went on, at his promised time of 4:30. i went to the front for a little and took some pics, then decided i was getting way too hot for someone not dancing, and went back a ways to dance. i couldn't take the heat for long, though, and went outside, which was where i spent most of the rest of the evening, i think, but it was bright when i got out, so it couldn't've been that soon after pvd went on... it gets a little hazy. i hear, from my friend, however, that he played exactly three hours . anycrap, i sat down next to a turkish couple who were a delight (i crack myself up) and chatted with them till two new zealand guys sat in front of us. then we all talked, and we five were connecting back and forth all night. except that i was with one of the nzguys, whose name was tim , all night. he was so cute, but even better, such a sweetheart. and we got close on the dancefloor... he pecked me on the neck really quickly, wish it had been more than that, just thought things were going to be so sweet all night that i guess i took it for granted . i would say we kissed later, but really what happened was that he wanted to try my gum . yeah, i was saying that i'd been chewing the same piece all night and that it still didn't taste bad; he then said, "let's see" and moved in. but either he really wanted my gum - and wasn't just trying to kiss me - or he was a really bad kisser, so i slid over my gum. "you're right," he said, "it doesn't taste bad." and he passed it back. then we went on talking like before. at around 9 they wanted to go to another afterhours place. the turks followed us in their car, i went with the nzguys in theirs, leaving my car at pvd's joint. my guys started munching like there was no tomorrow (i think 3 or 4 each in a 4-hour span or so!!!), but they seemed really fucking "with-it". i, on the other hand, had started acting what felt like pretty-cracked-out, and tim seemed to be distancing himself from me. but everything was weird by that point - the afterhours place only had about 30 people left, all sketchy, the music was horrible, and it was 11:15. my men decided to leave and drive me back . tim and i exchanged #s, but i left with the feeling that he didn't like me that much anymore. the thing i'm telling myself to make myself feel better is that, maybe, he was just really fucked up and spaced out, with is altogether quite possible. so, i drove home, with that coy look of his in my mind, and his yummy accent, singing, "so lovely, in the best way..." VERY LONG STORY SHORT, bullshit event made good by the attendees; i can always make a bad night great by just going outside and talking to characters i meet . the club - giant - is gonna catch major hell for this one. at present, their board is conveniently down...
  4. wonder if you kids'll be there after all. i'm going, as it turns out. i'll look for you cats in the all-black diesel outfit and the zebra. i'm still scrambling for something to wear, myself ...
  5. sometimes it's good to take a risk, even if the odds are against you. that makes the times that the outcomes are good even more rewarding. tune in tomorrow (and i'll tell you how pvd went !).
  6. wow, that whole drama is unbelievable. now the gig's from 3-11, on father's day eve (although my dad's across the country, so it doesn't matter to me), and people be throwin' tantrums and whatnot. the bar won't open till six, when i imagine there'll be a stampede. i predict the whole event will be ugly, kids. so, who are the chumps who are going? i'm one . lord, have mercy on me.
  7. my roommate and i invented one in college called "the slalom." i imagine it was a lot alike in spirit!
  8. actually, for your INfo, they're mod trash, not yuppie trash. seriously . get it right.
  9. yeah, shroomy has something like 1250 and he's got his own little "special" name . wack.
  10. i guess i'll be talking in circles on this one; i was feeling pretty sad tonight, and i wanted my usual time to myself on the way home, on the freeway - that's where i get it. my car radio is broken, so i get my silence on my drive home every night. there's never any traffic when i go home, so it's 65mph whooshing. but sometimes i need to sing. sometimes it is to fill the silence, to keep me from thinking about things too much, but sometimes it's 'cause i'm feeling a certain way and want to sing about it, or just that i want to sing. but i couldn't go home my usual route tonight and had to drive down crowded streets, stopping at lights, listening to other people and their loud car radios. and i really don't feel free to sing all that loud when i'm stopped at traffic lights with my windows rolled down. and i got home feeling that i missed out on both my silent time and my release time, although they can both be releases, in different ways. wooo - time for me to go to bed. almost three and i'm not able to explain anything very clearly anymore... g'night.
  11. 'k . a good tomorrow to you! cool to catch you - surreal, almost ...
  12. drahma, drahma, it really sucks. giant put an ad in the la weekly on weds saying that it'd be from 9-4 in an outdoor venue, blah blah blah. then, on thurs, they changed it to an afterhours club that i know nothing about but that people i know say sucks. so, 3-11 is the time frame they got, with an afterhours permit. also drinks will only start being served at 6, so there's gonna be a stampede. it's not gonna be too good, i don't think, but a friend of mine may have an extra ticket. that's why i MAY go. but having it go late into father's day is pretty shitty. and since 9-4 was never disputed (the only thing chosen from the beginning), people are pitching fitsfitsfits. giant's giving refunds, but a lot of people were coming to town just for this, etc. 8 ball says: outlook, not so good. and, whoops! giant dropped the 8 ball.
  13. there was a dance in the sixties called the monkey, but i don't know about one that puts him in the shower. the original wasn't dirty or anything ...
  14. how late does buzz stay open? y'all in dc sure do loves ya some saeed and palash pretty bad, huh? i'm kinda trying to turn my clock around in case i go to pvd tomorrow; the club opens at 3am sat night/sun morning and goes till 11am. WHICH IS BULLSHIT, by the way. that's a whole other drama .
  15. what exactly is the difference between the cabbage patch and the butterchurner? 'cause the cabbage patch looks like you're churning butter. i've always been confused about that one. and please give me an explanation of the lawnmower! i've never heard of that one! it's my goal to learn every dance that has a name. my friend todd invented one that he called "let's go shopping". i then saw paul van dyk rip it off years later on the video that was included with out there and back. ah, pvd did slip down a rung in my ladder of adoration that day .
  16. tag, you're it! why you up so late, foo'? p.s. 1:50
  17. i didn't know you were an esl person; do tell !
  18. i just saw you and flipped out, too !!!
  19. well, it was the summer, so i was only one of a few things: 1. home and watching tv. very easy to just eat a whole lot of peanut butter and not really realize it. and every time i passed the kitchen, i'd dip a big ol' soup spoon into the jar. 2. running off somewhere to have a lot of fun and not have time to make anything to eat (pb&j). 3. wanting to eat something on the way (pb&j). and i was a teenager and was even more clueless in the kitchen than i am now. then there was the time that my friend kate and i made a whole lot of pb&j sandwiches and tried to give them to homeless people in the park, but most of them got angry at us and said that they didn't like peanut butter and jelly. after so many refusals, we ate them. but i never did anything else with peanut butter, from a chef's standpoint or a delinquent's (gmccookny! that's just wrong! save that for april fool's, not my favorite holiday !)!
  20. vic, joeygk's got nothing on my friends: their dog has a burberry coat. don't ask me. i did buy an expensive umbrella, though ($40), when i lived in nyc, and it lasted about ten full years - rain, snow, wind of someone who walks a helluva lot. i really got what i paid for. but i'd say that it probably lasted longer than one that's just sold for it's fahncy pattern. (but i know joeygk's half-kidding; really.)
  21. and i was thinking of you this morning (it gets so confusing, being in different time zones!) - friday, the 14th - so i posted it before i left for work .
  22. holy crap !!! where did you find that? that animation wasn't even good enough to warrant the time it must've taken to make it. whoever did it must've either had a lot of time on his/her hands or just been totally obsessed with the song. but i didn't remember that it had such a depressing ending! well, vic and gmccookny, i didn't really mean the sixties songs that our parents, who were of that generation, pounded into our heads, or the nursery rhymes. i meant the ones that we busied ourselves with: the clap games, the jump rope songs, the weird ones we made up (that usually involved things like worms or doody), and the ones that determined who was "it" in tag. maybe you boys (eeew!) wouldn't know the jump rope ones or the clap game ones as well as i do. here are some examples of what i mean: ---------------- miss mary mack, mack, mack all dressed in black, black, black with silver buttons, buttons, buttons all down her back, back, back she asked her mother, mother, mother for fifteen cents, cents, cents to see the elephants, elephants, elephants jump over the fence, fence, fence they jumped so high, high, high they reached the sky, sky, sky and they never came back, back, back till the fourth of ju-ly, ly, ly ***that one was a clap game, hence the unbearable repetition ------------------------- engine, engine, number nine going down the chicago line if the train goes off the track do you want your money back? [then you ask the person whose foot you land on if they do or not. if yes, then you count 3 feet over - Y-E-S - and that person's out. if no, it's 2 - N-O.] ***"it" picking -------------------- i've got more, but this post is long as it is ! i hope you guys have some i don't know .
  23. don't try to interpret other peoples' silences; it only leads to anxiety, sadness, and anger. it's virtually impossible to know why people haven't called you back, answered an e-mail, asked you for a second interview for a job, etc. maybe they're too busy, maybe they do hate you after all , or, hey, maybe they're in love with you and can't stand to hear your melodious voice. did you ever think of the third choice ? basically, the point of this post is, second-guessing does ya no good, so try not to do it. tune in tomorrow.
  24. 89 bottles of beer on the wall 89 bottles of beer on the wall, 89 bottles of beer, (i'm really just a klepto ), so it's:
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